On 24 May 2017, our family suddenly changed. We lost our two beautiful bunnies. The heartache is unreal and I miss them beyond words! It’s a pain I don’t wish upon my worst enemy.

“Whoever said it’s just a bunny, has never loved a bunny” Valentine and Duchess meant the world to all of us.

I remember bringing these two fluff balls home and introducing them to Oscar. It was love at first sight from both sides. I never taught Oscar how to behave with them, he just knew. He knew to be gentle, he knew not to chase them. We would spend hours in the garden together just relaxing, watching Valentine and Duchess get more confident and explore different parts of the garden. Oscar would just lie there watching over them like the protective big brother. They would run around inside, binky up the passage and take cover under the bed for much needed naps. I very quickly learnt their personalities… Valentine was very shy, but he loved showing me how much he loved me by binkying all the time and enjoying my tickles. Duchess lived up to her name, she was ever so lady like in her ways. She ate like a lady, hopped like a lady, and slept like a lady. When she showed me a binky I knew my two fluffs couldn’t be happier. Zara was still getting used to the idea of these two fluff balls hopping around. She would just lie and stare at them through the window of their play room. They of course were not intimidated by her size and would pretty much just sniff her and hop on by.

The worst part of having fluffy family members is by far the day they leave you. Losing Valentine and Duchess was such a shock, it happened so quickly! Our vet tried absolutely everything she could to save them. For now I have left their play room exactly as it was the morning we rushed them to Dr Sally. They had the best time running through their tunnels, playing in their ball pit and relaxing in their castle. I will never be able to replace my Valentine and Duchess and I would never want to but I do know that I can give two more bunnies an amazing life, and I will when the time is right and I feel content enough with making that decision.

I have the most beautiful memories of Valentine and Duchess which I will treasure forever and ever. I have thousands of photo’s and videos which I have gone through over and over, laughing and crying at the same time. My heart is hurting and I know it’s ok for it to hurt but I am at peace knowing they are free and not in any pain.

Binky free my sweet loves. I will never stop loving you, ever!

Thank you for reading.


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