Month: July 2018

Cheat Treats

It’s no secret that I love making treats for Oscar and Zara. Be it baked biscuits, frozen lollies or stuffed Kong’s, I love finding what they love and being creative. But sometimes life gets a little crazy and I don’t always have loads of time to spend in the kitchen thinking of ideas, baking hundred of biscuits. 

The thought occurred to me while browsing the isles in the grocery store, don’t ask me what I was doing in the baby food isle since we don’t have any two legged babies just yet… But I thought to myself if the food is good enough for a baby, surely it’s good enough for the babies I do currently have? Of course I looked at all the ingredient lists and made sure there was nothing unsafe for Oscar and Zara to eat. I chose a few flavours I thought they would enjoy and started thinking of ‘short cut’ ways to make them treats….. 

You can choose which ever brand you love, I chose these Squish ones simply because I know some moms who have given them to their babies, but I will be on the lookout for some organic ones.

When you start thinking about it, the ideas are endless! But here are a few which will satisfy your pooch:

Frozen Kong:

Squeeze the entire packet into the Kong, top up with yoghurt if it doesn’t fill it completely and you’re done! Pop it in the freezer over night and there you have your frozen Kong for the next day. If your pup is like Oscar and prefers a fresh Kong, simply squeeze the Squish into the Kong until its full and then give it to your pooch. You might want to put a towel down since it can get a bit  messy! 

Ice Cubes:

Squirt a little into ice trays and freeze. These are great little treats for your pups to enjoy, especially when it’s hot! 


You will need an ice lolly maker tray for this one. Simply squeeze the Squish into the lolly moulds and pop them into the freezer until frozen.

Of course you can add frozen berries, coconut oil or peanut butter to any of these ideas to spruce them up. All of the above ideas will take you less than 10 minutes to make!


Making baked biscuits using the Squish eliminates you having to think of a flavour for your pups treats (banana and peanut butter, carrot and apple etc etc..) The flavours are already made for you! 


1 Squish packet

1 cup flour

1 egg


Mix together all your ingredients in a bowl. If the dough is too sticky then add extra flour, if it is too dry then add a splash of water. Once you have a nice dough, roll it out onto a floured surface. Now because time is of the essence here, I skip the cookie cutter part and simply cut the rolled dough into small squares using a sharp knife then scoop them up and place them onto a greased baking tray and bake for +-20mins or until cooked through and golden in colour. Store the cooled teats in an air tight container for up to four weeks. 

I hope you can now find the time to make some yummy treats for your pups. Life gets hectic for all of us but our pups deserve wholesome, healthy teats too. And remember to be creative and try different ideas and combinations. Have fun! 

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Product Review: OneCart

What’s better than doing your grocery shopping online while snuggled up under a blanket with a mug of hot chocolate and the pups curled up on top of you? Being able to shop at multiple grocery stores online and have one basket, with one delivery date thats what! 

Yup you read right, OneCart is a brand new online service that allows you to shop at more than one of your favourite grocery online stores and have one shopping basket with one delivery date. All your items from the different stores that you purchase from get delivered to you at the same time on the same day. Now for someone that does a lot of online shopping, like myself, this is a dream come true! 

How does it work you ask, well its pretty simple.You place an order from one or more of your favourite stores supported by OneCart, you choose a delivery date and time that suits you, you checkout and pay. Your order immediately gets sent to an expert personal OneCart concierge shopper who carries out your specific order from all the stores you shopped at. A verified OneCart delivery partner will bring your shopping cart straight to your door at your chosen time. It’s that easy! 

Currently the stores available to shop at through OneCart are:

  • Woolworths
  • Pick ’n Pay
  • Pets by One Cart
  • Booze by One Cart
  • FitChef
  • Dischem
  • Clicks
  • Nussbaums

With more being added… 

Finally, I can order Oscar’s, Zara’s and the bunnies premium foods at the same time as our groceries and our toiletry basket- what is not to love about this service? It saves you time going onto each individual online store, choosing different delivery times and then trying to keep track of what has been delivered and what hasn’t. OneCart is your simple answer to all your online shopping stress. 

OneCart is South Africa’s leading on-demand grocery concierge and delivery service. Go on let them stand in queues for you, while you enjoy quality time doing the things you love! 

There is a promotion running on each of these pet products at the moment, so be sure to order for your furry loves!

Visit their website

Follow them on social media Facebook and Instagram


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Happy July everyone! This is the month where Oscar totally hibernates and pretends he is a bear, getting him out of bed to eat is a challenge. I love the snuggle days with him, it’s like our special quality time together!

Enjoy the July calendar

Download the July calendar here

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