Month: August 2015

Get fit with your dog!

Spring Day is around the corner! A day where we notice the blossoms starting to bloom and the sun feels slightly warmer. Everyones mood suddenly changes too… Summer is on it’s way! Lets face it, exercising during the cold winter months is hard work and most of us would rather curl up under a blanket and snuggle with our furry loves.

With warmer days, we are more inclined to put on our running shoes and get fit- So why not do it with your best friend! Here are some ideas on how to get outdoors and get fit with your furry loves…

paw Take a jog – everyone loves a running partner and your furry love is perfect for the job. Ease into it and take care not to over do it for yourself or your pooch. No one went from couch potato to marathon runner over night! If you are not a keen runner, a brisk walk is just as good. If you live near a beach, even better. Taking your pooch for a walk will not only increase your mood, it will increase your pups mood too and he will be less likely to behave badly.



paw Join an agility training group – agility training is a great cardio workout for both you and your pup. It also increases your dogs coordination. You can train for competitions too, who knows you might just win that first prize!

paw Doga – It might sound strange, but the benefits of yoga are just as good for your furry love as they are for you. Teach your hound a few poses like ‘downward dog’, ‘upward dog’ and ‘double leg stretch’. This quiet time with your dog is great owner-pet bonding time.

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paw Take a swim – Swimming is a fun way to get fit, and swimming with your furry love is even better! Run, jump and dive with your pooch. Play fun water games like fetch and see who is the best doggy paddler. Swimming is especially beneficial for dogs suffering with arthritis. Taking a slow calm swim is just as beneficial for them.

paw Play some frisbee – Dogs love to play fetch and frisbee offers a fantastic workout at the same time. A quick game of frisbee in your garden after work will do wonders for your pooch and yourself. Get the kids to join in too. It’s a fun activity for the entire family.



paw Kick a ball – Which dog doesn’t love running after a ball? So playing a game of soccer is an obvious choice. It is another game the entire family can enjoy too. Please take care not to kick the ball too hard or directly at your dogs face and body!

paw Take a hike – If you have an athletic pooch, a hike is the perfect way to spend your Saturday or Sunday mornings. Dogs love to go out and find new smells and meet new animals while spending quality time with their owners. Be sure to protect yourself and your pooch against ticks and fleas and remember to pack plenty of water to drink.




paw The dog park – while this isn’t necessarily the best work out for you, your pooch LOVES a bit of off the leash madness! Provided your dog is well socialised, having a crazy run around with friends at the park is an awesome way for them to burn off that extra energy.





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Please be careful not to over do it with your pets. You know your dog, so look for signs of fatigue. Be careful not to exercise during the heat of the day. Early mornings or late afternoons are best. Always remember to offer your dog plenty of water during and after exercising. Just like us dogs can dehydrate and get heat exhaustion. Consider the age of your furry love too. Puppies shouldn’t be over exercised and older dogs will be slower in their activities. A visit to the vet is always recommended before you start an exercise program with your pets.

Most importantly, enjoy getting fit with your best pal!

Please share your comments and photos of you and your furry loves getting fit together šŸ™‚

Thank you for reading


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Well this is most definitely a first for our family! We are puppy sitting a super cute 12 week old Jack Russell puppy for two weeks. Oscar has been an only child for his entire 11 years of being with us. He only knows the house with himself getting all the love, affection and attention so this is a very new experience for him to deal with. I was unsure at how he would cope with sharing his most prized possessions – his toys, his bed, his couch, his space and most importantly his family. I was unsure at how meal times would go too. All I can say is that I am immensely proud at how well Oscar adjusted to having the temporary presence of Cali. He has played with her for hours, he even allows her to sneak onto the edge of his bed for a cuddle, he allows her to share his water bowl and steal a kibble or two at meal times. Of course he gives her a stern word when he has had enough of play time and needs a power nap to regain his strength to carry on with another marathon play session. However, despite all the cuteness and fun Oscar and Cali have had together, it has not been quite so easy for the humans of the house. Opening your house to a puppy when you have not had one for quite some time, can be challenging! She has had accidents in the house, wakes us up three times a night to go outside and constantly steals whatever she can find lying around.


So before you agree to puppy sit, here are a few tips on how to make the experience enjoyable for everyone involved.

paw Make sure you know exactly what you are getting yourself into. Suggest a sleep over a few weeks before.

paw Make sure your own dog and the visiting pup have their own space where they can escape each other and have a little time out.

paw You may want to get a baby gate to keep the puppy in a secluded area to play, or even use a play pen. This way your house remains in one piece and you have peace of mind knowing the puppy is safe and not getting up to mischief!

paw Make sure the puppy is fully vaccinated as well as tick and flea free. You don’t want her infecting your house or your pets.

paw If like us you have not had a puppy in your home for a while, you may want to puppy proof your home prior to her arrival.


paw Keep all cupboards closed and locked if possible. You can use rubber bands over the handles to secure them too.

paw Keep the pantry door closed at all times too. There are loads of potential hazardous items for a puppy- Yes Cali loves visiting ours and sniffing things out!

paw Keep your toilet seats down. A puppy can easily drown if she jumps up and falls in.

paw Don’t leave any cables, chargers, plugs or tv remotes lying around. I’m sure you won’t feel like rushing out to buy a new cell phone charger!

paw Don’t leave shoes, socks or clothes lying around the floor. They will either get ripped apart or become a comfy spot to take a nap.


paw Make sure all cleaning products, garden poisons and tools are locked away. You definitely don’t want to rush a puppy that is not yours to the vet!

paw Most importantly enjoy having the puppy in your home. Oscar has loved having someone to play with, but he will be very happy when he doesn’t have to share his home or his family with anyone šŸ™‚


Have you ever puppy sat for an extended period? How was the experience for you? Please share your stories by writing in the comments box below.

Thank you for reading.


















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