It’s not a secret that Zara suffers from achy joints. After having torn both her cruciate ligaments and having to have TPLO surgeries, she has since developed arthritis in her front leg elbows.
Zara is pretty young to be experiencing all of this and it is for that reason why I am exploring home remedies, recipes and products that are more on the natural side of things instead of using harsh medicines.
Here are the home remedies, recipes and natural products we are using right now.
Golden Paste
Golden paste is exactly that! It is like gold. With turmeric as its major base, the anti-inflammatory benefits are massive. Zara gets a frozen golden paste block every evening with her dinner. It took her a while to get used to the taste, but now that she has it everyday I can certainly see the anti-inflammatory benefits which in turn eases the pain caused by the arthritis!
Apart from being the proud ambassador and being the face on the bottle, Regal’s CBD Remedy is a great one! It is easy to administer since it just goes over Zara’s kibble and she loves it. CBD is a great product to incorporate into your pets daily diet, the overall benefits are fantastic and of course it helps with achy joints. I have seen a massive difference in Zara since she has been back on her Regal CBD Remedy. Her limp has improved drastically and she seems to be in less pain caused by the arthritis in her front elbows. A winning product if you ask me!
To purchase Regal CBD please click here
Moringa powder is a superfood that I feel is still quite unknown. This superfood is FANTASTIC. And I will say it again… it is FANTASTIC to add to your pets daily diet! Like the Golden paste I had to come up with ways to disguise the taste a little but now that Zara is used to it she loves it. I have seen an overall improvement in Zara’s health since adding Moringa powder to her daily diet. Moringa offers so many benefits which I cover in this blog post. (click to read)
Bone Broth
I’ll be honest I kind of forgot about this one. Bone broth offers a wide range of benefits, see a previous blog post on this. If I’m honest though I do have to be in the mood to make this one because not only does it take hours and hours but your entire house smells like bone broth! However the benefits of to are amazing if made properly and its another great additive to your pets diet.
Other Extras
There are a few other added extras that I like to give Zara. Each of these offer their own benefits for her which I love. Blueberries, raw egg + the shell, soaked chia seeds and orange or purple sweet potato. We have most of these ingredients in the fridge all the time, but use what works for you and your pets! Remember fruits and veggies are just as good for our pets as they are for us and each one offers their own unique benefit! Please remember to check what fruits and veggies are NOT safe for your pets before giving it to them, and never any seeds or pips!
All in all, I hope these added extras will help your pets who suffer from stiffness and achy joints like they have for Zara! Remember these are all natural remedies and take time before you notice any real kind of difference. The key is patience 🙂
Thank you for reading