It is exactly one month today until Christmas Day and if you haven’t already put up your Christmas tree and other festive season decor, I’m sure you will in the next week or so. I put our Christmas tree and decor up on Sunday and of course Oscar was right by my side, sniffing tinsel and stealing baubles just to make sure he approves of this years colour theme. I have always loved decorating our house with Christmas cheer, however Christmas decor can be dangerous for our furry loves and the festive season as a whole can be stressful for some of our pups, so here are some ways to Christmas proof your home and make the festive season enjoyable for your entire family…

oscar santa

paw Decorations: Christmas means tinsel, ribbons and lights all of which can be a hazard to your pooch! It’s not a bad idea to anchor your Christmas tree securely so your pup can’t push it over. Hang breakable, glass ornaments well out of reach. Cats absolutely love tinsel! Try and decorate your Christmas tree with the tinsel towards the top and woven tightly in between branches.

paw Festive plants: I love decorating our home with festive plants and flowers but unfortunately these plants are toxic to Oscar! Please keep poinsettias, holly, mistletoe and amaryllis out of reach!

paw Santa costumes: Although there is nothing cuter than dressing Oscar in a Santa Clause outfit, I have to be mindful of his comfort and tolerance level! Please make sure your pups festive outfits are loose fitting so they are able to walk, hear and breathe easily.

paw Gifts: Oscar absolutely loves opening his own Christmas presents but I have to be careful he doesn’t swallow any wrapping paper or ribbons too! He loves tearing paper apart and just making a fun mess for himself to play in. Be sure to watch your pup carefully around loose bits of wrapping and ribbons left on the floor as these can be a hazard if swallowed!

oscar present

paw Loud noises: Oscar gets spooked by his own shadow so Christmas crackers and fireworks are a big NO-NO in our home! Please be mindful of your pets when having fun with party poppers, popping champagne, Christmas crackers and balloons, all of these loud noises can send your furry love into a panic.

paw Fun: Remember Christmas time should be fun for your best friend too. Involve him wherever possible! Play a game with their new toys, take them for extra long walks and make time for special time with your pooch-a cuddle goes a long way.

oscar present2

Above all else, be safe and enjoy yourselves this festive season!

Thank you for reading.


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