Category: Product Reviews

Gizzls CBD oil for Pets Product Review

Medicated CBD oil for pets, are you for it or not? I’ll tell you where I’m at…

When Gizzls contacted us, it was at a time that is most stressful for Zara… The silly season. December time for us is filled with chaos and fireworks. Yes fireworks! Christmas and New Year loses it’s appeal because Zara becomes hysterical to the point where she’s almost uncontrollable! I have tried various methods of calming remedies and each one so far has not worked so I thought let’s give CBD oil a try.


You could say that our bottle of Gizzls full spectrum CBD oil and medicated CBD treats came just in time! We started giving Zara her treats and oil drops the week before all the chaos was due to start! 

Gizzls is a company that produces medicated CBD products for your pets. They pride themselves in using only the best sourced plants. Making sure their full spectrum CBD oil is free of any herbicides, pesticides, GMO products, preservatives or any other additive. 

CBD oil treats

CBD oil has become an extremely popular way to help ease stress, anxiety, chronic conditions and help with pain management. I will be honest, I was on the fence about this way of medicating Zara, I’m not sure why. I just was! Fast forward a few weeks of continuous use and I’ll say that I am quite happy with the results… 

During the silly season of fireworks I will say Gizzls CBD oil and treats helped to a certain extent. Unfortunately nothing will take away the intense sound a firework delivers to our pets, however it did ‘take the edge off’. She seemed to calm easier than previous years. She settled in-between the couch pillows and us and actually drifted off to sleep while the bangs were sporadic- something she has not done in previous years. During the crazy hours of non stop bangs she was a tad hysterical, panting and pacing around, clawing around our bed and the couch. But as I said she was a lot easier to settle and she didn’t listen out for when the next bang was coming even though we all knew it was on its way- A positive step in mind. 

CBD oil for dogs

Another observation I’ve made is how confident Zara seems on her legs! After having two TPLO surgeries six months apart from one another, we relied on stronger medication to help with Zara’s pain and inflammation management. I can confirm Zara has not had an anti-inflammatory tablet in over a month!! She runs happier, tends to want to jump up on things and just seems confident while running around playing with her toys- Another positive step in my mind. 

CBD dog treats

Gizzls also said that their CBD oil was suitable for the three Amigos. I held off giving it to them until I saw how Zara responded to it. Two weeks ago Peaches fell ill very suddenly. Anyone with a bunny will know that when your bunny is not feeling well you need to act immediately or they can lose their life! After a stressful night I made the decision to start giving them their drop of CBD oil. I simply put one drop each on their pellets and make sure each bunny gets their CBD covered pellet. It’s hard to say at this moment if it’s making a noticeable difference but if it can help keep the Vet away and provide overall health then I’m all for it!

I’m not a CBD expert, we simply tried and tested Gizzls full spectrum CBD oil and treats. If you would like to know more about the science behind CBD oil then head on over to Gizzls website, they explain it perfectly.

CBD oil

All in all I would highly recommend switching to Gizzls full spectrum CBD oil as a way to safely medicate your pet. The oil can be tricky to administer so I simply place Zara’s three drops on one of her Gizzls hand baked treats and she scoffs it in one go! She doesn’t mind the taste of the oil at all and the Amigos don’t seem bothered by it either. 

Gizzls full spectrum CBD oil go hand in hand with their treats but also work on their own. Go ahead and place your order via the Gizzls website, it’s money well spent! 


Thank you Gizzls for keeping Zara and the Amigos healthy! 

Follow Gizzls on social media | Facebook | Instagram and shop all their products via their website.

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From The Barkery Product Review

When From The Barkery asked if they could send us a few goodies to make Zara feel better, I had no idea what we were about to receive! From The Barkery did not disappoint and made Zara forget that she was ever sick… 

Zara had been feeling a little under the weather when From The Barkery contacted us. We seem to think she has a little bit too much fun in the pool and as a result she feels quite sick the following days. 

the barkery dog treats

Fast forward a few weeks and let’s just say all those yummy treats have worked their magic!

We have never received such a big box filled with goodies before. Zara was in her element, and since unboxing is a family affair, of course baby Gia was there to help too. My mind was blown at the sheer generosity and thoughtfulness that went into this gift for Zara! 

the barkery blanket

In our box we received a beautiful blanket, which was an instant favourite for Zara! She couldn’t stop nuzzling it. Despite Zara having her own dedicated bed fit for a queen, she insists on sleeping on our bed so I decided to put her new From Barkery Blanket over our duvet and she absolutely loves it. At least I get to sleep with some of my own duvet now- haha! 

Zara also received a super sweet personalised collar! We all know Zara is a sassy diva so now she has the collar to prove it! 

personalised dog collar

The best part of our gift box was of course the unlimited supply of treats we received!! Zara was sent ten packets of beautifully handmade treats. Each packet is a different flavour, some of which I would like to try-haha!! 

From The Bakery has a very natural and holistic approach to their treats, each one is handmade using only the best ingredients sourced! There are zero artificial sweeteners, flavourings or preservatives in their treats and they only use unbleached flour. The other ingredients added are what you should find in every household fridge… Healthy fruit and veggies! 

the barkery

I would say Zara’s favourite are the blueberry and kale treats and I quite like the smell of the chamomile and honey treats. Zara has enjoyed tasting all the different flavours of the treats she received. Included in our treat stash were two packets of CBD/Hemp treats which Zara LOVES too. I’m all for treats that will help ease anxiety and in the long run help her hips, joints and legs. 

the barkery dog treats

All in all we would highly recommend From The Barkery and all their treats!! You can shop via their website or visit one of the many stockists listed on their website. Your pups will thank you and you won’t regret your purchase, only the fact that you didn’t buy enough 🙂 They also make cat and horse teats so there is something for everyone…

the barkery dog treats

THANK YOU to From The Barkery team for such a gorgeous and generous gift for Zara! 

the brakery

Be sure to follow From The Barkery on social media | Facebook | Instagram and visit their website.

There is a full video of us unboxing Zara’s beautiful gift on Instagram so be sure to watch!

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Product review: Eau De Pooch

As the name suggests, Eau De Pooch is a posh range of grooming products for your pooch. Everything about Eau De Pooch is posh, from the name to the packaging to the actual products. Eau De Pooch is simply fabulous darling…

When Eau De Pooch wanted our opinion in their products, of course we were super excited and couldn’t wait for them to arrive! I was extremely impressed and nicely surprised with their products. I love the black and gold look of the entire range. The smell of each product is strong yet subtle. 

We received one of each in the entire range – Zara sure is a lucky pooch! 

The moisturising nose and paw butter, The feminine perfume, The masculine perfume and The natural room and linen atomizer. 

I wish I could crack the secret to applying nose and paw butter and keeping Zara calm for long enough for it to soak in and work its magic. She allows me to apply it and is rather intrigued by it but that lasts all of three seconds then she’s up, slipping around the house looking for a surface to scrape it off. But I have been applying this one to her elbow callus’ and it’s working wonders.

The feminine perfume has a lovely scent. It’s perfect for in between bath days or when your pooch just needs a fresh scent sprayed on them. Made with coconut and avocado extracts which nourish and moisturise the skin and fur. I quite enjoy this scent on Zara.

I wish my boy Oscar was here to enjoy the masculine perfume because he would totally rock it! It’s strong and manly but not OTT! It’s perfect for a stud muffin like Oscar 😉 

The room and linen atomizer is my absolute fave! We can try as hard as we like, Zara simply will not sleep on her own bed for the entire night. She sleeps for a short while then sneakily jumps up and steals our bed and duvet… So I love the linen spray because I can spray it on our bed to keep it smelling beautiful and fresh! I know it’s meant for Zara’s bed, but hey our bed is Zara’s bed-haha!! 

All Eau De Pooch products are natural and made from plant based ingredients. They have been created out of love and pure passion for all things fabulous for our darling furry loves. To make you love Eau De Pooch even more, a percentage from each sale goes to two special animal charities close to the brands heart. HONEY’S GARDEN – MEDICAL ALERT DOGS SA: whose mission is to place quality service dogs with people within South Africa who are under privileged, fighting with disabilities or diseases, and veterans who have lost use of limbs or hearing.  They also help with animal rescue and educate the public regarding use of service dogs in public places. The other charity they love is TEARS Animal Rescue and their mission; to help animals in distress with medical assistance, humane education, rescue, rehabilitation and rehoming.

All in all we love Eau De Pooch products! They smell fabulous, they look fabulous and the are fabulous. 

You can follow Eau De Pooch on Facebook | Instagram as well as browse their website

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The Socksery Product Review

Everyone who follows us on Instagram knows exactly how much Zara LOVES socks! Socks are Zara’s most favourite thing to steal. She can sniff them out of the toughest hiding place. She’ll jump up on a table to reach them if she has to and she’s even figured out how to open the laundry basket to get what she wants. So when The Socksery Company asked us to review their personalised socks, of course we were excited, especially Zara! 

socksery socks

We got sent two pairs of personalized socks. One pair with Zara’s signature smile on and an extra special pair that I absolutely adore with our handsome boy Oscar on. I was extremely surprised at the quality of the socks. Both pairs are made really well, the printing of Oscar and Zara is excellent. The socks are thick and comfortable and perfect for snuggle days on the couch. They’re nice and long too so you can wear them over or under leggings or jeans with boots. No need to worry about your ankles getting cold here. 

socksery socks
socksery socks

Of course Zara wouldn’t wait to get them between her teeth and tease us with them! It became a game of catch me if you can if you want your socks back which is always fun. Zara is three years old now, but she is still very much a puppy. And we love that about her. We can chase her around the house with a sock in her mouth for ages. When she’s found her treasured sock and stolen it, she always comes to show us what she has in her mouth. As if to say “I’ll give you a sneak peak as to what’s in my mouth but you have to catch me if you want it back.” 

personalised socks

Taking the photos for The Socksery product review was also one of the funnest we have done. I of course had this perfect vision of myself, Zara and Hubby lying under the duvet with our feet poking out.. sounds wonderful. Zara had other ideas, but turns out we had tons of laughs and got some pretty funny images! Often the imperfect photos make the most perfect ones. 


If you would like a personalised pair of socks head on over to The Socksery website and place your order. It’s quick and easy! You can choose from a variety of colours, upload a photo of your adorable pet and let The Socksery do the rest. You’ll have your personalised socks delivered to you before your feet get cold. Christmas is around the corner and these socks make the perfect stocking filler! 

dogs and socks

Don’t forget to give them a follow on Instagram too and tag them in your sock posts 😉 

Thank you for reading 

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Acana Dog Food: Zara’s Flavour of the Month

Trying out the different Acana dog food flavours is Zara’s absolute best. With the different ingredients in each bag, it gives Zara the benefits of a wide variety of healthy ingredients. 

acana dog food

This month we tried out Acana Wild Prairie. This one is part if their regionals range which means the protein ingredients used is sourced from within the local region in Calgary. Acana Wild Prairie is loaded with goodness in the form of 70% meat which consists of free-run chicken, free run turkey, cage-free eggs, wild-caught walleye and wild-caught trout. No wander Zara want’s to eat it straight from the bag.

Zara is a wild pup! She loves having her wild half hours during the day and most often has a bit of a wild session before bed. We of course encourage this behaviour because it brings out the wild side of her personality. Anyone who follows us on Instagram will know these wild sessions all too well. She goes wild for her lizards in the garden and there is nothing better than a wild roll around in the grass after an afternoon swim to cool down. 

acana dog food

Zara goes wild for walks too! She loves nothing more than all of us going for a sunset walk around the block or to the field close to home. When walking alongside the road Zara is always on leash however she knows as soon as we approach our destination she cannot contain her wild excitement because then it’s off leash time. There is no greater way to get wild and dirty than when the leash comes off. 

Zara’s recall skills are extremely good. She never ventures far away from us and if she does, all we have to do is call her in a stern voice, she stops what she is doing and trots on over to us. If there is a person walking by that doesn’t want her to approach them we simply tell her ‘Zara no’ and she completely ignores them and her focus is on us. 

With Zara being a strong 53kg it was very important that I was able to control her with my voice. Zara is stronger than me and she knows it, however her listening skills are impeccable which leaves me confident enough to let her off leash in places. 

acana dog food

Zara’s wild sessions are particularly fascinating to baby Gia. The best is when Zara runs around with a squeaky toy, Gia giggles her heart out! Gia loves to watch Zara’s wild rolling sessions, her wild swimming sessions and even her off leash wild zooming sessions. 

With all these wild sessions that go on in Zara’s daily routine, its no wonder she’s ready for her next meal. With Acana dog food, Zara is kept in peak condition. Her daily activity keeps her active enough to enjoy a hearty meal twice a day and with ingredients as amazing as Acana’s my mind is at ease knowing she’s getting the best nutrition at each meal.

acana dog food

If you would like to find out more information on the entire Acana range, you can contact PackLeader South Africa on Facebook or Instagram or simply visit a reputable outlet. 

Don’t forget to tag Acana_SA and use #acanadog in your social media posts for a chance to get featured! 

Follow Zara’s wild life on Instagram too @stylish_paws

Thank you for reading

*this post may contain affiliate links

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Acana Dog Food- Zara’s Flavour of the Month

Zara’s Flavour of the month this month is Acana Adult Dog. When Zara finally moved on from her puppy food onto adult food, I was slightly sad at the thought of her growing up. I know puppy days cannot last forever no matter how much I wish. As a pup Zara guzzled her food, but as an adult I can proudly say she eats like a proper lady.

adult acana

Luckily for Zara, growing up meant we could switch her food up and offer her a variety of flavours that Acana has to offer. Acana Adult Dog offers the perfect balance of meat, fruits and vegetables because we all know that a well rounded diet is good for us! For Zara this is particularly important because she has had two TPLO surgeries within two years. Her recovery is on going so nutrition has never been more important to us. Acana Adult dog offers 60% meat which is made up of free run chicken and wild caught flounder and for added extra protein cage free eggs too. Fruits and veggies include fresh whole carrots, fresh kale, fresh spinach, fresh whole pumpkin and butternut, whole green peas, dried brown kelp, fresh whole cranberries and blueberries just to mention a few. No wonder Zara loves this flavour! I particularly love the fact that Acana is completely grain and gluten free. 

adult acana

Because of her surgeries and her leg issues we like to keep Zara more on the trim side, I believe Acana dog food helps us maintain this easily because it’s so full of proper nutritious ingredients that a little goes a long way! Zara’s coat is insanely shiny and she is constantly receiving complements on how clean and white her teeth are. I strongly believe it’s due to her fantastic nutrition! Proper nutrition starts from the inside and shines through.

adult acana

Zara has matured from a super cute, raucous pup into such a well composed adult rottweiler. I am always extremely proud when we take Zara out because not only is she beautiful to look at but her personality is larger than life itself. As a mature adult, Zara knows exactly what she wants and how to get it-I could say she learnt a thing or two from Oscar in the moaning to get attention department! Either way Zara is a beautiful girl and we are proud to feed her Acana. 

Acana offers a flavour for everyone so be sure to give them a try, your pooch will thank you later! Stay tuned for Zara’s next flavour of the month… 

adult acana

If you would like to find out more information on the entire Acana range, you can contact PackLeader South Africa on Facebook or Instagram or simply visit a reputable outlet. 

Don’t forget to tag Acana_SA and use #acanadog in your social media posts for a chance to get featured! 

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Petqwerks FLiPST!CK

Petqwerks is without a doubt our most favourite international doggy toy company around! Not only do they constantly spoil Zara with the most amazing surprises but their toys are always interactive and extremely innovative! 


I am always excited to test out their latest and greatest inventions. This time Zara and I were asked to review their latest interactive toy… The FLiPST!CK. Let’s just say I don’t know who has more fun with this toy, Zara or myself-haha! It is hugely entertaining for both of us and a serious workout for Zara. 

I particularly love the fact that the FLiPST!CK interactive toy is so different compared to any other toy Zara has. I also love the fact that it is slightly easier on her body compared to playing ball which can get quite rough. Because of her two TPLO surgeries I am always mindful when we play and never allow her to push herself too much. I rather pack the toy away and let her rest then bring it out later again for another play session. 

Petqwerks flipstick
Petqwerks FLiPST!CK

The FLiPST!CK allows Zara to literally go wild, but in a good, safe way! I love the fact that I have a lot of control over it and can bob it as hard or as soft as I like. I can keep it low to the ground so Zara doesn’t have to jump up all the time but I can throw a jump in here and there. I also cannot believe how strong the FLiPST!CK is. Zara weighs 53kg, and the FLiPST!CK sure measures up to her rottie strength. Any toy that can withstand Zara and her strength gets an extra bonus point in our ours eyes! She doesn’t quite understand why she can’t take the FLiPST!CK from me which makes playing with it more fun. 

Petqwerks FLiPST!CK
Petqwerks flipstick

We received our FLiPST!CK during our winter months so I cannot wait for the weather to warm up so we can play with the FLiPST!CK in the pool. The water is easier on Zara’s joints and will allow us to have a different kind of fun- I’ll keep you posted! 

Of course Petqwerks loves to spoil Zara A LOT so we also received TWO new chew bones! The Boar BarkBone in pork chop flavour plus the BarkBone STICK in peanut butter flavour. We’ve had a few BarkBones in the last couple of years and I will be completely honest in saying they are the best nylon chew toys around! Again they can withstand Zara’s intense chewing for hours on end. She loves nothing more than getting herself comfy and chewing. 


Since having baby Gia, I cannot always be there to entertain Zara. Gia is far too small right now for us to all play together so it is amazing for me to know Zara is relaxed, happy and entertained while gnawing on her favourite chews! 

Thank you Petqwerks for always making us feel so special and part of the Petqwerks family! We absolutely love testing out your new products and giving you our honest opinions. We look forward to some more fun and interesting toys… 


If you would like to spoil your pooch with fun and unique toys then Petqwerks is your place to shop! Visit their website and social media pages NOW! Don’t forget to use our DISCOUNT code “ILOVESTYLISHPAWS30” to get 30% off your order….



And don’t forget to tag them in your social media posts for a chance to be featured. 

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Acana Dog Food: Zara’s Flavour of the Month

Zara’s flavour of the month this month is Acana Yorkshire Pork which is another flavour within the Singles range. Acana Yorkshire pork is suitable for all life stages of your pooch and is loaded with fifty percent pure pork! What’s not to love…

Acana dog food

It’s no secret that Zara absolutely LOVES her food! In fact Zara lives for food. Most times I watch her eat and think to myself, did you actually taste that? I love how much Zara enjoys her food because it means I can use her food as a means of rewards for training and good behaviour. 

Zara gets fed twice a day, morning and night. When it comes to meal times she will do a back flip if you ask her to. Her excitement level goes through the roof when she sees me start preparing her meal each time. It was through this excitement that enabled me to teach her how to eat appropriately because for a good few months with us Zara guzzled her food in less than 30 seconds-yes we timed her! 

Acana dog food

To start off, I placed a big clean blanket on the floor and I would scatter her food all over the blanket. At first she panicked and vacuumed her pellets at the speed of light, but slowly she learnt that actually her pellets don’t have legs and will not go anywhere. Then I introduced an interactive food dispenser ball which meant she would have to work to get to her kibble. At first she got immensely frustrated and she would throw it all over the place, but she slowly learnt that by being gentle and slow she gets more kibble out. And finally I introduced her to a slow feeder bowl. Again she was seriously frustrated by the obstacles in the way of her gobbling her food, and slowly she learnt the technique. 

Fast forward almost three years and she eats like a true lady! She even pauses during bites and if I call her she happily stops to look at what I want or what I am asking her to do, this of course gets her extra treats! I am so proud of how far she has come with her eating habits. 

Acana dog food

Acana Singles range means each flavour is a single protein based food. Acana Yorkshire Pork forms the main base of this food along with other hugely nutritious ingredients such as garbanzo beans, whole green and yellow peas, red lentils, fresh pumpkin, dried brown kelp, whole blueberries, turmeric root, burdock root and milk thistle just to name a few. 

yorkshire pork
yorkshire pork

I love being able to change up Zara’s food and give her different flavours. Acana sure does have a variety to choose from so stay tuned for next months flavour!

If you would like to find out more information on the entire Acana range, you can contact PackLeader South Africa on Facebook or Instagram or simply visit a reputable outlet. 

Thank you for reading 

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Acana Dog Food: Zara’s Flavour of the Month

I have always been a firm believer in feeding Oscar the very best dog food I could find. I looked at it from my point of view, if I were him. I love good tasty food with a variety of ingredients so why should he be given anything different. 

Oscar was an extremely fussy eater, making meal times often stressful and unpleasant for us both. It wasn’t until much later in his life that finally an amazing kibble was being sold in South Africa. From the first scoop he was hooked which as you can imagine made my heart explode with happiness! It was then that I started doing loads of research into dog food and the ingredients used. 

Enter Zara, a food guzzler from day one! I could have given her anything and she would have gulped it down in less than thirty seconds, as she did when I gave her her first Acana meal at home. It was a no brainer to feed Zara Acana kibble from the beginning. I will be honest, I did not transition her as they say you should, simply because I didn’t agree with the food she was being fed in her previous home. I believed in the power of Acana and I knew she would be totally fine. And guess what, I was right! 

acana dog food

I don’t think Zara has a favourite flavour of Acana kibble, simply because she absolutely LOVES her food no matter what. So it is up to me to read the signs of her excitement and of course look out for any physical differences I see. 

Zara’s flavour of the month is the Acana Pacific Pilchard which falls under the Acana Singles range. This means it is a single-protein food and suitable for pups of any breed or age and it’s great for pups with food sensitivities. 

Acana is a grain free diet made up of biologically appropriate foods specifically for our beloved pooches. It’s packed with nutritional proteins and fats, plenty of vitamins and minerals that are essential in your pups overall health as well as important amino acids.

acana dog food

The Acana Pacific Pilchard ingredient list is pretty spectacular to say the least, it is made up of 50% wild caught pilchard, which is an easily digestible fish, green peas, red lentils, kale, spinach greens, butternut, cranberries and blueberries just to name a few! It’s hard to believe any pooch would turn their nose up at this food… 

If you would like to find out more information on the entire Acana range, you can contact PackLeader South Africa on Facebook or Instagram or simply visit a reputable outlet. 

acana dog food

Your pooch deserves the best!

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Oneplan Pet Insurance

For most of us our pets are our family. We celebrate their birthdays, we take them on holidays and we include them in every aspect of our daily lives. 

But when it comes to them getting sick and needing treatment, are you covered so you can offer them the very best care that is available? 

one plan pet insurance

Pet Insurance is a pretty new thing in South Africa. Back in 2003 when I got Oscar he was terribly ill and nearly died. For the first year of his life we were back and forth to the vet more times than I could count! Vet bills as you all know can quickly add up, and this is where pet insurance steps up to the plate. 

one plan pet insurance

At Oneplan Pet Insurance you can insure your household goods, your car, have your own medical scheme through them and include your pets insurance too! Oneplan Pet Insurance truly cares about the safety and wellbeing of your beloved pets. They understand just how much our pets mean to us, be it a dog, a cat or a bunny. They’re more than just an animal. The love is the same and the care they receive should be the same too. 

What exactly is Pet Insurance?

Pet insurance is like human medical insurance. It covers your pets for various accidents and illnesses that may need treatment, both in hospital or out of hospital. The reality of life is that accidents do happen. Hundreds of pets are run over by their pawrents accidentally and the vet bills involved in an accident like that can be tremendous. At Oneplan Pet Insurance they cover accidents like these for up to R50 000 depending on your chosen plan.

Why Is Pet Insurance Important?

Some of you may feel that pet insurance is a waste because your pet is fit and healthy. I am pretty sure you have medical insurance even though you are fit and healthy too? We all need to visit various doctors at some points in our lives, and our pets need the same. It is no secret that a simple vet consultation costs more than your standard human GP visit. At Oneplan Pet Insurance they cover four of these visits per year to the value of R1400 depending on your chosen plan. 

How Pet Insurance can save the day…

When we got Zara we never in our wildest dreams imagined she would have to have two major surgeries before the age of three! Everyone assumes Rottweilers are strong, fit and healthy dogs. Lets just say Zara should have been wrapped up in a cottonwool ball. There is nothing you can do to stop a cruciate ligament from tearing. Unfortunately it goes back to breeding and the bloodline of your pup. Another thing we learnt is when one goes there is an 80% chance the other one will too. Zara has had two TPLO knee surgeries in the span of twelve months, would pet insurance have helped, oh absolutely! 

one plan pet insurance

Don’t make the same mistake we did, get your pets covered today from as little as R142 per month and sleep easy knowing Oneplan Pet Insurance has you covered should your pets fall ill, injure themselves or be involved in an accident of some sort. 

Sign up online for One Plan’s Smart pet Insurance here | Oneplan Pet Insurance

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