Snoozies is the ultimate in luxury sacks so when they asked us if they could send us a customised scatter cushion from their new range of course we were delighted.

Their awesome Sloth Sacks are what they are known for, gradually over the years they have grown their range and now have luxury sacks for dogs or cats and human babies too!
The latest product launched is their personalised scatter cushions. Of course Zara wanted a Snoozies scatter cushion with her face on it, she’s the famous one after all 😉 You don’t have to have a photo printed, you can choose your favourite leaf or floral design. Basically anything you want Snoozies will happily make it up for you.

We received our scatter cushion faster than I thought we would-which proves the excellent service they pride themselves on! Zara couldn’t wait to rip open the packet and see the beauty that is her own face on a scatter cushion.
Wow, what we received surpassed my expectations by a long way. Our scatter cushion from Snoozies is nothing short of beautiful. I am certainly not an expert when it comes to fabrics, but I do know the fabric used to make our scatter cushion is excellent quality. I am impressed with the zip used too, it is strong and sturdy and will definitely withhold a toddler constantly opening and closing it. While these details may not seem important to some, to me they are important because I want a scatter cushion like this to last for a long time. And this one will! It’s soft and almost velvety to touch and the print quality is excellent. It does help sending a proper high res image but the Snoozies team will let you know if your image submitted is ok to use.
Zara thinks she can use her scatter cushion as a head rest at night while she sleeps, I of course have other plans! This scatter cushion needs to be shown off and kept in a special place. I’m thinking in our bedroom on what used to be Gia’s feeding chair or perhaps the couch in the lounge. Either way this scatter cushion is very special to us.

Thank you to the Snoozies team for such a special gift! If you would like a scatter cushion just like ours then go ahead and contact Snoozies directly and submit your photo, you won’t regret it! And while you’re at it browse their collection of luxury Sloth Sacks.
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