When Zara waltzed into our home for the first time, we knew and she knew she was home. It only took her a few moments to cause absolute chaos and for us to realise just how un-puppy proof our home is! Oscar is such a chilled out man that we had become totally oblivious to the dangers that lurk in every room of our home. Zara was quite happy to point these out to us! Whenever she finds something ‘new’ she happily brings us her find with her head held high and her tail wagging, we of course jump up and kindly ask her to release her new find and replace it with one of her toys. I am so blessed to be based at home so I can keep an eye on her and distract her from causing damage to our furniture as well as herself. As of now-touch wood-she has not destroyed anything that has upset us. She tries her luck-obviously-but like the saying goes… a quiet puppy is a naughty puppy! Oscar on the other hand completely obliterated the garden sprinkler system-three times! I was living at home back then so you can imagine the parentals were not happy at all. Oscar also got ahold of a few pairs of shoes and some plants and trees he liked the taste of!
Zara loves opening our wardrobes and stealing slippers and shoes, but because I am around, and because she is always so proud of her new stolen items, she brings them to me before any damage has been done.
Here are a few tips on how to keep your home and your puppy safe:
Living room: My beautiful orchid nearly became Zara’s new toy. It was the perfect height for her to lick the leaves while pretending she wasn’t actually doing any harm… Needless to say it now has a new spot in the house, much higher up. It is a good idea to keep all tv and aircon remotes well out of reach as well as coffee table books, dvd’s, and any power cables tucked away. If you have a rug perhaps roll it up until the chewing puppy stage is over.
Kitchen: Zara is a little bit of a piggy when it comes to food so it is imperative that our pantry door is kept closed at all times! She will happily walk in sniff something out, and use whatever she can to get whatever it is she can smell. Keep all cleaning products in a high up cupboard just incase your puppy decides to nibble on a toxic bottle of bleach! Alternatively you can secure all your cupboard handles with elastic bands so she can’t open the door in the first place.
Bathroom: One of Zara’s proudest moments was when she managed to manoeuvre herself so she could get ahold of my razor. She brought this to me like it was the best thing she had ever found! While her whole being was extremely cute, I was completely horrified and gave her a full medical to check if she had any lacerations on her body or in her mouth-crisis avoided, all shampoo, conditioner, soap, razors, tooth brushes and hair accessories are kept well out of reach! Our bath towels are folded up a little higher so she doesn’t take them for a tour through the garden. We thought these items were safe but it’s amazing how puppies get into things! We also keep all toilet lids down, just incase she decides to go swimming…
Bedroom: Our lovely scatter pillows now get placed in a pile in the middle of the bed. Zara loves jumping up and pulling whatever she can off the bed and throw it around like it’s a toy. Luckily she still cannot fully jump onto the bed just yet, we may have a problem once she is big enough-hahaha. My handbag has been a near victim to her shark teeth too! Dirty clothes need to be put in the laundry basket and the lid securely shut. Wardrobe doors and drawers need to be securely shut at all times too. Anything that is laying around is a potential chew toy so make sure absolutely everything is packed away or high enough so your puppy cannot reach it.
Office/Study: All lap top and cell phone charging cables have to be kept high up! Zara is quite partial to wanting to nibble on plug points and cables. I also have loads of papers and of course doggy accessories which Zara thinks should all be hers! I have had to rearrange everything so that nothing is eye level. It is a good idea to keep a busy room out of bounds for a while, or sort it out before your puppy arrives to avoid any disasters. Baby gates are great at keeping your puppy out of certain areas.
Outside: I am constantly worrying what she manages to find outside. I cannot always control her natural instincts and she needs to be a dog and be left alone to explore. She often brings in half eaten sticks and stones. And she is forever nibbling on leaves and trees. I have written a previous blog about making your garden pet safe (click here to read), however it is still a worry if I have misidentified a plant or tree. If your puppy loves to chew plants, it is a good idea to get expert advice on exactly what is pet safe and what should be removed and replaced. Keep all swimming pool chemicals and plant pesticides securely locked away! If your puppy loves to chew plants perhaps use organic pesticides or none at all. It is important to teach your puppy how to swim, but until she is old enough try and keep her away from the pool area or be vigilant and supervise outside play time. Your puppy needs to be in a safe environment.
A good way to see what is in reach and what looks like a good thing to chew is to get down to their level and look around. If you were a puppy what would you want to play with…?
After all the puppy proofing is done, enjoy having a puppy bombard your house, bring you presents and completely take over. They are small for such a short period of time, every time I blink Zara has grown just a little more! I am loving spending every single moment with her, watching her learn and explore. Puppies truly are a wonderful gift!
Thank you for reading