Hello Spring! Spring is always a very welcome time of the year for us, because it means warmer days are on their way- and we cannot wait! Happy September everyone.
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everything pets + a tiny human
Hello Spring! Spring is always a very welcome time of the year for us, because it means warmer days are on their way- and we cannot wait! Happy September everyone.
Download your September calendar here
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Hello June, hello winter for us in the southern hemisphere. We’re not winter lovers over here – haha! So while we try and keep warm, we hope you have a fabulous month of June.
Download your June calendar here
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It’s Zamba’s first Gotcha Day and we couldn’t be more excited to celebrate our big baby bear in all his glory! In my biased opinion, there is nothing cuter than a Rottweiler puppy and wow Zamba was cute.
When we welcomed Zamba into our family a year ago today, we had recently lost our soul sister Zara. Zara was a Rottweiler too and she was the reason we knew we needed another needy Rottweiler in our lives. Zamba may have thought he had big paws to fill but it was important to us to let him know that he needed to just be himself and find his place within our family, which is of course was being needy but we wouldn’t change a thing!
When you look beyond Zamba’s big size and striking looks, you get to discover a giant teddy bear. A teddy bear that wants to kiss you for hours and run around the house squeaking one of his many many balls because balls are life!
So today we celebrate our bear Zamba.
Zamba’s LickiMat Birthday Treat
I am using the LickiMat brand for no other reason than it is what I had available to buy at the time of doing Zamba’s birthday prep! There are many amazing brands out there that offer similar things to fill and create birthday treats like the one I have prepared for Zamba.
To create a filled LickiMat (or a brand of your choice) simply choose what your pup loves to eat. For Zamba I have chosen:
Raw chicken mince
Raw beef mince
Double cream plain yoghurt
Cottage cheese
Carrot rounds
Raw watermelon cut into shapes
Collagen Paws
Doggy treats and sprinkle to top it all
Plus some pet friendly peanut butter
To assemble and create your fun filled treat bowl, simply layer all your ingredients how you wish. I made balls of chicken mince and beef mince, I spread the yoghurt around the edges, I filled gaps with cottage cheese, I decorated with the carrots and watermelon then topped it all with star shaped doggy treats and drizzled pet friendly peanut butter over everything. Then I put it in the freezer over night. You can choose to either freeze the treat bowl or give it to your pup fresh- it is up to you and your pup 🙂
Thank you for sharing in Zamba’s first Gotcha Day with us! The birthday fun will continue on Instagram so be sure to follow along over at @stylish_paws
Hello April! The month in which we celebrate our gorgeous boy Zamba’s first Gotcha Day so stay tuned!
Download your April Calendar here
Follow our daily chaos we call life on instagram @stylish_paws
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It’s almost Valentine’s Day and if you’re wanting to make some quick and easy Valentine’s Day treats for your pup then you’ve found the right recipes!
This is Kiki and Zamba’s first Valentine’s Day and they are finally old enough for me to start introducing some of my homemade treat recipes to them. Of course you know your pups best so if there is an ingredient that may not work for you then simply swap it out for something else! But most of all I hope your pups enjoy these quick and easy Valentine’s Day Dog Treats as much as Kiki and Zamba.
Happy baking 🙂
Two Ingredient Frozen Heart Lollies
1/2 cup beetroot puree – made by simply peeling and steaming the beets until cooked and soft then blend them into a puree.
1 cup of plain yoghurt (greek or natural whatever your preference is)
Simply mix the beetroot puree and yoghurt together in a bowl. Spoon the mixture into heart shaped lolly moulds and freeze them overnight. Once frozen your pup can enjoy!
Valentine’s Day Pup-Cakes
Ingredients for the pup-cake
1/2 cup beetroot puree – made by simply peeling and steaming the beets until cooked and soft then blend them into a puree.
1 cup flour of your choice (plain, oat or rice) I used plain!
1 egg
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 cup of water
Ingredients for the pup-cake icing
1/2 cup cream cheese or smooth cottage cheese
1/3 cup beetroot puree
Directions for the pup-cakes
Preheat your oven to 180 degrees. Mix all your pup-cake ingredients together in a mixing bowl and whisk until completely mixed in together. You can use a hand whisk or an electric beater. Once your batter is well mixed pour into a greased mini cupcake baking tray. Bake for +- 15 minutes or until cooked through and your cakes are fluffy. Remove from the oven and allow to cool down completely before icing them.
Directions for the pup-cakes icing
Using an electric beater, beat together the beetroot puree and cream cheese or cottage cheese until light and fluffy. Once your pup-cakes are cool you can ice them. Then let your pups enjoy!
We hope these two quick and easy Valentine’s Day dog treat recipes inspire you to make something yummy for your pups this Valentine’s Day. Don’t forget to tag us in your creations @stylish_paws on Instagram.
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Happy Halloween! While we don’t typically celebrate Halloween here in the middle of Africa, I still love an excuse to add a little extra celebration to our family. And of course our puppies are part of the family so creating a pup treat just for them was on the menu for Halloween this year!
Here is the recipe for my 1 ingredient frozen halloween dog treats…
Any orange vegetable that your doggo loves to eat. Pumpkin, orange sweet potato or cavorts work best.
Simply steam your chosen vegetable until it is nice and soft, then blend it up into a smooth puree.
If it is too thick add a little water. Then pour the puree into halloween themed moulds and freeze over night.
Save this recipe card
Follow our daily life on Instagram @stylish_paws and if you decide you make these delicious halloween treats for your pups tag us 🙂
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Hello September and hello spring for us. As we in the Southern Hemisphere begin our summer months, we are embracing the warmer days as we get ready to make some summer memories!
Download your September calendar here
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There is something very exciting about welcoming a new pup into your family and what’s even more exciting is shopping for special puppy must haves. Kiki was my inspiration for this list of puppy must haves, even though when we welcomed her into our family she received a lot of hand-me-downs from Zara which brought us happiness too. However now she is getting her own little personal collection of new items too. Happy shopping for your pupper 🙂
Marble pink ceramic bowls with wood stand
Velvet with rose gold clips harness
Velvet rose gold clasp collar & leash set
Vegan Leather dog collar & leash set
*please note that Stylish Paws is an Amazon Affiliate member. Should you decide to purchase one of the items mentioned above, I may receive a small percentage of the sale at no extra cost to you at all. Thank you for your support.
We hope you found some cute items to spoil your puppy or doggo with, remember to share your purchases and tag us on Instagram because we love to see our pals! @stylish_paws
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Meet Zamba, making his debut for the August 2023 calendar.
If you follow us on Instagram you’ll know just how much mischief this little dude has gotten up to in the past four months of being with us. Nonetheless, here he is in all his little bear cuteness for the month of August.
Download your August calendar here
Follow our daily chaos called life on Instagram @stylish_paws
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Shedding season is all year long with Zara! Between Zara, Ollie, Roo and myself I actually don’t know who sheds more hair- haha! But with the BobSweep Pet Hair Slam Robotic Vacuum Cleaner and Mop all that shedding is gone within minutes.
When BobSweep asked to work with us we jumped with joy and couldn’t wait to really put Bob the robo vacuum to the test. We’ve seen these robot vacuums all over social media and they look really funky but the question on everyones mind is … Do they actually work?
While we waited for Bob to arrive the excitement around him joining our family was real. Gia wasn’t quite sure what to expect but we kept her excitement about Bob at an all time high, so when he finally did arrive, oh we couldn’t contain ourselves!!
I can now answer everyones number one question… Does Bob really work? And my answer is a straight up YES! He works extremely well. Not only am I impressed by his mechanics but I am hugely impressed with how well he sweeps and mops the floors.
First things first, you need to plug Bob in and charge him up. He comes with his docking station that plugs into the wall. If you’re like us and have higher electricity voltage, you will need a special adapter plug. Once he is charged you turn him on and link him to the app you download. Once that is done it’s as easy as pushing the play button on the cleaning setting and off he goes!
Bob maps your house on his first clean, remembering where obstacles and objects are. His mapping can be seen on the app in real time! It is incredible to watch. We set him to sweep up first, collecting dog hairs and cat hairs because we have pets and along the way he collected and swept up some rice that Gia had dropped during dinner time and anything else he could find. Like I said, we really put Bob to the test!
Once the sweeping was done we changed his attachments to the water compartment, attached the mop cloth and set him off again. I was absolutely blown away with how the floors turned out! He takes his time and doesn’t rush making sure he does his job to the best of his ability. His battery life is also pretty great. He did our entire house sweeping and mopping and still had some battery life left. Once he is done he happily returns himself to his docking station. You can also stop his cleaning session at anytime and return him to his docking station.
Bob has no issues manoeuvring around pets- haha. Zara was most unimpressed by Bob and his antics and refused to move out his cleaning path. Luckily Bob doesn’t worry about things like this and happily worked his way around Zara!
You can also schedule Bob, meaning you can tell him when the best time is for him to clean your floors. Once he has mapped your house, you can decide which rooms you want him to clean and when. While he was mapping our house we closed a few doors to rooms we didn’t want him going in, you also need to be careful around stairs, you don’t want Bob injuring himself! We have set Bob up for our main areas of living but you can easily set him up for every room and bathroom if you wish.
Overall, I am hugely impressed with the BobSweep Pet Hair Slam Robotic Vacuum Cleaner and Mop!! If you are looking for a little help with keeping up with pet hair shedding then Bob is most definitely the thing you need.
For constant real time videos of Bob in action follow us on Instagram and don’t forget to share this blog post on Facebook and Pinterest 🙂
Follow BobSweep on Instagram and Facebook for product updates.
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