Month: February 2017

Product Review: PetQwerks Toys and Chews

When our box of the latest and greatest PetQwerks toys arrived at our door, I was jumping for joy. I don’t know who was more excited, Oscar, Zara or myself-Haha!

PetQwerks is a US based company that makes the most awesome and unique dog toys I have ever come across. When I realised that our box contained the latest BarkBone-I only had to smell inside the box, my heart skipped a beat with excitement! I couldn’t wait to see what Oscar and Zara would think of their new chews and toys…

The first item that was tested was the BarkBone. I have no words to describe how amazing this chew toy is. It smells like real peanut butter and is specifically designed for aggressive chewers-think Zara!! It also has small indents so you can smear more peanut butter onto it-how genius is that!

The next chew toy on the menu was the FlovorIt Bone. These are very similar to the BarkBone, just not as durable for a heavy chewer like Zara. Our one is BubbleGum flavour-AMAZING! Again this chew has small indents for you to smear peanut butter or even coconut oil on.

Oscar’s favourite of the pack is the Antler Chew. He isn’t big on chewing but this one took his fancy and it smells and apparently tastes like chicken! Zara tried stealing it but Oscar was having none of it. He has claimed this one as his!

My favourite of the pack is the Babble Ball. It is HILARIOUS!! It is activated by touch and spills out 20 super funny and quirky sayings. Zara is so intrigued with this ball. She has learned that she needs to touch for it to talk. She stares at it with a crumpled forehead and serious curiosity. I of course sit and giggle at all the funny things it says!

We also received a tube of pet friendly Bubbles. Let me tell you they are the best bubbles I have ever blown. They are super cute and don’t burst on the first thing it lands on. Both Oscar and Zara had them all over their whiskers-It was very cute! Zara saw these floating bubbles and knew she needed to jump into the air and attack every single one-even the ones that land on Oscar!!

Then we got a really cute squeaky emoji toy which Zara absolutely loves putting in her mouth and running around the house squeeking it like a mad thing! We also got a cute squeaky fish and a durable tyre ball with a bell inside.

Every single chew and toy received in our PetQwerks box was a winner in Oscar and Zara’s eyes. Thank you for the spoils PetQwerks!!

You can follow PetQwerks on Instagram @petqwerks and view their website at

If you are interested in buying any of these gorgeous chews and toys, please send me an email on I would be happy to place a bulk order, provided I know my fellow South Africans are interested šŸ™‚

Thank you for reading.

Stacey, Oscar and Zara

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My Furry Valentines.

Valentine’s Day. You either love it or hate it. Of course having someone special to share it with makes a world of difference. Luckily I have my four furry companions as well as my two-legged companion to share this super cliche day of love with.

Any chance I get I love to spoil my furry loves and Valentine’s Day is no different. It doesn’t always have to be something bought, homemade gifts often make the greatest gift. Taking time out of your busy day to prepare and make something for someone you love often speaks louder than the gift itself.

This year my fur babies will be receiving a giant collection of home made treats. When it comes to food, you have my furry loves sold-all four of them! To keep in line with the love theme I decided to make some homemade beetroot doggy treats for both Zara and Oscar and special beetroot bunny treats for Valentine and Duchess. Here are the recipes:

Beetroot Doggy Treats


2 large beetroots

1 egg

2 tbs coconut oil

2 cups flour


Start by peeling the skin from the beetroots. Then cut them into chunks and steam them for about 40 minutes or until cooked and soft. Let them cool then blitz them up so it becomes a beautiful dark red paste. Pre-heat your oven to 180 degrees. In a bowl mix together the egg, coconut oil and the beetroot paste until combined then add the four one cup at a time. You can judge how much flour is needed by how sticky or dry the mixture is. Then roll it out onto a floured surface and using heart cookie cutters cut out your valentines treats. Place them onto a greased baking tray and into the oven for +-20 minutes or until cooked and slightly golden-not too golden otherwise they will lose their red colour. Once cooked let them cool, you can package them into cute boxes ready for your pup to enjoy on Valentine’s Day.

Beetroot Bunny Treats


1 large beetroot

1 cup oats-blitzed up to make oat flour


Start by peeling the skin from the beetroot. Then cut it into chunks and steam it for about 40 minutes or until cooked and soft. Let it cool then blitz it up so it becomes a beautiful dark red paste. Then set aside to cool slightly. Pre-heat your oven to 180 degrees. Once the paste has cooled enough for you to handle, mix in the oat flour a little at a time. You want to get a firm consistency but it will still be sticky. You should be able to break off tiny pieces and roll into bunny bite sized bits. Place them onto a greased oven tray and bake for +-15 minutes or until they are hard and cooked. Be careful not to over cook them. Once done set aside to cool. You can package them in toilet roll holders with tissue paper wrapped around. This will provide some entertainment for your bunny while trying to reach the treats.

And if you are feeling in the mood to spoil your pups even more, then head on over to our online store and shop for some gorgeous collars, beds and toys.   

Enjoy this Valentine’s Day with the ones you love most.

Thank you for reading.


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A brush a day keeps the dentist away

February is Pet Dental Health Month. But that doesn’t mean you only need to brush your pups teeth in February. It is so important for their overall health that you brush daily or at least three times a week. For those of you that follow my Instagram account, will notice that Zara loves to show off her pearly whites. I like to call them shark teef, because thats exactly what they are. They can destroy a new toy within minutes and puncture a ball in one session of fetch. But above all they are beautiful, strong, white, and almost-all-adult teeth.

Zara loves getting her teeth cleaned, mainly because she gets to eat something-or so she thinks. But just because she enjoys me brushing her teeth doesn’t mean it’s an easy task. I have to try and brush her teeth before she eats the toothpaste or crushes the toothbrush along with my finger in her excitement. Oscar on the other hand absolutely hates his teeth being brushed. When he sees me coming he runs and hides. Although he doesn’t enjoy teeth cleaning days it’s much easier to clean his teeth because he just sits dead still and doesn’t move a muscle. I then finish off with a mouth rinse, which Zara can’t get enough of and Oscar tries to spit out. My two completely different fur babies!!

Health benefits of regular brushing

Brushing your pups teeth on a regular basis will prevent diseases such as gum disease, plaque build up, heart disease and kidney disease. Sometimes the bacteria build up can he so bad in your pooches mouth the disease can enter their blood stream causing a multitude of health issues.

I personally love doggy breath, but it’s not for everyone so of course regular brushing will help keep your pups breath smelling fresh.

Other ways to keep their teeth clean

Treats and toys help keep your pups teeth in tip top condition too. Some will recommend raw hide chews but I strongly urge you NOT to give these to your pooch!!! There are so many other much safer options to choose from like Petstages Dogwood. These durable non-toxic sticks smell like real wood to keep your pups interest. Zara absolutely loves her Dogwood sticks and she sits for hours gnawing on them. Another great set of toys from Petsages are the Dental Chews. These chews are specifically designed to remove tartar from teeth, soothe gums, and generally keep your pup entertained. You can also make your own alternatives to rawhide chews which are fantastic!! I have written about this previously so just click here to read.

Warning signs

Just like in humans, a dogs breath can tell a lot about their over all health. No one knows the smell of your pup better than you do so if you notice a change in your pups breath or a change in behaviour take them to the vet so the issue can be investigated further. Don’t ignore it.

Prevention is better than cure, so a regular brush with specially formulated toothpaste and tooth brush will help keep your pups teeth in top condition. Click here to shop the range of pet dental health products.

Thank you for reading


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