Month: July 2017

Homemade Puppachinoā€™s

It’s winter and let’s be honest, we all love snuggling with our pups under a big blanket with the heater close and a giant mug of tea, coffee or hot chocolate! Unfortunately our furry loves cannot share these comforting drinks with us for obvious reasons. So here are two awesome alternatives which won’t disappoint…

Gimme my Puppachino!

These two recipes will have your pups wanting Puppachino’s very day of the year!

A Minty Treat:


1 can coconut milk

1 1/2 cups boiling water

1/4 cup honey

1/4 cup carob powder

1 tsp peppermint extract

Whipped coconut cream for the topping

Mint leaves to garnish


Place all the ingredients (except the whipped cream and mint leaves) into a blender and blend until smooth and creamy. Blending will also allow the mixture to cool. Simply pour the drink into a pup friendly cup or small bowl, top it with dollops of whipped coconut cream and garnish with mint leaves. Watch as your pooch absolutely loves his delicious puppachino!

A Cinnamon Delight


1 cup coconut milk

1 cup water

1 tbs carob powder

1/2 tsp cinnamon powder or 1 stick of cinnamon

1 tsp vanilla extract

1 tsp honey

Whipped coconut cream for the topping


Combine all the ingredients in a pot on the stove and slowly heat up the mixture. Do not let the mixture boil as that is far too hot for your pup to drink unless you let it sit and cool. Once warmed through, remove the cinnamon stick if you used one, and pour the mixture into pup friendly mugs or small bowls. Dollop the whipped coconut cream on top and let your furry love enjoy her yummy treat!

We hope your pups enjoy their Puppachino’s as much as Oscar and Zara do!

Thank you for reading

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