Month: September 2017

Oscar Turns Fourteen!

A very happy 14th birthday to my baby boy. Yes he will always be my baby boy!!!

I cannot believe that Oscar has been my little sidekick for fourteen years already. Time really does fly. In some ways it feels like I don’t know a life without him and in other ways it feels like yesterday that this bundle of skin and ears came into my life. We sure have had our fare share of adventures together and I wouldn’t have it any other way! He is such a gentle yet feisty soul. A real contradiction I know.

I am not quite sure where I would be without my little man. He sure made new beginnings a little easier. At times he was my only friend, now I have two friends-Oscar and Zara hahaha-True story! From day one we were inseparable. He came on his first beach holiday just a few weeks after joining our family, and he loved it. From then on he grew into a mature sidekick and very loyal best friend, it was a love me love my dog situation and luckily for us both, I found the perfect human companion.

Oscar has never been the adventure outdoor junkie like Zara is. He has always opted for the couch, snoozing being his favourite activity. After all, what could possibly be better than a nap? His puppy naps were rather long and his playful outbursts were short and sweet. I think Oscar takes the crown as King Snorer too. I am so used to it now that I actually struggle to fall asleep without him snoring next to me! It can be 100 degrees outside but Oscar sill wants to be covered with his special duvet and rests his head on his pillow for a good nights sleep. Oscar has always been the best snuggle bug in the world!

He is the fussiest eater on the planet but apparently I only have myself to blame for that 😉 They say your pups take after you, and well yes I am quite a fussy eater too. Although I do believe Oscar knows how to act up for me when it comes to breakfast and dinner time because I am the only one who seems to have an issue when I feed him. Yes, he knows he is wrapped around my little finger and will give in sooner rather than later…

Like most boys, Oscar has had a few scuffles. Rather scary scuffles for me but Oscar being Oscar made sure his bigger opponent didn’t walk away unharmed. And luckily for Oscar all his extra skin and wrinkles served as a protective layer. His dislike for bigger dogs was converted into complete adoration and love for smaller creatures. When Valentine and duchess came into our lives he honestly loved those babies with his whole heart. He was so patient and nurturing with them. He even taught Zara how to behave around them. When we lost them he mourned their loss too, showing me once again just how sensitive my boy is.

Oscar allowed Zara to become his sister. The bond they share is unique and wonderful. He showed her tough love when it was needed and he plays with her to keep her happy. He is a true gentleman and will stop drinking water if she would like to drink, waits for her to finish before he carries on drinking. He doesn’t know that I know this but he leaves just a little of his breakfast and dinner each day so Zara can finish it off for him, his way of telling her he loves her!

Today we celebrate 14 years of love, loyalty and companionship, with many more to go!! Of course Oscar loves celebrations with cake, treats and presents. This year Oscar’s cake is a little different, here is the recipe…


Oscar’s ice cream cake:


1.5L plain greek yoghurt

1/2 cup carob powder

1 cup coconut oil (melted)

1 cup fresh or frozen berries



Pour the yoghurt into a cake tin or mould of your choice. Slice up your berries and stir them gently into the yoghurt. In a separate bowl mix together the carob powder and coconut oil until combined and a liquid consistency has formed. Then take a spoon and spoon the carob mix into the yoghurt so it forms swirls through the yoghurt. Don’t mix it too much because you want the carob to show when you cut the cake. Do the same with the honey. Place the tin into the freezer for 24 hours. Remove from the freezer, cut into slices and watch your pup enjoy his ice cream cake! Keep frozen.


Oscar absolutely loves opening presents and of course I love buying and wrapping presents for him. This year we ordered him a birthday box from Four Paws and Me. This birthday box is AMAZING! Not only does it include gorgeous goodies for Oscar but it includes something special for me too. We got him a new bed for my study/office, one that will help his joints but keep him cool during the hot summer months too. No doubt I will have to bring along a blanket for him to snuggle up with 😉 He also got some yummy treats, a ball that growls and a treat toy. All in all some lovely spoils for a very special fourteen year old!

Oscar really is the light of my life. He has never been too lazy to get up and follow me to the loo, kitchen, outside or even sit with me while I bath. He is constantly next to me, walking around the house or resting on the couch. Whatever I am doing, my sidekick is right there beside me. And I wouldn’t change a thing.

Follow us on Instagram where we are hosting #oscarsgangstagram party. Everyone is invited and anyone can join in the fun! Simply post a photo with the hashtag #oscarsgangstagram and you’re in. Watch our Instagram story to see all the fun we are having celebrating this very special day.

Thank you for reading.


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