Tag: free calendar


August is probably one of Zara’s favourite months of the year… Not only is it her birthday month but it is also the month where our weather starts warming up, which means only one thing in Zara’s mind… SWIM TIME!!

We hope you enjoy your month of August just as much as we will.

Download your August calendar here

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Happy July everyone! This is the month where Oscar totally hibernates and pretends he is a bear, getting him out of bed to eat is a challenge. I love the snuggle days with him, it’s like our special quality time together!

Enjoy the July calendar

Download the July calendar here

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Hello April.

April, the month where us in the Southern Hemisphere get our first taste of that winter coolness. I love the summer months, so I always feel a tiny bit blah when Autumn comes around but April is my birthday month so how can I not love it 😉

This month features my gorgeous handsome man being well, gorgeous. Enjoy 🙂

Download your April calendar here

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