Month: November 2015

Christmas proof your home.

It is exactly one month today until Christmas Day and if you haven’t already put up your Christmas tree and other festive season decor, I’m sure you will in the next week or so. I put our Christmas tree and decor up on Sunday and of course Oscar was right by my side, sniffing tinsel and stealing baubles just to make sure he approves of this years colour theme. I have always loved decorating our house with Christmas cheer, however Christmas decor can be dangerous for our furry loves and the festive season as a whole can be stressful for some of our pups, so here are some ways to Christmas proof your home and make the festive season enjoyable for your entire family…

oscar santa

paw Decorations: Christmas means tinsel, ribbons and lights all of which can be a hazard to your pooch! It’s not a bad idea to anchor your Christmas tree securely so your pup can’t push it over. Hang breakable, glass ornaments well out of reach. Cats absolutely love tinsel! Try and decorate your Christmas tree with the tinsel towards the top and woven tightly in between branches.

paw Festive plants: I love decorating our home with festive plants and flowers but unfortunately these plants are toxic to Oscar! Please keep poinsettias, holly, mistletoe and amaryllis out of reach!

paw Santa costumes: Although there is nothing cuter than dressing Oscar in a Santa Clause outfit, I have to be mindful of his comfort and tolerance level! Please make sure your pups festive outfits are loose fitting so they are able to walk, hear and breathe easily.

paw Gifts: Oscar absolutely loves opening his own Christmas presents but I have to be careful he doesn’t swallow any wrapping paper or ribbons too! He loves tearing paper apart and just making a fun mess for himself to play in. Be sure to watch your pup carefully around loose bits of wrapping and ribbons left on the floor as these can be a hazard if swallowed!

oscar present

paw Loud noises: Oscar gets spooked by his own shadow so Christmas crackers and fireworks are a big NO-NO in our home! Please be mindful of your pets when having fun with party poppers, popping champagne, Christmas crackers and balloons, all of these loud noises can send your furry love into a panic.

paw Fun: Remember Christmas time should be fun for your best friend too. Involve him wherever possible! Play a game with their new toys, take them for extra long walks and make time for special time with your pooch-a cuddle goes a long way.

oscar present2

Above all else, be safe and enjoy yourselves this festive season!

Thank you for reading.


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Oscar’s Schnoz!

Who doesn’t love the feeling of a cold wet nose transferring all the love in the world to you?

Oscar is a cross Basset Hound and Bulldog-Yes a very cute mix 🙂 And Oscar definitely has the nose of a hound! It never stops working, even when he sleeps he lets me know that his nose is his most prized possession. He absolutely loves wondering through fields and sniffing new blades of grass, forgetting that he has ears. When I get home, his favourite thing to sniff for information is my handbag. His head goes right inside and he has a good old sniff, he will then decide if he needs to be annoyed with me for being with other animals or not. I often notice that Oscar’s nose will be wet one moment and dry the next. At some point during pet parenting we have all had that someone tell us “If your dogs nose is dry and warm then he is sick”. So I decided to do some sniffing of my own and find out exactly what Oscar’s schnoz goes through on a daily basis…

oscars face

paw A wet nose: Oscar’s nose is wet for a reason!

  • It secretes a lubricating mucus that allows him to pick up and identify different scents.
  • Oscar’s nose is everywhere, constantly sniffing away, eating and drinking which causes him to lick his nose too. This keeps it clean, cool and wet.

paw A dry nose:

There are many reasons influencing Oscar’s dry nose.

  • When he wakes up from a nap, his nose is often warm and dry-which is normal and ok.
  • Oscar loves sun bathing. This will cause his nose to become dry too. I often spray some sun cream on his nose when he is in the sun to prevent his schnoz from becoming dry, burnt and cracked.
  • Does your pup love sitting by a warm heater or fire during the winter months? Oscar does, and this will also influence his dry nose.
  • During hot summer days I make sure Oscar has access to fresh cold water at all times, dehydration will result in your pups nose being dry too.


oscar nose

paw Just some facts: 

  • Us humans inhale and exhale through our nostrils, your pup however inhales through his nostrils but exhales through the slits on the side of his nose.
  • Each dog on the planet has his own unique nose print, just like our finger prints.
  • Your pooch can really smell your fear! Fear automatically raises your heart rate, which releases chemicals in your body that dogs can tune into. He can also smell your anxiety and sadness-so there is no fooling your best friend!
  • Dogs sniff each others bums to gather important information, if they are a boy or a girl, if they are friendly or if they have met before. They also pass on messages via urine. The dog park is kind of like a newspaper for our pooches-I wonder what Oscar is telling the other dogs when he pee’s on every single tree he passes 🙂

oscar sniff

So there you have it, it is safe to say that when your pup has a dry nose it doesn’t necessarily mean he is sick. Rather look out for other visible signs of illness such as lack of appetite, lethargy, vomiting etc…

Enjoy those cold wet nose kisses-I do!

Here are some cute wall art vinyls for your home. Click on the link below the images to place your order.

my windows


never underestimate

Click here to order your wall vinyls

Thank you for reading.




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DIY: Dog Grooming

Oscar has never been to a doggy salon. I don’t know who would experience more anxiety-him or myself! But that doesn’t mean he is not groomed at home. Oscar gets attended to on a daily basis, whether it’s a simple brush of his coat, teeth cleaning or ear cleaning. I wouldn’t say Oscar loves his scheduled bath days, but he does love the feeling of being clean and of course he gets extra kisses and cuddles when he is soft and smelling like vanilla and sweet pea. I take huge pride in the fact that Oscar is so well home groomed.

How often should your furry love get bathed? I believe it is a personal choice. Sure, it is not good for your pup to get bathed daily. They have natural skin oils just like we do and if you bath them too often you strip away those oils. I bath Oscar once a week-depending on his weekend activities. If he decides to go rolling in sand and is filthy from head to toe, he definitely gets bathed. Other times he goes two or three weeks without needing a bath.

So here are some DIY grooming tips for you and your furry love…


paw Brushing: I believe it’s a good idea to brush your pup daily. This allows you to check for ticks and fleas or lumps and bumps that should not be there and it’s also a little bonding session for the two of you. If you have a long haired dog, daily brushing or combing will help get knots and tangles out. Daily brushing also helps with hair shedding.

paw Getting Wet: Always use the best quality dog shampoo and conditioner you can afford and buy ones that suit your pooches fur (curly, long, short, dry etc). Please do not use human shampoo’s on your pup! Always rinse the product off your pups fur thoroughly. Be careful not to scold your pup either. A lukewarm bath or shower is best for your pooch.

This was Oscar’s first bath!

oscarpuppaw Drying:

Oscar hates the hair dryer, and for him getting towel dried is a bit of a game. If your pup doesn’t mind the hair dryer be careful not to burn him. Always set it on the coolest setting. Plan your pups bath times. Don’t bath him at night if he does not enjoy being blow dried. You do not want him sleeping with wet fur all night. Instead plan a mid-day bath where you can run around and have fun while he gets dry.


paw Teeth: Oscar doesn’t enjoy getting his teeth brushed, even after 12 years! But I insist of course. Use a properly designed toothbrush for your pooch and use special pet toothpaste. NEVER use human toothpaste! Brushing your pups teeth helps you to check for any changes in his gums too.

paw Ears: I never let water get into Oscar’s ears while bathing him. I am very careful around his face. I do use a cotton bud to clean the visible gunk that accumulates in his ears. I never go deep into his ear! Oscar has long Basset Hound ears which are usually prone to ear infections. I believe that as a result of my careful ear cleaning he has never had an ear infection in his life. He has had his ears syringed a few times at his vet which clean the entire ear our properly. Speak to your vet about getting your pups ears cleaned.

paw Nails: Oscar is pretty patient and lets me do just about anything to him-except cut his nails! This is his vets job! For some reason Oscar absolutely hates this part of his grooming schedule and it’s a rather traumatic experience for both of us. Luckily he only needs his nails cut ever three months. If you are lucky enough to cut your pooches nails, please be careful not to cut them too short and cut into the quick. Not only will you get blood everywhere, it will be painful for your pup. If you are unsure, I recommend going to your vet or doggy salon for this one.

paw In-between: When Oscar is in-between his baths, I usually rub him down with doggy wet wipes and spray him with doggy perfume. This keeps him smelling and looking fresh without having to bath him. Always remember to apply a good quality tick and flea repellent to your furry love! They are on the market for a reason so please use them.


Grooming your pooch is bonding time for the two of you so have fun with it.

Thank you for reading.


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