Category: Zara

Puppy School: Our experience so far

On Sunday 7 May we enrolled our not so small puppy Zara into level one of puppy school. I am not sure who was more excited, us her pawrents, or her! The entire drive to school was filled with severe bouncing around and howls out the window as if to say “dad please can you drive faster so we can get there faster” haha!!

Our first attempt at puppy school was back in September 2016 when Zara was just 12 weeks old, but there was a sudden parvo outbreak within the area and being the neurotic pawrents that we are we pulled her straight out until she had completed her full course of puppy injections as advised by our vet. Fast forward to January. We were very hesitant to let our now big bundle of joy out the safely of our own garden. We slowly began with puppy socialising, and took Oscar with so he could have some fun too… Well, little did we know that when we walked into the social ring with our two gorgeous babies that all hell would break loose!! Oscar and Zara became gangsters of puppy school. The two of them ganged up on everyone. We were of course horrified! We tried this for quite a few weeks trying really hard to get them both to settle down and play with the other pups in the ring.

On one particular Sunday the teacher came to us and said perhaps we should try next week with just Zara, we of course said ok. We knew Oscar could be a grump at times but we could not believe Zara’s behaviour. The next week came and we took Zara alone… The difference was mind blowing! She was suddenly this happy go lucky pup who played with everyone! It turns out when she has her brother with her, she knows she is the biggest pup around and of course Oscar is her back up!!


The next step was to start level one of actual school and so on 8 May our training began… From the very first lesson Zara became the teachers pet, always stepping forward to volunteer how good she can be. The teacher was amazed and so were we at how quickly she learns what is being asked of her. Zara is extremely treat driven and will do a handstand for you if it means she gets a treat, which makes training her an absolute breeze. Of course training isn’t only one hour a week, I worked very hard practicing what we had learnt each week and by week four Zara was even surprising herself. We can successfully sit, down, paw, sit slightly on her back legs, stay, steal, circle and just be outright cute! Everyday we practice what we have learnt so far and Zara absolutely loves it.


I would most certainly recommend puppy school to any new puppy parent! Not only does your pup interact with other pups and people but the two of you get to connect on a different level together. You get to learn more about your pup and you get some extra quality time together. Our pups want to please us all day everyday and training is a wonderful way to connect on that level.

Here are some tips on choosing the perfect puppy school for you:

 Visit the school without your pup before hand. Observe the goings on and see how things take place. If you like it enough then take your pup for a visit and see how she reacts. Notice if she is afraid, happy or excited. Listen to your pup!! If she is not happy then move along. Training is all about her and she needs to be happy and comfortable in her training environment.

 Don’t be afraid to ask a million and two questions!

 Ask what their rules and regulations are. If you are not happy with any of them challenge them and ask why they implement that rule.

 Speak to the teachers, ask about their experience. Ask how long the school has been going.

 There are many different training methods out there, find one that suits you the best and find a school that uses it too. (Our puppy school uses clicker training and only positive reinforcement training)

Which ever puppy school you decide on make sure you are one hundred percent happy with everything! It is a fun and exciting time for your pup so have tons of fun with her. A well trained pup is a happy pup 🙂

Thank you for reading!

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Easter Fun…

Easter is one of my favourite holidays to celebrate, not only do Oscar and Zara become Valentine and Duchess-haha ;), but it means I can stuff my face with my favourite Easter eggs. This year Easter is slightly more special because it is my birthday too, so more chocolate for me-yes!

Those of you who follow my blog will know that we love dressing up and I love spoiling my four furry loves. I don’t always buy goodies for my furry loves because I absolutely love making homemade treats and toys for them, and this Easter will be no different.

We all know chocolate isn’t good for dogs-with good reason! So I have made a few treats for them using a safe alternative that will still make them feel like they are eating and sharing our yummy Easter treats.


Carob and peanut butter Easter cups


1/2 cup carob powder

1/2 cup coconut oil

Natural peanut butter


Mix together your carob powder and coconut oil until smooth. Carefully pour a little mixture into silicone moulds and set aside or put them in the fridge to harden. Then scoop a dollop of peanut butter in the middle of each carob mould. Then cover with more carob mixture until you can no longer see the peanut butter. Set aside or put them in the fridge to harden. Once set gently pop them out of your moulds and there you have cute doggy friendly Easter eggs.

Blueberry bones coated in Carob


1/2 cup fresh or frozen blueberries mashed to form a liquid or paste

1 cup flour

1 egg

1 tbs coconut oil

1 banana mashed

For the coating

1/2 cup carob powder

1/2 cup coconut oil


Mix together your blueberry paste, banana, egg and coconut oil. Then add the flour, it needs to form a workable dough consistency so if it is too wet add more flour, if it is too dry add a splash of water. Roll your dough out onto a floured surface and using bone shaped cookie cutters cut out the treats and place them onto a greased baking tray. Bake for +- 20 minutes or until cooked through.

For the coating, mix together the carob powder and the coconut oil until it’s a smooth dripping consistency. Once the baked treats have cooled down completely, dip them into the carob mix and then place them on a dripping tray to dry. And there you have it, your pups will go crazy for these! My two do 🙂

Valentine and Duchess get spoilt too and this Easter I have decided to grow some of their favourite herbs and veggies in pots. This honestly couldn’t be easier, all it takes a little bit of effort.

What you will need:

Packets of seeds (basil, parsley, coriander, carrots, lettuce)


Plant pots-medium size

Garden tools

What to do:

Simply fill each plant pot container with good quality planting soil, follow planting directions on the packet of each herb. Place them in a sunny area and make sure you water them each day. Within a week you will see your seedlings start to grow, this will give you motivation to carry on! As soon as the plant is big enough, I usually give Valentine and Duchess the entire pot to nibble on. They love it and when the juicy greens are done they like jump on the pot and scratch around in the soil and have a whole lot of fun.

A great way to have fun with all these treats is to have treasure hunts around the house and garden. Hide your doggy easter eggs and treats all over the place and get your pups to find them. You can do the same thing with your bunny herb pots, hide them and place them in different spots to where you would normally feed them. If your bunnies roam inside dot them in different rooms and watch them use their noses to find their treasure.

Have fun with your friends, family and furry loves this Easter, and above all stay safe.

Thank you for reading.

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Say Cheese…

I am by no means a professional photographer. In fact, I am such a newbie it’s frightening!
Watching Oscar grow-up and taking photographs of his every move, I have over 30 000 of him saved to my hard-drive-and no I am not exaggerating at all. Oscar came into my life thirteen years ago. There was no Facebook, Instagram or Snap Chat and my photography skills were less than desirable-haha!! Hence the reason I am a newbie with a new camera. But over the years photographing my soul mate growing up, our fun and lazy moments together has been amazing and I continue to capture those special moments of my baby boy.

Then we added baby Zara to our family. Who doesn’t love photographing a gorgeous fluffy puppy? Zara being Zara would pose only long enough for you to get one photo and then demand to do something fun like attack the camera. It took a lot of patience and care to get the cute puppy photos and moments I did capture. She is now eight months old and has had her fare share of thousands of photos taken. She is becoming more and more comfortable in front of the camera.

It’s all about getting that perfect photograph. But what is the perfect photograph? When photographing pets, you soon realise to accept any photo as the perfect one 😉 Of course there are pets out there that seem to listen and pose in any position with any prop for the camera… I have clearly not inherited those pets-haha! But I wouldn’t have it any other way, both Oscar and Zara make me work very hard to get a photograph I am happy with, a photo that’s worthy of sharing with the world.

So here are my top five tips for achieving the perfect photograph of your furry love…

Natural lighting.
It is always best to try and photograph your pup in daylight. There is no better flash than the sun. Wherever I choose to photograph Oscar or Zara, I always make sure it is a well lit area. Flash photography can often affect your desired look of a photo-and not in a good way. It can cause the dreaded ‘red eye’. White fur often looks washed out, and the flash can also scare your pet!

Add a prop or two.
Adding props incorporates so much fun to a photoshoot, especially with pets. It can be a chalkboard with a quirky quote, their favourite toy, funky hat, their cutest outfit, or simply their favourite bed. I love getting Oscar all dressed up for photoshoots. He on the other hand can think of a million other things he would rather be doing. Zara is new to the dressing up scene and she would rather attack the princess crown I would like her to wear-but it is a work in progress and we will get there.

Now this I find is particularly important!! Oscar refuses to work unless he receives a treat for his good efforts. Of course this is cute, but it also means I need a load of homemade treats on hand. Zara very quickly caught on that when she sees the camera, it means “do what mom asks and I get a treat”.
Here is a yummy recipe that will get your pups attention:

1 apple-grated
1 banana-mashed up
1 egg
1/2 cup oats
1 tsp cinnamon
2 cups flour

Pre-heat your oven to 180 degrees. Mix together your apple and banana then add the egg. Add the oats, flour and cinnamon and mix together until a dough forms. Roll your dough out onto a floured surface and use cookie cutters to cut into cute biscuits. Place them onto a greased baking tray and bake in the oven for +-20 minutes or until cooked through and slightly golden. Remove from the oven and place them on a cooling rack to cool. Store the treats in an air tight container.

Studio vs Outdoor setting.
This is obviously a personal choice, however I recommend both! Oscar has done several professional photography photoshoots in a studio as well as photoshoots outdoors. I honestly cannot say which photos I adore more because I believe every photograph of my baby is a wonderful one! Being in a studio is a bit more formal and adding props is a must! Being outdoors allows Oscar to be a little more relaxed and enjoy his surroundings. Zara has not had a professional studio photoshoot before and perhaps I should book one for us all, but her natural outdoor photos that I have taken are wonderful. I absolutely love looking back and seeing the crazy moments with her tongue hanging out, or her flying through the air because she runs so fast! It is often the natural non-posed photo’s that turn out the best.

Your subject-of course.
Of course you need your pooches! I always like to bath Oscar and Zara the night before a big photoshoot to make sure they are looking their best. For our little mini-photoshoots that happen almost daily I just like to give them a quick wipe down and a nice brush. This always makes them feel extra special, like they know I am about to take photos of them.

All in all, I believe you can never have too many photographs of your furry loves! Remember it takes time, patience and a lot of love to get a posed photo. Enjoy capturing those special moments, after all “no one ever takes a photograph of something they want to forget- anonymous”

Follow us on Instagram for daily crazy fun moments of us all @stylish_paws

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A brush a day keeps the dentist away

February is Pet Dental Health Month. But that doesn’t mean you only need to brush your pups teeth in February. It is so important for their overall health that you brush daily or at least three times a week. For those of you that follow my Instagram account, will notice that Zara loves to show off her pearly whites. I like to call them shark teef, because thats exactly what they are. They can destroy a new toy within minutes and puncture a ball in one session of fetch. But above all they are beautiful, strong, white, and almost-all-adult teeth.

Zara loves getting her teeth cleaned, mainly because she gets to eat something-or so she thinks. But just because she enjoys me brushing her teeth doesn’t mean it’s an easy task. I have to try and brush her teeth before she eats the toothpaste or crushes the toothbrush along with my finger in her excitement. Oscar on the other hand absolutely hates his teeth being brushed. When he sees me coming he runs and hides. Although he doesn’t enjoy teeth cleaning days it’s much easier to clean his teeth because he just sits dead still and doesn’t move a muscle. I then finish off with a mouth rinse, which Zara can’t get enough of and Oscar tries to spit out. My two completely different fur babies!!

Health benefits of regular brushing

Brushing your pups teeth on a regular basis will prevent diseases such as gum disease, plaque build up, heart disease and kidney disease. Sometimes the bacteria build up can he so bad in your pooches mouth the disease can enter their blood stream causing a multitude of health issues.

I personally love doggy breath, but it’s not for everyone so of course regular brushing will help keep your pups breath smelling fresh.

Other ways to keep their teeth clean

Treats and toys help keep your pups teeth in tip top condition too. Some will recommend raw hide chews but I strongly urge you NOT to give these to your pooch!!! There are so many other much safer options to choose from like Petstages Dogwood. These durable non-toxic sticks smell like real wood to keep your pups interest. Zara absolutely loves her Dogwood sticks and she sits for hours gnawing on them. Another great set of toys from Petsages are the Dental Chews. These chews are specifically designed to remove tartar from teeth, soothe gums, and generally keep your pup entertained. You can also make your own alternatives to rawhide chews which are fantastic!! I have written about this previously so just click here to read.

Warning signs

Just like in humans, a dogs breath can tell a lot about their over all health. No one knows the smell of your pup better than you do so if you notice a change in your pups breath or a change in behaviour take them to the vet so the issue can be investigated further. Don’t ignore it.

Prevention is better than cure, so a regular brush with specially formulated toothpaste and tooth brush will help keep your pups teeth in top condition. Click here to shop the range of pet dental health products.

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Zara gets spayed.

Today is the day that my baby girl gets spayed. She is six months old and ready for the procedure. This is the first time we have dropped Zara off and left her. The howls and cries were heartbreaking, to the point where I asked Dr Sally if I could please stay with her for the day. Obviously this is not in Zara’s best interests and it was better if Oscar and I go home and wait patiently while time passes slower than every before. I am a little lost without my bounding puppy. I am missing the chaos she brings into our home. I know that she is in extremely capable hands and everything will go just fine.

Oscar’s story

Oscar’s procedure wasn’t as easy as we had hoped it would be. He was five years old when we had him neutered. He began behaving badly when we went out for walks and he would mark his territory all over the house. We took him to a divine behaviourist who suggested neutering him along with some positive reinforcement training sessions. The day I dropped my boy off at the vet for his procedure was just as awful as dropping Zara off! Instead of howling, Oscar gave me his intense sad eyes and pushed his ears right back. With a lump in my throat I had to walk out and fetch him later that afternoon. I was reassured that everything will be fine.

Oscar is a very sensitive boy and he takes everything to heart. He was not a very happy boy when I fetched him later that afternoon. I took him straight home where I had made an extra comfy spot for him to doze off and sleep away his anaesthetic. During the night Oscar licked his stitches to the point where I had to rush him back to the vet first thing in the morning because he had developed an infection. He was put on a course of antibiotics and now he had to wear a cone! Of course I chose a cute one with yellow paws all over it but Oscar was NOT impressed!

Because my boy has such slobbery cheeks and constantly drools, his chin and neck skin was constantly damp, and we all know what loves warm damp environments… Mould!! Oscar’s fur turned lime green and began falling out. He had developed a skin infection. So it was back to the vet for another course of antibiotics and a topical cream and it was good bye cone! I had to watch him like a hawk to make sure he didn’t lick his stitches again and create another problem. Thankfully my efforts paid off and he recovered wonderfully.

Reasons to spay or neuter your pooch

Spaying and neutering your pets is so important. Not only does it prevent unwanted puppies, it also helps prevent a number of diseases and cancers including uterine infections, breast tumours, testicular cancer and prostate problems just to name a few.

It will also help with behavioural problems, although it is not the quick fix solution. You will still need to positively train your pup as we did with Oscar.

Neutering will also help your pup stay close to you and not wonder off to find himself a girlfriend! Oscar was a serious ladies man-and still is I might add. But with him being neutered I know that he will always come running home to me.

The myths

It is believed that spaying or neutering your furry love will cause them to put on weight… This is not true. A lack of exercise and too much food will cause your pup to gain weight. Be sure to keep your furry love active and healthy to avoid any weight problems.

As I have said already, neutering your pup is not a quick fix to his behaviour issues but It certainly helps with the training process. To change your pups behaviour requires time, patience and love. It took months of constant training for Oscar to realise that he isn’t the biggest dog in the park nor does he have to be the meanest, we still have to remind him at times!

Post op

Try to keep your pooch as calm and quiet as possible because you do not want her to rupture her stitches. It is also important that she doesn’t lick her stitches, she may need a cone. You will need to provide a comfy, quiet spot for her to rest and recover in. Your pup doesn’t need to bath while she is recovering, rather spot clean any messes with a warm damp cloth. And never wet her stitches or wound area, this needs to stay as dry as possible to avoid infections. Keep a close watch on her stitches and wound to make sure the healing process is on track.

Post op, Zara will need a lot of TLC! It is going to be a challenge keeping her calm because she is such a happy and excitable puppy who loves nothing more than playing fetch, bringing us various presents from sticks and leaves to her cute cuddly teddies. I have rearranged things so she has comfy spots all over the house and she can decide which one is the best for her to recover. All her bedding has been freshly washed to help prevent infections too. No doubt she will be starving when she arrives home so I have her food ready and waiting along with fresh water and of course some homemade treats are on the menu!

Spaying or neutering your furry love may be daunting but it is the responsible thing to do for both you and your pup!

Thank you for reading.

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Puppy Proofing.

When Zara waltzed into our home for the first time, we knew and she knew she was home. It only took her a few moments to cause absolute chaos and for us to realise just how un-puppy proof our home is! Oscar is such a chilled out man that we had become totally oblivious to the dangers that lurk in every room of our home. Zara was quite happy to point these out to us! Whenever she finds something ‘new’ she happily brings us her find with her head held high and her tail wagging, we of course jump up and kindly ask her to release her new find and replace it with one of her toys. I am so blessed to be based at home so I can keep an eye on her and distract her from causing damage to our furniture as well as herself. As of now-touch wood-she has not destroyed anything that has upset us. She tries her luck-obviously-but like the saying goes… a quiet puppy is a naughty puppy! Oscar on the other hand completely obliterated the garden sprinkler system-three times! I was living at home back then so you can imagine the parentals were not happy at all. Oscar also got ahold of a few pairs of shoes and some plants and trees he liked the taste of!

Zara loves opening our wardrobes and stealing slippers and shoes, but because I am around, and because she is always so proud of her new stolen items, she brings them to me before any damage has been done.


Here are a few tips on how to keep your home and your puppy safe:

Living room: My beautiful orchid nearly became Zara’s new toy. It was the perfect height for her to lick the leaves while pretending she wasn’t actually doing any harm… Needless to say it now has a new spot in the house, much higher up. It is a good idea to keep all tv and aircon remotes well out of reach as well as coffee table books, dvd’s, and any power cables tucked away. If you have a rug perhaps roll it up until the chewing puppy stage is over.

Kitchen: Zara is a little bit of a piggy when it comes to food so it is imperative that our pantry door is kept closed at all times! She will happily walk in sniff something out, and use whatever she can to get whatever it is she can smell. Keep all cleaning products in a high up cupboard just incase your puppy decides to nibble on a toxic bottle of bleach! Alternatively you can secure all your cupboard handles with elastic bands so she can’t open the door in the first place.


Bathroom: One of Zara’s proudest moments was when she managed to manoeuvre herself so she could get ahold of my razor. She brought this to me like it was the best thing she had ever found! While her whole being was extremely cute, I was completely horrified and gave her a full medical to check if she had any lacerations on her body or in her mouth-crisis avoided, all shampoo, conditioner, soap, razors, tooth brushes and hair accessories are kept well out of reach! Our bath towels are folded up a little higher so she doesn’t take them for a tour through the garden. We thought these items were safe but it’s amazing how puppies get into things! We also keep all toilet lids down, just incase she decides to go swimming…

Bedroom: Our lovely scatter pillows now get placed in a pile in the middle of the bed. Zara loves jumping up and pulling whatever she can off the bed and throw it around like it’s a toy. Luckily she still cannot fully jump onto the bed just yet, we may have a problem once she is big enough-hahaha. My handbag has been a near victim to her shark teeth too! Dirty clothes need to be put in the laundry basket and the lid securely shut. Wardrobe doors and drawers need to be securely shut at all times too. Anything that is laying around is a potential chew toy so make sure absolutely everything is packed away or high enough so your puppy cannot reach it.


Office/Study: All lap top and cell phone charging cables have to be kept high up! Zara is quite partial to wanting to nibble on plug points and cables. I also have loads of papers and of course doggy accessories which Zara thinks should all be hers! I have had to rearrange everything so that nothing is eye level. It is a good idea to keep a busy room out of bounds for a while, or sort it out before your puppy arrives to avoid any disasters. Baby gates are great at keeping your puppy out of certain areas.

Outside: I am constantly worrying what she manages to find outside. I cannot always control her natural instincts and she needs to be a dog and be left alone to explore. She often brings in half eaten sticks and stones. And she is forever nibbling on leaves and trees. I have written a previous blog about making your garden pet safe (click here to read), however it is still a worry if I have misidentified a plant or tree. If your puppy loves to chew plants, it is a good idea to get expert advice on exactly what is pet safe and what should be removed and replaced. Keep all swimming pool chemicals and plant pesticides securely locked away! If your puppy loves to chew plants perhaps use organic pesticides or none at all. It is important to teach your puppy how to swim, but until she is old enough try and keep her away from the pool area or be vigilant and supervise outside play time. Your puppy needs to be in a safe environment.


A good way to see what is in reach and what looks like a good thing to chew is to get down to their level and look around. If you were a puppy what would you want to play with…?


After all the puppy proofing is done, enjoy having a puppy bombard your house, bring you presents and completely take over. They are small for such a short period of time, every time I blink Zara has grown just a little more! I am loving spending every single moment with her, watching her learn and explore. Puppies truly are a wonderful gift!

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Meet Baby Zara

On Sunday 28 August 2016, baby Zara was welcomed into our home and into our lives! She was 9 weeks old and weighed a hefty 10 kilograms. Now, two weeks on, we cannot imagine life without this bundle of big personality yet gentle natured baby girl. She is absolutely gorgeous and we are besotted. Oscar on the other hand is not quite sure what to do with his baby sister. I have come to the conclusion that Oscar does not believe he is a dog but in fact a human!!! He watches her for hours play with her toys, she tries so hard to get him to join in but he just gives her a side eye as if to say “I am not one of you.” Of course it could be worse and they could be at each other’s throats, I am very thankful they are not. I guess with time Oscar will learn how to interact with Zara.

Oscar is not quite sure what to do with baby Zara...
Oscar is not quite sure what to do with baby Zara…

I can already see in the two weeks they have been together he has warmed up to her. They drink out the same water bowl and she slowly creeps onto the bottom corner of his bed at night. She even gives him a sneaky little lick on the bacon lips which he doesn’t mind, but of course I have to pretend I didn’t see a thing-haha!

We adore her!
We adore her!

In two weeks she has grown so much. She has put on 3 kilograms and outgrown her puppy pyjamas! You have to savour the puppy moments because before you know it they are gone. I am convinced after every nap she takes she wakes up bigger.

She is growing so quickly, no more puppy pyjamas!
She is growing so quickly, no more puppy pyjamas!

As soon as she is 12 weeks old she will be starting puppy school. We cannot wait for her to start, interact with some dogs her own age and learn a little discipline. I will be totally honest, she is super intelligent and she already knows her name, commands like sit, stay and slowly getting her to fetch the ball and bring it back. Puppy school will open her mind to learn new things and hopefully make some friends. Oscar will come along for some moral support and hopefully learn that he is in fact A DOG!

While having a puppy is the greatest privilege in the world, you have to be prepared and have everything she will need to ensure she settles in and is as comfortable as possible, here is a list of some goodies we got for Zara before her arrival-

Puppy food: It is extremely important that your new puppy is fed the right food, Zara is a Rottweiler so she needs a special formulated food to meet her specific growth needs. She is on a super premium brand which offers her absolutely everything she needs to grow up into a healthy adult. Always feed your furry loves the best possible food you can afford and please do some research, what may appear to be premium, may not always be!

Puppy bowls: We initially bought Zara a cute bone shaped bowl for her kibble and a cute water bowl to match, little did we know that our baby would be a food guzzler! She can eat one cup of her food in less than a minute… This is not healthy for her so we bought her a slow feed bowl. This is the best invention ever-I wish I had invented it!! She now eats more calmly and actually chews her kibble. Meal times are not such a feeding frenzy anymore.

A comfy bed: It was important for Zara to have her own bed and her own space. And it was also important that she had the same as Oscar! I can’t have favourites, they are both my babies and they both need to be spoilt. They both have a proper little bed, with pillows and a duvet and of course a teddy to cuddle up with. Zara tries to get into bed with Oscar every night and of course he is not keen on that idea just yet-I keep telling her to give him some time!

Toys: Puppies need toys, lots of toys! Luckily Oscar has two big baskets filled with various squeaky and fluffy toys which he only plays with occasionally. Zara did get some new toys of her own so she knew she was special too. Oscar has no issue with Zara playing with or demolishing his toys. I think he knows he will just get new ones-yes he is a spoilt brat, but I cannot help it 🙂

Zara has loads of teddies and toys she plays with.
Zara has loads of teddies and toys she plays with.

Love: Your new puppy will need tons of love and affection! There is no such thing as giving your puppy too much love. She needs to feel included and apart of your family. She is the one in a new environment and it is your job to make her feel welcome.

But most of all, enjoy having a puppy around. Enjoy the puppy breath. Enjoy the shark teeth biting your ankles as you walk. Because before you know it she will be all grown up…

Baby Zara the day we brought her home.
Baby Zara the day we brought her home.

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