Tag: calendar

August Calendar

Meet Zamba, making his debut for the August 2023 calendar.

If you follow us on Instagram you’ll know just how much mischief this little dude has gotten up to in the past four months of being with us. Nonetheless, here he is in all his little bear cuteness for the month of August.

August 2023

Download your August calendar here

Follow our daily chaos called life on Instagram @stylish_paws

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Hello September

September is probably one of my favourite months of the year simply because the days get warmer and flowers are blooming everywhere. Our family loves the warmer months and after our really cold winter, we are welcoming this spring with open arms 🙂

September is also Ollie’s Gotcha month so of course we will celebrate our little nosey cat!

September 2022 calendar

Download your September calendar here

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Hello August. August is another exciting month the year for us because it is Zara’s birthday month! She will be turning 4 on the 28th. On one hand it feels like Zara has been with us forever but on the other hand I can’t believe she is turning 4!

It will be the second birthday Zara gets to celebrate with her baby sis Gia. Last year August Gia was only 3 months old so I think Zara’s birthday celebrations this year will be filled with a whole lot more fun… I can’t wait!

August 2020 calendar

Download your August calendar here

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Hello May. Although it’s autumn going into winter for us, we are still enjoying some lovely hot days here in Africa. The grass is changing colour and the leaves are falling off our trees which makes pretty photos.

May is special month for us because it’s the month our baby girl was born. She’s about to turn one and we are all very excited, although our first birthday plans are not what we dreamed of, we will make our baby Gia’s day a special one!

may 202 calendar

Download your May calendar here

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