Life with two puppies can be overwhelming, especially when they need mental stimulation and enrichment play non stop. Kiki and Zamba have constant access to toys and chews which they love but they need that extra puppy enrichment play everyday to keep their mischief in check.
Kiki and Zamba both have loads of energy. If they are not playing with each other, they are looking to me to give them the mental stimulation and puppy enrichment they crave, which is why I love Sniffari’s so much. Not only are they easy but they are a fantastic way for both Kiki and Zamba to get their sniffers and brains working!

Here are three easy ways Kiki and Zamba enjoy a Sniffari …
Hide and find treats
What you’ll need: your pups favourite treats and a space where you can hide them.
What to do: Simply hide loads of treats around your chosen space (in the garden, around the house or a specific room) and tell your pups to Find It. Let them follow the treat smells and one by one they find and enjoy their treats. We love playing this sniffari game in the garden and it is a great way to get your pups super engaged with their sniffers and it drains that puppy energy too, a win win in my eyes 😉

Shop some yummy treats to get those sniffers working…
Enrichment toys
We love the Nina Ottosson range of enrichment toys. There are so many to choose from and they range in difficulty. They are great quality and very easy to clean! We have a few and both Kiki and Zamba love them. Kiki gets right to the treats quite quickly, using her brain while Zamba can sniff the goodness but cannot reach it requiring him to use his brain a little more. Enrichment toys makes your pup use their brain and their sniffer. It’s that irresistible smell of their favourite treat that gets their brain working hard enough to figure out how to get to the treat.

Sniffari Outing
This one is pretty simple and requires nothing besides you and your pup going off for a walk together. Allow them to sniff anything and everything they want to along the way. So often when we walk our pups we don’t allow them to stop and sniff what they really want to sniff, we pull and call and push on with the walk in the hopes they get their sniffing cup filled and their energy cup drained a little. But allowing them to stop and sniff anything and everything uses their senses and their brains far more which means their overall happiness cup will be much fuller and therefore you have much more satisfied pups! Give it a try next time you head out, you might not cover much distance but your pup will love you for the extra sniff time.

Follow us on Instagram @stylish_paws and tag us in your Sniffari and puppy enrichment activities- we love seeing what our Insta pals get up to!!
Thank you for reading.