Month: June 2018

Take your dog to work day…

It’s take your dog to work day! This has to be the best day in the calendar. Well lucky for me I get to take Oscar and Zara to work with me everyday and that’s because I am blessed enough to work from home. 

Working from home sure has its benefits but it also has a downside… According to Zara I am constant entertainment! I’m always there to play ball or frisbee or give a never ending supply of treats. Oscar believes he can never let me out of his sight and therefore must sleep on top of my feet whenever I am sitting in my chair. In fact, the position under my desk is a hot commodity and it’s on a first come first serve basis but if you get up for whatever reason, your spot is lost instantly to the pup eagerly awaiting it. This carries on for as long as I’m in my little home based office each day. It sure is wonderful but it can often be distracting if I have a deadline or something very important to get done. When working from home you need discipline and routine, that way both Oscar and Zara know the order of events for the day.

So here are some tips when bringing your pups to the office and still manage to get a decent amount of work done…

 A comfy bed is a must. After all the office hellos your pup will want somewhere comfy to have a power nap. I say power nap because the office is far too exciting a place for a long dreamy snooze. They’ll be up and wondering around in no time… click here to shop our range of stylish beds. 

Fresh water supply. This might seem obvious but in all the excitement you might forget to bring your pups water bowl from home. It’s very important you offer your pups a fresh supply of cold water throughout the day. Often offices get hot and stuffy and usually our pups feel the heat first. You don’t want them dehydrating. Spoil your pup even more by buying him a new water bowl… click here to shop our bowls.

A few toys. These are equally as important because you need your pup to entertain themselves to some extent throughout the day, after all you have work to do. Some of my office favourites for Zara are a nylon chew toy. Petqwerks offers a wide variety of these chews and are Zara’s absolute best. They keep her entertained for hours! Another favourite which keep both Oscar and Zara occupied is a Frozen Kong. This is something you can prepare the night before, pop it in a cooler bag and back into the freezer when you get to the office until you’re ready to give it to your pup. There are endless recipe ideas for these too (read my blog post on Frozen Kong ideas). A fun but tiring game to play is tuggy. Zara absolutely loves her tuggy toys and a quick session of tug-of-war seem to tire her out. You could play this in a passage or office garden or balcony. It gives you a break from work and some engaging fun for your pup too. Zara has a new favourite tuggy toy- her Monkey RopeTugz which you can buy in the online store… click here to spoil your pooch!

Some yummy Treats. Because let’s face it coming to the office is a treat for your pup if you work in a regular office. Have some treats on hand in your desk drawer to spoil your pups just a little bit more! You can buy some healthy treats in the online store too… click here to treat your pup! 

We hope your experience at work with your pups is a fabulous one! Remember to have fun and respect everyone’s pups. 

Follow us on Instagram to see what we get up to today! @stylish_paws

Thank you for reading.

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Product Review: Titan Ink!

You may know them as @mixlamprecht7 on Instagram, I know them as Titan and Mom. Mom is Michaela and together they formed Titan Ink!

It’s hard not to fall in love with Titan, his squishy face and adorable fun-loving attitude and of course he is a rottie. Mom is pretty fabulous herself, always offering friendly advice to anyone who needs it. When we were asked to be apart of this amazing collaboration, of course we said YES!

Titan Ink is special. Not only is this one for my fellow South Africans but it offers so much more than t-shirts and hoodies. Each item that gets sold, proceeds go to a certain charity, let me explain further…

You all know that I am a Rottie Mom and a very proud one at that! For every ‘Rottie Mom’ shirt sold, a percentage goes towards the Rottweiler Rescue of South Africa. Oscar is a basset cross bulldog but gets more “oh he is a cute basset” comments than “he looks like a super cute bulldog” comments, so I went with being a proud ‘Basset Mom’ for his t-shirt. Proceeds from this go to the South African Basset Adoptions Foundation. At the moment, Pretoria Animal Buddies and Underdogs are the other recipients.

Most of us animal lovers much prefer our furry friends over the human type. This is exactly what inspired Michaela to create Titan Ink, which is aptly named after her best friend Titan. Currently on offer are t-shirts and hoodies with writing in gold, copper and the oh so stunning rose gold. Each order is custom made as you order. Whatever your fur babies breed is, Titan Ink will create your t-shirt or hoodie. The range is looking to expand very soon so keep an eye on them for new and exclusive items.

Dog lover clothing is a big hit overseas and slowly creeping into the South African market too-YAY. Titan Ink garments are 100% quality made! I am totally in love with my two t-shirts and I am proud to wear them.

Michaela lives by the mantra “If you follow your passion you will never work a day in your life.” You can support Titan Ink by following their Facebook Page and Instagram account. For orders email

Or you can shop online at the Stylish Paws online store by clicking here.

Thank you for reading.

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