It’s winter here in Africa and although it might not be in the minus temperatures, for us this is freezing! No one enjoys winter in our house at all but I am starting to notice that Zara seems to be the one struggling with the colder days and nights the most.
As most of you know, Zara has tons of energy! On some days it seems to be a never ending supply. And while she absolutely loves nothing more than playing with her baby sis Gia, these days I have noticed she prefers getting out of bed a little later, curls up on the couch at any chance she gets or comes to sit on my lap whenever it’s available.

Gia has to call her to come and play, which is never usually the case. I’ve never had to make sure Zara is stimulated enough ever before but this cold spell has made me think of how I can keep her from becoming a total couch potato during these colder months.
I did some research and noticed a few trending games I could play with Zara, including baby sis Gia of course. None of these require too much space or equipment yet they’re all mentally stimulating and engaging. Sometimes a little mental stimulation is as good as an outing! So here are our favourite winter doggy boredom busters…
Hide the treat using cups
-3 cups
Simply place one treat under one of the cups. Slide them around and then tell your pup to find the treat. Oscar used to love this game and he was extremely good at it being a hound. This is a great one to play with both Zara and Gia. Zara has to find it before baby sis does. I do use a treat that both girls can enjoy, blueberries work well.

Hidden treats in a blanket
-a blanket or towel
Gia loves helping with this one and enjoys watching Zara find all the hidden treasures. Open up your towel or blanket and sprinkle your pups favourite treats all over. Then roll it up and tell your pup to find them. This is a play on a snuffle mat so you could use a snuffle mat if you have one. A blanket or towel is just something different to use to change things up for your pup.

Hide and Seek using treats
-space to hide the treats
Another great one to include Gia, she was able to choose all the hiding places but then had the challenge of not showing Zara where she had hidden all the treats, she had to learn that pup had to find them! This one needs a little more space, be it inside or outside. Simply hide some yummy treats in different spots and then let you pup find them. This one brings great excitement for us!

Nina Ottosson Brain Games
-Nina Ottosson interactive brain games
The Nina Ottosson range of interactive games are great! We have quite a few and Zara does enjoy them to a certain extent. She can’t get to the treats quick enough which forces her to get a little frustrated. I also can’t refill them quick enough which also causes her some frustration. These play sessions are always shorter but fun nonetheless.
Click here to purchase some from our Amazon store.

-space to train
-training treats
Zara loves learning new things, she always has. She was exceptionally good at puppy training and always the star pupil in her different classes. Zara listens and can perform many different tasks when I ask her to so I have decided she needs to pick these up again, recap and remind her that she can listen- haha! Plus learn something new. I haven’t decided what the new command or trick is going to be yet but I will be sure to share it on Instagram so keep a lookout Training practice is the perfect excuse to get your pup off the couch and learn something new while having fun and bonding!

I hope these winter doggy boredom busters brings you some winter fun and entertainment as much as they have for us!
Keep warm pals! We are trying to.
Follow us on Instagram to keep up with our daily shenanigans.
Thank you for reading

Hi Zara! These were awesome
your mum keeps your mind entertained
Thank you so much