Hello October. As some of you welcome fall and all the cosiness that comes with it, we welcome summer and one of our hottest months of the year.

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everything pets + a tiny human
Hello October. As some of you welcome fall and all the cosiness that comes with it, we welcome summer and one of our hottest months of the year.
Download your October calendar here
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It’s winter and we all love a little extra to nibble on right. I have noticed Zara seems extra hungry lately and I have put it down to the colder temperatures.
Instead of just giving her extra treats to enjoy I wanted to give them meaning and make her work a little. So I went looking through her stash of goodies and these are her top five favourite toys she loves when stuffed with her favourite yummy extras.
The Kong is most famous of all the stuffers. It’s a favourite for most pups too. Zara loves a good old stuffed Kong! You can stuff pretty much anything inside, keep it fresh or freeze it. You decide!
My favourite stuffings for Zara are scrambled egg with grated cheese all layered up, yoghurt with fruit bits, mince meat cooked or raw just to name a few! There are LOADS of ideas.
The Nook and Snoop ball combo is still one of the most challenging interactive/treat dispensing balls Zara has ever had! I love them both to be honest. When they are together Zara finds it extremely challenging to get them apart. I have to make sure I fill the bigger Snoop ball with something Zara REALLY loves to give her enough enthusiasm to make sure she gets that little Nook ball out!! You can use them separately too which I sometimes do. The Snoop ball is a great one for whole treats or kibbles, but you can also stuff it with yoghurt or cottage cheese. Zara loves the Nook ball with peanut butter stuffed inside it. I highly recommend this combo!
The ultimate chew toys are from Petqwerks. They are the only chews that have managed to live up to Zara and her powerful jaws! These flavorit bones are the original ones and I would recommend the Barbone Flavorit bones if you have a strong chewer. These are great because you can spread peanut butter over the indents. Zara licks them for ages! We have a 30% discount code for you if you want to spoil your pups with awesome Petqwerks toys: visit www.petqwerks.com code: ILOVESTYLISHPAWS30
This little Bionic ball was Oscar’s and he loved it. The quality is great, it still looks like new after all these years! Oscar loved having his peanut butter smeared in this little ball. It has been passed down to Zara now and although it may be slightly small for her she still enjoys it. They do come in different sizes. It’s a great little ball to play with and to stuff! Smear peanut butter all around it or any other pet friendly spread. It’s a quick and easy one to do and still does the trick of entertaining.
The k9 Connectable toys are little gems. There is lots of nooks and crannies to hide things like blueberries or chopped up carrots etc. Choose what your pup loves to eat! I do try keep it mostly healthy but of course there are spoils with biltong and cheese hidden in these toys. They are a challenge to get apart but the challenge is worth the filling that’s waiting! There is also the choice of using the specifically designed k9 connectable treats which fit perfectly into the bone shaped indents.
Bonus Idea
For something completely different and completely edible for your pup, make a homemade kong.
De-core an apple and simply stuff it with peanut butter. Your pup can enjoy the entire thing! Zara loves these and I don’t give them to her often enough, that will change! You can opt to peel the apple if you have a fussy eater. Whatever works for you!
You can spoil your pups with any of these goodies available in our Amazon store 🙂
*Should you wish to spoil your furry loves with one or more of these goodies, we receive a small percentage of the commission (at no extra cost to you- It’s just Amazon being nice to us)
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Hello May. We love the month of May because it’s the month baby Gia was born! We will be celebrating her second birthday this year and while it is so exciting especially for her, I can’t help but wonder where has the time gone!
Happy May.
Download your May calendar here
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Hello February. February is the official month of love and with everything that is going on in our world right now, let’s show a little extra love to others. I know I will be hugging my babies a little extra this month…
Download your February calendar here
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Well here we are, a new year with new beginnings and new adventures that await! Happy New Year everyone, we hope your 2021 is filled with happiness and love and may you continue to stay safe.
Download your January 2021 calendar here
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Happy Birthday month to my little legend Oscar! He may no longer be with us on earth but not a day goes by that we do not think about him.
Each September since he passed I think of him a lot more and my heart hurts a little more.
Download your September calendar here
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Hello August. August is another exciting month the year for us because it is Zara’s birthday month! She will be turning 4 on the 28th. On one hand it feels like Zara has been with us forever but on the other hand I can’t believe she is turning 4!
It will be the second birthday Zara gets to celebrate with her baby sis Gia. Last year August Gia was only 3 months old so I think Zara’s birthday celebrations this year will be filled with a whole lot more fun… I can’t wait!
Download your August calendar here
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When I first posted about dogs and babies, a year ago, baby Gia was less than a month old and I was still in South Africa waiting for the doctors clearance that we were both able to fly. So much has happened in that year…
This topic also sparks a lot of interest from my amazing Instagram community. I cannot thank my followers enough for welcoming baby Gia the way that you have! You all LOVE seeing Zara and Gia together, you love to watch their bond grow, as do I! Gia has grown into a beautiful, kind and loving one year old and Zara is learning about life with a tiny almost walking human, but has embraced her role as big sis in ways we never imagined.
Our main goal with the girls has always been and always will be for them to respect each other. They both require their own space, time alone as well as family time. From the very beginning we have been teaching and showing both Zara and Gia how to interact in a respectful way. For example: Gia is not allowed to crawl or stand all over Zara in her attempt to get onto the couch. Zara is not allowed to push over, stand on Gia or steal Gia’s food from under her nose. Things happen, Gia is a one year old and Zara is an excitable 53kg Rottweiler! The girls are not perfect nor perfectly behaved all the time, it’s how we manage it and teach them what’s acceptable that’s important.
We got our fair share of ‘warnings’ when I was pregnant with Gia and we still get raised eyebrows when we mention we have a one year old and a Rottweiler. The judgement only makes us want to showcase the girls even more.
Here are some of the things we did when baby Gia arrived home and things we still do to make sure Zara feels very much included and part of her pack…
No area is off limits in our home. I got a lot of warnings and even read numerous articles that said pets should be kept out of the nursery. I’m not quite sure what keeping your pets out of your baby’s room would do… but it wasn’t going to happen in our home. Zara helped us prepare Gia’s room which was our way of showing her that change is coming. As a result of including Zara, she now leaves a toy in Gia’s room every night and it’s also her favourite place to take a nap.
The girls share toys. Yes Gia is at the age where everything goes into her mouth, as long as she can’t choke on it, I am totally fine with it. I think the world needs to worry about a lot more than dog germs. Both Zara and Gia have recently been dewormed so in my eyes it’s good for them to share toys. It teaches Gia important lessons, so important that Gia now puts her comfort rabbit toy in her mouth just like Zara would to transport it… Genius I tell you 😉
It’s no secret Zara lives for food! I always knew the starting solids stage with Gia would spark a lot of interest from Zara and it definitely did. Without a doubt meal times are Zara’s favourite! We’ve had to teach Zara that she can’t steal food from Gia’s bowl or out her hand. We have taught Zara the clues Gia gives to say ok you can have this now. Zara has been very patient and she knows that when Gia is done there is always something for her. Of course this doesn’t happen 100% of the time, just last week Zara decided to steal Gia’s entire meal. But it’s ok, not the end of the world. We are all still learning.
We have never stopped showing Zara how much we love and appreciate her. We might have a tiny human who demands so much time, energy and love but we include Zara in all of that too. Gia sees how much we kiss and hug Zara and it has become her favourite thing to do… Kiss Zara! We also allow Zara to kiss Gia, why wouldn’t we. Gia’s first kiss from Zara was the day after I arrived home with Gia. It was important that Zara knew it was ok to love and show love towards this new human that is now living in her space.
Respect is an important part of Zara and Gia’s relationship. They both need to respect each other and learn each others boundaries. I am extremely lucky to be a stay at home mom so I am always around making sure boundaries and limits are not crossed. Gia is only one year old and still has plenty to learn, so when I see Zara has had enough kisses from her baby sis I gently remove Gia from the situation and direct her attention towards another activity. In the same way when Zara is licking Gia’s face ferociously to welcome her home from our shopping trip, I divert Zara’s attention so Gia can catch her breath.
Both Zara and Gia are our girls. One I gave birth to and the other I didn’t but that doesn’t mean Zara cannot be a fully fledged member of our family. It is possible to keep your fur babies as part of your family when you welcome a human baby. I struggle to understand why some people find it so difficult. Some days are harder than others, being new parents is tough. There is nothing easy about raising a tiny human but I honestly couldn’t imagine doing this without Zara. She’s licked away plenty tears and endured hours of cuddling when we are too tired to run around and play. Zara has embraced her role as big sis and we couldn’t be prouder!
If you are pregnant or recently welcomed a newborn into your family and have fur babies too, I really hope this post has inspired you. It is ok to have pets and babies!
ps: The photos used in this post are 100% natural and unfiltered. They’re personal photos I wanted to share to give you a glimpse of how my girls interact on a real level. They’re not posed and beautifully edited. They’re beautiful moments simply captured on my iPhone 🙂
Thank you for reading.
Hello June… I am not sure how we got here so seemingly fast but, here we are in the sixth month of the year!
We’re all about snuggling under duvets drinking hot drinks watching all our besties on Instagram having some summer fun in the Northern Hemisphere.
Download your June calendar here.
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Hello May. Although it’s autumn going into winter for us, we are still enjoying some lovely hot days here in Africa. The grass is changing colour and the leaves are falling off our trees which makes pretty photos.
May is special month for us because it’s the month our baby girl was born. She’s about to turn one and we are all very excited, although our first birthday plans are not what we dreamed of, we will make our baby Gia’s day a special one!
Download your May calendar here
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