I often find myself watching Oscar as he appears to be having the most awesome dream. Jowls twitching, nose sniffing and feet seemingly running. I find it hysterical to watch and often reach for my camera or phone to film my boy having the time of his life in dreamland. But the real question is, Does Oscar dream?
I’m happy to admit that Oscar doesn’t get the gold medal for being the most active boy on the block but he is the most happy-go-lucky soul I have ever met. Happy to snooze under my feet in the office, happy to fall asleep next to me while I watch my favourite t.v shows, happy to sun tan with me and of course he is happy to snuggle up in bed. I would say Oscar’s favourite pass time is sleeping. So let’s explore whether Oscar does dream or not…
The simple answer is yes. While we do not know for sure what our beloved pups dream about, studies have shown that they enter a state of deep sleep just like us humans do. It is during this deep sleeping period that Oscar has his various dreams. It is also said that smaller dogs will dream a lot more each night than larger dogs will. Puppies also dream more than adult dogs because they are processing the new information they learn each day.
Obviously I would love to ask Oscar what he dreamt about last night and have him answer me, but unfortunately that is not the case. We can only speculate that his dreams are similar to mine. Replaying the days events of chasing birds, eating his treats and barking at the clouds.
While your pups sudden growls and howls may be alarming, please do not wake him from his dream. Your pup needs deep uninterrupted sleep for healthy brain activity. Think about how you feel when you have suddenly been woken up from your dreams…
Waking your pooch from a deep, dreaming sleep may startle him and this could result in him lashing out. A startled pup needs a moment to assess his surroundings. So please let your pup sleep.
The positions our furry loves sleep in can tell us how comfortable and happy they are at that particular moment. Oscar has many sleeping positions, but here are a few of his favourites and what they mean.
Side sleeping: We call this one ‘sleeping like a human’ since Oscar always has his head on a pillow and is covered by his comfy duvet. This is said to be a very restful and comfortable sleeping position. It means Oscar is comfortable with his surroundings without the fear of threats.
Curled up like a ball: This is the most defensive position. Oscar will tuck his feet and tail tightly under himself and nudge his head close to his body too. It isn’t a very restful position and it can also mean he is cold and trying to keep himself warm.
Legs up: When Oscar sleeps in this position, it shows absolute relaxation and comfort. He doesn’t have a care in the world!
Curled side sleep: This is a favourite for many of our furry loves. Oscar will sleep on his tummy, slightly curled up and cosy. This is a comfortable position to for him to sleep in and it allows him to jump up quickly if need be.
It is important that your pooch has at least one super comfortable bed to sleep on. Yes, Oscar is very spoilt and has three of his own dedicated bed, plus he uses the couch and the outside furniture as his resting spots too. If you wouldn’t sleep on your pups bed then you shouldn’t expect him to either. Please make sure you provide him with something comfortable and clean.
You can browse the Stylish Paws online store for handmade beds click here.
Thank you for reading.