It’s almost Valentine’s Day and if you’re wanting to make some quick and easy Valentine’s Day treats for your pup then you’ve found the right recipes!
This is Kiki and Zamba’s first Valentine’s Day and they are finally old enough for me to start introducing some of my homemade treat recipes to them. Of course you know your pups best so if there is an ingredient that may not work for you then simply swap it out for something else! But most of all I hope your pups enjoy these quick and easy Valentine’s Day Dog Treats as much as Kiki and Zamba.
Happy baking 🙂
Two Ingredient Frozen Heart Lollies
1/2 cup beetroot puree – made by simply peeling and steaming the beets until cooked and soft then blend them into a puree.
1 cup of plain yoghurt (greek or natural whatever your preference is)
Simply mix the beetroot puree and yoghurt together in a bowl. Spoon the mixture into heart shaped lolly moulds and freeze them overnight. Once frozen your pup can enjoy!
Valentine’s Day Pup-Cakes
Ingredients for the pup-cake
1/2 cup beetroot puree – made by simply peeling and steaming the beets until cooked and soft then blend them into a puree.
1 cup flour of your choice (plain, oat or rice) I used plain!
1 egg
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 cup of water
Ingredients for the pup-cake icing
1/2 cup cream cheese or smooth cottage cheese
1/3 cup beetroot puree
Directions for the pup-cakes
Preheat your oven to 180 degrees. Mix all your pup-cake ingredients together in a mixing bowl and whisk until completely mixed in together. You can use a hand whisk or an electric beater. Once your batter is well mixed pour into a greased mini cupcake baking tray. Bake for +- 15 minutes or until cooked through and your cakes are fluffy. Remove from the oven and allow to cool down completely before icing them.
Directions for the pup-cakes icing
Using an electric beater, beat together the beetroot puree and cream cheese or cottage cheese until light and fluffy. Once your pup-cakes are cool you can ice them. Then let your pups enjoy!
We hope these two quick and easy Valentine’s Day dog treat recipes inspire you to make something yummy for your pups this Valentine’s Day. Don’t forget to tag us in your creations @stylish_paws on Instagram.
Thank you for reading