Category: Calendar

December Printable Calendar

Wow, here we are… Hello December! I feel like we got here really fast this year, but then again I think I say that every year- haha! Either way it’s December time, a time we absolutely love in our home. Summer is in full swing, we have Coco Puff our elf causing chaos and of course we cannot wait for Santa Paws to arrive.

We hope your 2022 has been filled with lots of love and memory creating… So here’s to more love and even more memory creating in 2023. Stay safe and happy holidays everyone!

December printable calendar

Download your December calendar here

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Hello September

September is probably one of my favourite months of the year simply because the days get warmer and flowers are blooming everywhere. Our family loves the warmer months and after our really cold winter, we are welcoming this spring with open arms 🙂

September is also Ollie’s Gotcha month so of course we will celebrate our little nosey cat!

September 2022 calendar

Download your September calendar here

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