Month: August 2018

Zara Turns Two

Wow, my baby girl is two years old today. Time flies. Zara has grown into a beautiful mature young lady. I am so proud of her and how she handles situations, both stressful and exciting ones. Her ability to listen and learn is incredible. And of course she is extremely pleasing to the eye, even if I am a little biased-haha.

birthday pup

Just seven weeks ago Zara underwent TPLO (tibial-plateau-leveling osteotomy) surgery on her cranial cruciate ligament in her knee. The surgery was big, but all we wanted for our girl was to give her back playtime and swim time. Recovery has been long, slow and intense but she has handled everything like the princess that she is and I couldn’t be more proud of her. She will be swimming and running after balls again very soon. Even while she hobbled around she still had a huge smile on her face! She is the ultimate happy girl. 

So it’s Zara’s second birthday and of course the day is filled with tons of spoils and excitement. Her birthday theme this year is ‘colours’. Anything bright and fun goes! She loves new toys and presents, she is grateful for anything she receives but she usually has a favourite amongst her new goodies. This year I decided to round up Zara’s birthday favourites from Amazon. Yes Zara loves shopping on Amazon 😉 and here’s what she got: You can shop each item by clicking on the image!

(this post contains affiliate links)

Happy Birthday Plush Toy

Everyone deserves a plush toy on their birthday.


birthday plush dog toy

A Benebone

She loves her chews and things and Benebone makes a wonderful range.


Five Senses Ball

This ball is fantastic because it stimulates all five senses. 

five senses dog ball

Petstages Sling Sock

Because Zara is the sock thief queen!

petstages sock sling dog toy

Chuckit! Ball

Because all her Instagram besties have one and she needed one too… 

chuckit ball

Kong Squiggles Toy

I love the durability of Kong toys. 

kong squiggles toy

And a few other goodies I found on my shopping rounds. I love spoiling my babies especially on their birthdays. They need to know it’s an extra special day, and Zara sure does know today is different from any other usual day.

Zara’s Birthday Pupcakes

Of course Zara has a birthday cake to devour. I decided to make little pupcakes this year, instead of one big cake. Keeping with the colourful theme, here they are…

Birthday Pupcakes:


1 cup flour

1/2 shredded coconut

1/4 cup coconut oil

1/2 cup organic peanut butter

1 cup grated carrots

1 tsp vanilla extract

1 egg

1 cup water


Preheat your oven to 180 degrees. Prepare your pupcake holders-either silicone or paper and lay them out. In a large bowl, mix together all your ingredients and stir until well combined. Scoop the cake batter into each pupcake holder and into the oven for +-20 minutes or until cooked through. Once cooked, remove from the oven and allow to cool down totally.

Pupcake Icing:


1 cup natural greek yoghurt

1 cup peanut butter

Can of whipped Cream- because yes it’s a special day!

chopped fruit, different colours (strawberries, kiwi, pineapple etc)


To make the icing whip together the natural yoghurt and the peanut butter. Then spoon over and decorate your cooled pupcakes and top with different fruit of your choice. 

When it’s your pooches birthday we sure do hope you celebrate and spoil them with these awesome present suggestions and yummy homemade pupcakes! It’s safe to say Zara is loving her birthday and all her spoils. Her smile truly is infectious. 

We are running a giveaway on Instagram for Zara’s second birthday. Be sure to follow us and join in for a chance to win an awesome gift box of goodies. Head over to @stylish_paws and let’s have some fun together!

Zara birthday hat

This is the first celebration without Oscar. He never leaves our minds and we all had birthday treats in his honour! Happy second birthday to Zara… 

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Paw Box : Product Review

Yes please mailman, we’ll take that thank you! We finally received our Paw Box from Greece and boy o boy do we love it… Zara couldn’t wait for me to unwrap this rather big delivery and expose the contents. 

paw box

Paw Box is a subscription based box for your pets that comes out every two months. Each box is a different theme and is filled with gorgeous goodies for either your dog or cat. At Paw Box, they love all things natural, homemade and eco-friendly and each item is tried at tested by their beloved pooch Persa and two cats Leo and Naya. Proceeds from each box sale goes towards rescue dogs too, so what is not to love about this subscription box! 

paw box flamingo dog toy

The box we received was the summer Flamingo box. Yes flamingos are my favourite thing right now and should be yours too. In our box was… A flamingo toy that is too precious to play with. A jar of natural, homemade beetroot doggy treats which Zara totally loves and left her drooling for more. Pet perfume which smells like bubblegum. A gorgeous flamingo bowtie which Zara decided was her favourite item in the box, she picked it out and went to lie on her bed to cuddle it. Perhaps she knew that would have been Oscar’s choice. A nose, paw and stress rescue kit.  Some organic doggy shampoo. Organic beard oil for fluffy pets, maybe I can use this one on Peaches when I brush her bunny fluff.  A super cute bandana for Zara to rock when she returns to puppy school. And a rope toy. Yes we got spoilt with lots and lots of stuff!! 

paw box flamingo dog toy

I was particularly excited to use the paw balm because Zara has always had quite dry paws. I have tried putting organic coconut oil on her paws but she either licks it off or slides all over the place since our house is tiles right through. As you can see in the before and after photo featured below, the difference is huge! I am so happy with this paw balm, and surprisingly Zara didn’t really lick it off and it soaked in enough for her to walk without slipping. 

paw box dog paw balm

Subscription boxes are hugely popular and if you have not tried one, my suggestion is sign up today! You can follow Paw Box on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest and subscribe via their website  

A huge thank you to Paw Box for all our spoils! 

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How do you say goodbye to your best friend? I still don’t know even after losing you. 

You were my best friend and at times my only friend! We were together for almost fifteen years, and I would say the most important fifteen years of life. I was sixteen years old and trying to find my way, you gave me purpose and responsibility. 

This tiny bundle of excess skin, ears and paws came into my life and it was without a doubt love at first sight. I was literally obsessed with you. I guess I felt like a new mum does after giving birth to her child, I was proud of you, showing you off at every chance I got and one hundred percent devoted to you. 


The cuddles we shared were endless and of course the best. No ones cuddles can compare to your cuddles my boy. You wanted to be on top of me all the time, at the very least right beside me. Nicknamed my cuddle bug for a very good reason, we would snuggle under the duvet for hours. In those moments my heart was completely at peace. As you got older your cuddling intensified, as if that was possible. Spoilt with an Egyptian cotton duvet set because quite frankly I wouldn’t have it any other way! The way your tail would wag when you were dreaming made my heart burst with happiness. I always hoped you were dreaming of me 🙂 

Our time in South Africa, and most of your life, we enjoyed quite a few beach holidays together. Those holidays were my absolute favourite ones. You even managed to escape out the gate of my grandmothers house and I spent two hours looking for you in the pouring rain sobbing my heart out, convinced you were gone and a cane rat had eaten you! Listening with your ears was never your strong point so luckily I found you, harnessed you up and took you home. Phew! 

You loved our holidays at the beach, well the beach sand in particular. Digging trenches for days and managing to get yourself totally covered from snout to tail. It was all such fun. 

When your dad came into our lives thirteen years ago, you were not sold on the idea of having to share me. In fact I don’t think you ever were, haha! You were convinced I could only cuddle you and give only you my undivided attention. Of course I was on your side and it was definitely a ‘Love Me Love My Dog’ kinda situation… Luckily that didn’t put dad off at all. I think it made him love you even more because he knew you would protect me no matter what. It showed your loyalty towards me. 

Then it was time for our Zambian adventure to commence. With you by my side I knew I could handle anything. Our flight to Zambia was the longest two hours of my whole life. I was a nervous wreck. So many thoughts were running through my mind. Were you scared, were you warm enough, was it too loud for you. We landed, I rushed through customs, collected our baggage, gave dad a half hearted hug and kiss and immediately said “We need to get Oscar NOW”. Bearing in mind it was about forty degrees celsius outside and now I was worried you would overheat or dehydrate. Dad firmly told me to wait in the car while he goes inside, he didn’t want me to get upset if I saw something I wasn’t happy with. Dad came rushing out the cargo hold to call me, I bounced out the car because I thought something was wrong… I peered into the hold and saw the most gorgeous boy sitting so proper and so calm in his specially made flight crate. A wave of massive relief and happiness flooded over me. My boy was totally fine. He handled that plane trip like a champ! Our new adventure had just begun… 

You were never the ‘fetch’ kind of pup and as a result your toys just piled up until your toy boxes were overflowing. Enter Zara… All your toys were gone within a few weeks! I was a little apprehensive about getting Zara because we had been kicked out of two different doggy schools for your apparent aggression towards any other dog in your need to protect me. Ooops…

Needless to say, you were a fantastic big brother to Zara. You don’t show your emotions like Zara does, but in your own way you adored her and she knew it. You taught her so much, how to eat like a lady, how to model like a beauty queen and most importantly how to cuddle. 

You were an amazing big brother to our bunny babies too. So kind and gentle towards them. You taught Zara gentleness too. She watched how you loved your bunny babies and copied you. 

To say that I miss you is a serious understatement. In fact there are no words to describe the feeling of loss that I have. I wake up every morning and see your empty bed, and the pain in my heart from the day before returns. At night I still make your bed in the exact way you loved it. I don’t think I will ever stop making your bed. Zara sniffs your bedding, does some twirls and then settles down for a while before going off to her own bed. She misses you too. 

Stylish Paws and everything about it was created because of you. It started off as just a small website selling one item, now I have a beautiful online store that showcases stylish and unique pet goodies plus this amazing blog. I am so proud of Stylish Paws and what I have made it into, but it’s all because of you my boy! You will always be the face of Stylish Paws. I will never stop sharing you with the world. I will push through the pain and promise to keep moving forward. Product reviews and photoshoots will never be the same without you but I promise to showcase Zara in the best way I know how. I promise to carry on for you. 

The love and support I have received from the amazing Instagram community that I find myself in has been overwhelming. I continue to get messages asking how we as a family are coping, genuine messages of love and concern for us. Instagram is a wonderful thing, I have made some beautiful friendships thorough the app. It was the place I started sharing Oscar first. The place where people started falling in love with him, people from all over the world. I want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart.

Life goes on and for the time being we are adjusting and learning how to do life without Oscar. It’s tough, extremely tough. I have only known life in Zambia with Oscar. We started this adventure together, now I have to carry it on. Zara has brought immense joy into our family and I do believe that she has helped me with this huge loss. I thank my husband for her. I thank him for having the foresight of knowing and understanding I would need her to get through this.

Oscar, I will never stop loving you.

Until we meet again…

Love always



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Happy August everyone. August is a particularly happy and exciting month since it is Princess Zara’s birthday month. She will be two on the 28th! Time sure does fly by.

So here she is in her beautiful flower crown, because she is after all a very pretty flower princess. Enjoy.

august printable calendar 2018 zara

Download your August calendar here

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