Month: December 2019

Product review: Eau De Pooch

As the name suggests, Eau De Pooch is a posh range of grooming products for your pooch. Everything about Eau De Pooch is posh, from the name to the packaging to the actual products. Eau De Pooch is simply fabulous darling…

When Eau De Pooch wanted our opinion in their products, of course we were super excited and couldn’t wait for them to arrive! I was extremely impressed and nicely surprised with their products. I love the black and gold look of the entire range. The smell of each product is strong yet subtle. 

We received one of each in the entire range – Zara sure is a lucky pooch! 

The moisturising nose and paw butter, The feminine perfume, The masculine perfume and The natural room and linen atomizer. 

I wish I could crack the secret to applying nose and paw butter and keeping Zara calm for long enough for it to soak in and work its magic. She allows me to apply it and is rather intrigued by it but that lasts all of three seconds then she’s up, slipping around the house looking for a surface to scrape it off. But I have been applying this one to her elbow callus’ and it’s working wonders.

The feminine perfume has a lovely scent. It’s perfect for in between bath days or when your pooch just needs a fresh scent sprayed on them. Made with coconut and avocado extracts which nourish and moisturise the skin and fur. I quite enjoy this scent on Zara.

I wish my boy Oscar was here to enjoy the masculine perfume because he would totally rock it! It’s strong and manly but not OTT! It’s perfect for a stud muffin like Oscar šŸ˜‰ 

The room and linen atomizer is my absolute fave! We can try as hard as we like, Zara simply will not sleep on her own bed for the entire night. She sleeps for a short while then sneakily jumps up and steals our bed and duvet… So I love the linen spray because I can spray it on our bed to keep it smelling beautiful and fresh! I know it’s meant for Zara’s bed, but hey our bed is Zara’s bed-haha!! 

All Eau De Pooch products are natural and made from plant based ingredients. They have been created out of love and pure passion for all things fabulous for our darling furry loves. To make you love Eau De Pooch even more, a percentage from each sale goes to two special animal charities close to the brands heart. HONEY’S GARDEN – MEDICAL ALERT DOGS SA: whose mission is to place quality service dogs with people within South Africa who are under privileged, fighting with disabilities or diseases, and veterans who have lost use of limbs or hearing.  They also help with animal rescue and educate the public regarding use of service dogs in public places. The other charity they love is TEARS Animal Rescue and their mission; to help animals in distress with medical assistance, humane education, rescue, rehabilitation and rehoming.

All in all we love Eau De Pooch products! They smell fabulous, they look fabulous and the are fabulous. 

You can follow Eau De Pooch on Facebook | Instagram as well as browse their website

Thank you for reading

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