Month: March 2018

Easter Yummies…

Easter, that holiday time where there is an endless supply of chocolate. Chocolate eggs, chocolate bunnies, chocolate chickens, chocolate-chocolate-chocolate. I have quite a sweet tooth and I absolutely LOVE chocolate so these holidays are definitely one of my favourite to celebrate!

We all know the serious dangers when it comes to dogs and chocolate! Ours is always packed away in a sealed tub on a high shelf. Oscar has zero chance of reaching it with his little legs-haha… And being in a tightly sealed tub Zara has zero chance of getting to it too. But did you know that dogs can enjoy some carob chocolate? Oscar and Zara absolutely love it and I make little carob treats for them on special occasions so they feel extra special and included in the celebrations. My Easter blog post last year focused on carob doggy Easter treats (read here), so this year I am using it in a different way.

Carob comes from the carob tree. Inside the carob pod is a sweet pulp that is then dried, roasted and ground into carob powder. It is naturally sweet and has a slight nutty taste. Carob is completely free of the toxic compounds that are found in chocolate and has a moderate amount of fibre, potassium and vitamins. Carob is also a great healthy alternative for chocolate for humans and boasts a range of health benefits. You can find carob chip and carob chocolate bars in selected health stores.

I like to keep carob powder in the pantry because it has such a variety of ways I can use it for Oscar and Zara. I love experimenting with it and seeing what they love and what they don’t. Zara usually loves everything, it is Oscar that I need to impress šŸ˜‰

My Easter recipes are pretty simple and seriously yummy this year. There is one for us humans-which is a little different to the traditional way and one for the pups… Enjoy

Humans only Giant Chocolate Hot Cross Buns


Hot Cross Bun

1 1/2 cups warm milk

1/2 cup sugar

1 tbs yeast

4 1/2 cups flour

1/2 tsp salt

1 tsp nutmeg

2 eggs

4 tbs soft butter

1 1/2 cup chocolate chips (because raisins are the devil hahaha)

Depending on how sweet you like them you can add an extra 1/2 to 1 cup of sugar.


1/4 cup water

1/4 sugar

Cream Cheese Icing

1/2 cup icing sugar

2 tbs cream cheese

1 tbs soft butter

1 tsp vanilla extract

1/2 tbs water


  • Combine the warm milk, sugar and yeast and let it rest for the yeast to activate.
  • I use an electric mixer for the next step because it’s easier and quicker. Mix together your flour, salt and nutmeg. Add the eggs and butter to the yeast mixture and stir then pour it over the flour and using the dough hook beaters, mix until your dough looks lovely and smooth and well combined. You can add your chocolate chips at this stage and carry on mixing. If the dough is too wet then add more flour, if it is too dry add a little water.
  • You will need to let your dough rise, so lightly oil a big bowl and place your dough in the bowl. Cover with clingfilm and place it in a warm spot so it can rise. It is done when it has doubled in size.
  • Preheat your oven to 180 degrees. Take your dough out the bowl and punch it down then break off small parts (mine turned out to be huge)  and begin rolling your hot cross buns into balls. Place these on a greased baking tray and cover with a clean cloth and allow them to rise again.
  • Then bake them for +-20 minutes or until cooked and golden brown.
  • To make the syrup glaze simply mix the sugar and water in a pan on a low heat, allow it to just go a bit thicker then remove from the heat.
  • For the icing you beat together all the ingredients with an electric beater. You can either put it into a piping bag to neatly pipe onto the top of your buns or you can spoon it on, it’s entirely up to you-the icing is really yummy!
  • Once the buns are cooked, remove them from the oven and brush the top with your sugar syrup. Allow them to cool completely before decorating them with the icing. You can even add a few more chocolate chips on top-get creative! Then ENJOY!!

Doggy Hot Cross BunsIngredients

4 cups flour

1 tbs honey

1/2 tsp baking powder

1/2 tbs baking soda

1 cup milk

1/2 cup organic greek yoghurt

2 tsp apple cider vinegar

1 tbs butter

Carob chips


The same as above

Cream Cheese Icing

The same as above


  • Preheat your oven to 200 degrees.
  • Combine all your dry ingredients. Combine all the wet ingredients then add to the dry flour mix and add the carob chips.
  • Mix together until a dough starts forming then tip it out onto a floured surface and knead for a few minutes.
  • Break off small balls and round them into shape and place them onto a greased baking tray.
  • Bake for +-30 minutes or until cooked and golden brown.
  • Remove from the oven and you can use the same syrup mixture from the human buns to glaze these ones. You can also use the human buns icing mixture to decorate these yummy buns for your pus. They sure will love these!!

Along with enjoying these yummy hot cross buns and spending quality time together, Oscar and Zara of course had to dress up. Oscar decided he wanted to try become a chicken and Zara became a bunny-weiler… And of course the three musketeers wish you all a very Hoppy Easter too.

Whatever your Easter plans are, stay safe and enjoy precious family time!!

Thank you for reading

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Product Review: PetQwerks Volume Twoā€¦

PetQwerks is honestly one of our most favourite doggy toy companies out there! Not only are their toys and chews unique and just outright fantastic, their service and customer care is incredible and of course being brand ambassadors for them has it’s perks too…

PetQwerks offers a wide variety of tasty chew toys, there’s something for everyone at PetQwerks, even super heavy chewers like Zara! Their chew toys are very unique. Not only are they really strong but they are scented and flavoured too. Anything from berries, to bacon, they have a flavour to tickle every pups taste buds. PetQwerks also has a range of super cute soft toys, some of which make cute sounds and of course the famous IncrediBubbles and BabbleBall range.

Our box of PetQwerks goodies arrived with much excitement and anticipation and boy were we happy when we opened our box! Beautifully wrapped in paw print tissue paper was the cutest hedgehog soft toy which makes the cutest little noise ever! Zara is most intrigued with this talking fluffy toy. A squeaker newspaper which Oscar will take joy in reading-haha. A bottle of IncrediBubbles which are our absolute BEST!! A FlavoritBreath chew, a super cute emoji squeaky toy which I might add is the loudest squeaker I have ever heard in a toy-much to Zara’s delight of course! AND the newest addition to their BarkBone range, the BBQ BARKBONE! What a box of spoils we received.

I was already a huge fan of the BarkBones ever since we received our very first one, a peanut butter flavoured one. Zara is still gnawing on it, ten months later and it’s still in tact and in good condition! BarkBones are crafted with the essence of their specific favour throughout. There are no colourants and no additives making them non-toxic and non-allergenic and safe for your pup to enjoy on a daily basis. I particularly love BarkBones for Zara because it has provided an amazing alternative to rawhide treats-which we all know are horrific!

This BBQ flavoured BarkBone was an instant hit with both Oscar and Zara. When I put the box of goodies in-front of them to let them choose their favourites, they both immediately went for the BBQ BarkBone. Luckily Oscar is such a gentleman, he let Zara take the BBQ BarkBone to her bed to chew and enjoy quietly. Oscar’s second favourite item was the newspaper-just as I thought, haha! He loves keeping up with the news of the pup world!

Another firm favourite in our house are the IncrediBubbles. We just cannot get enough of them. Every pup loves bubbles right-well except Oscar, traditionally bubbles are made from soap and other harsh ingredients, I worried what they would do to Zara. Thankfully PetQwerks came to the rescue. These IncrediBubbles not only smell amazing but taste great too-yes I tasted them!! These IncrediBubbles are a lot stronger than regular bubbles and they don’t pop immediately they land on something. After bubble time Zara is usually covered in small intact bubbles clinging to her fur. Oscar is not a lover of the bubbles, they frighten him a bit. Floating things falling from the sky are not a fun thing when you’re scared of your own shadow-haha.

Oscar is quite fond of the Hedgehog that makes a cute sound. Since he is such a snuggle bug, he happily shares his bed and his duvet with his new cute friend and settles down for an afternoon nap.

Once again PetQwerks didn’t disappoint at all. Their range of dog toys is absolutely amazing. We will forever support PetQwerks and you should too!

Head on over to their website |

Follow them on social media | facebook | Instagram | Pinterest

For my South African readers I would be happy to order some of these FANTASTIC goodies, if you would love to spoil your pups!! Simply send me an email on

Thank you for reading.

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Product Review: DONQUE Personalised Clothing

When DONQUE asked us to collaborate with them, we of course jumped ten feet high at the chance! Not only are their clothing items stylish, but you get to customise your items with your furry loves face and name. Seriously what’s not to LOVE about this?

DONQUE is an Amsterdam based company that focusses on creating apparel for dog and cat lovers around the world. Their range of clothing items include t-shirts, sweaters and hoodies.

We received two hoodies, one for me which was custom made with Oscar’s exact face on it-since he is so unique šŸ™‚ And the other one with Zara’s Rottie face. Both designs were made just for us because no one had requested these breeds before. The communication from the DONQUE team was absolutely incredible! Non-stop emails making sure we loved both Oscar and Zara’s designs perfectly. Nothing was too much trouble. If we wanted an eyebrow in the opposite direction, or an extra wrinkle line, it was done and sent back within minutes.

Once I knew our hoodies were on their way, I just couldn’t keep still with excitment. This concept is just so unique, I couldn’t wait to get my paws on these hoodies.

Delivery day…. My excitement was unreal, mainly because we were getting a present this time. Poor Oscar and Zara were very confused when I opened up our package and this one wasn’t for them. Sorry guys. We got two stunning, and I mean stunning, black hoodies, the Oscar one is mine and the Zara one is for my two legged companion. Despite it being about 300 degrees outside and the sun blazing, we eagerly put on our hoodies and ran to the mirror to check ourselves out… We thought we looked fantastic-haha!!

These hoodies are warm and very comfortable. For once I cannot wait for the weather to change so we can both be seen out in our new custom DONQUE hoodies. They’re made of quality material and made really well. Of course you need to be careful not to iron on the print, but that goes for any item with iron-on detail.

For you, my wonderful readers and followers, will get a 10% discount when you use this discount code at check out: ILOVESTYLISHPAWS or simply click on this link:

Oscar and Zara were super proud to walk the streets with us, knowing their humans wore a hoodie with their faces and names on for everyone to see!

You definitely won’t regret placing your order. Who doesn’t want a t-shirt, sweater or hoodie with their pet on?

Don’t forget to follow DONQUE on FacebookPinterest and Instagram and have a look at their website too:

Thank you for reading.

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