Valentine’s Day. It’s a day you either love or hate. Some love to celebrate it and some don’t and that’s ok, thank goodness we’re all different. You can guess that I love to celebrate it!

Many argue that your love for someone shouldn’t have to be shown on one particular day of the year and while I agree with that, there is something different about sharing a meal, a coffee or a slab of chocolate with someone you love on 14 February. That someone doesn’t have to be a romantic love partner either. It can be your child, your furry loves, your best friend or a family member you treasure. There are so many people I wish I could share a slab of chocolate with on Valentine’s Day this year but as we all know, some things cannot happen right now.

With that being said, our little family will celebrate together. We will drink pink milkshakes, share cupcakes and eat spaghetti & meatballs lady and the tramp style 😉
This years valentines treats are not necessarily dog specific but if there is one thing that 2020 taught me, it’s that life is way to short to not eat cake. So this valentine’s day Zara will eat cupcakes and Gia will help make them…

Yes these cupcakes came out of a box, and who actually cares right. We still had to add the eggs, butter and milk hahaha! This is a local Zambian brand which I’m happy to report did not disappoint. They turned out perfectly, Gia devoured them while Zara I don’t think really tasted them as she swallowed the entire thing whole, paper and all-typical Zara! So thank you Meraki cakes for our yummy valentines cupcakes.

We hope you enjoy your valentine’s day however you decide to celebrate it, remember to hug your loved ones extra tight and give your furry loves an extra kiss at bedtime 😉
Thank you for reading