Month: November 2019

The Socksery Product Review

Everyone who follows us on Instagram knows exactly how much Zara LOVES socks! Socks are Zara’s most favourite thing to steal. She can sniff them out of the toughest hiding place. She’ll jump up on a table to reach them if she has to and she’s even figured out how to open the laundry basket to get what she wants. So when The Socksery Company asked us to review their personalised socks, of course we were excited, especially Zara! 

socksery socks

We got sent two pairs of personalized socks. One pair with Zara’s signature smile on and an extra special pair that I absolutely adore with our handsome boy Oscar on. I was extremely surprised at the quality of the socks. Both pairs are made really well, the printing of Oscar and Zara is excellent. The socks are thick and comfortable and perfect for snuggle days on the couch. They’re nice and long too so you can wear them over or under leggings or jeans with boots. No need to worry about your ankles getting cold here. 

socksery socks
socksery socks

Of course Zara wouldn’t wait to get them between her teeth and tease us with them! It became a game of catch me if you can if you want your socks back which is always fun. Zara is three years old now, but she is still very much a puppy. And we love that about her. We can chase her around the house with a sock in her mouth for ages. When she’s found her treasured sock and stolen it, she always comes to show us what she has in her mouth. As if to say “I’ll give you a sneak peak as to what’s in my mouth but you have to catch me if you want it back.” 

personalised socks

Taking the photos for The Socksery product review was also one of the funnest we have done. I of course had this perfect vision of myself, Zara and Hubby lying under the duvet with our feet poking out.. sounds wonderful. Zara had other ideas, but turns out we had tons of laughs and got some pretty funny images! Often the imperfect photos make the most perfect ones. 


If you would like a personalised pair of socks head on over to The Socksery website and place your order. It’s quick and easy! You can choose from a variety of colours, upload a photo of your adorable pet and let The Socksery do the rest. You’ll have your personalised socks delivered to you before your feet get cold. Christmas is around the corner and these socks make the perfect stocking filler! 

dogs and socks

Don’t forget to give them a follow on Instagram too and tag them in your sock posts šŸ˜‰ 

Thank you for reading 

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