Happy Easter weekend everyone. I guess this Easter is a little different to what we all had planned… yes our travel plans got cancelled too but that doesn’t mean Easter has to be cancelled!

Whenever I think of Easter I only think of one thing… CHOCOLATE and lots of it! We are all well aware of the dangers that chocolate brings to our furry loves. I have done carob treats in the past for Oscar and Zara which were a hit but a bit messy to make and eat so I thought I would simplify things right down and make some yummy carrot treats for Zara, since the Easter bunny loves his carrots 😉

Zara’s Carrot Biscuits
2 steamed carrots, pureed
1 cup wholewheat flour
1 egg
1 tbs coconut oil
1tsp chia seeds
Preheat your oven to 180 degrees. Mix together your carrot puree, egg and coconut oil. Then add your chia seeds and flour and mix until a dough forms. You might need to add a splash of water if it’s too dry or extra flour if it’s too wet. Roll your dough out onto a floured surface and using cute Easter themed cookie cutters, cut out the treats. Place them onto a greased baking tray and bake for 20-30mins or until cooked and slightly golden in colour. Allow the treats to cool completely before icing them.
2 tbs cornstarch and 4 tbs water. Mix them together then use to decorate as you wish. You can add organic food colouring to make different colours.
Using traditional coloured icing sugar is also totally fine!

Zara is sharing Easter with her baby sis this year, and while I love finding recipes so both girls can enjoy the same treat, sometimes baby Gia needs something a little extra yummy because after all it is her first Easter!
So here is the recipe for baby Gia’s Easter treats…
Super Easy Shortbread Bunnies
1 cup butter
2 1/4 flour
1 cup icing sugar
2 tbs vanilla
Preheat your oven to 170 degrees. Cream together your butter and icing sugar until light and fluffy. Add your flour and mix, then add your vanilla. Mix until a dough forms. You may have to turn the mixture out onto a floured surface to combine. Once combined, roll out your dough and using Easter themed cookie cutters, cut your shortbread and place the shapes onto a greased baking tray. Bake for +-20 minutes or until biscuits are lightly golden. Remove and allow them to cool before decorating.
You can decorate your biscuits however you wish, using icing, buttercream, melted chocolate etc… My decorating skills need a little work-haha. Nonetheless, these Easter biscuits are a total hit amongst the humans in the house! And Zara is loving her Easter treats too… My heart is happy!
Happy Easter everyone. Stay safe and enjoy your quality time with family at home! If you decide to make these yummy Easter treats for yourself or your furry love, don’t forget to tag us in your pics… @stylish_paws
Thank you for reading