Today is international take your pets to work day. Did you take your pets into the office today? Or do you work in an environment that allows you to take your pets to work everyday? I am lucky enough to work from home so Oscar comes to the ‘office’ with me everyday. He loves it and so do I!

Research has shown that employers who allow pets to be brought to work saw a reduced stress level among employees, as well as an increase in overall productivity.

oscar specs

Making your office pet friendly can be as easy as 1..2..3. However, there needs to be some office etiquette from your pets side too. So, here are a few tips to make the workspace enjoyable for you and your pooch.


paw It’s a good idea for your pet to be well trained and comfortable around new people and other pets.

paw Make sure you don’t have meetings booked all day. Its not a good idea to leave your pets unattended for long periods of time.

paw While its fun for your pets to wonder around the office, offering sloppy kisses and cuddles to co-workers, not everyone will enjoy saying hi to your pets. Be conscious and considerate of who does and does not want sloppy kisses first thing in the morning.

paw Remember to pack your pets’ favourite toy, a comfortable bed and of course some food, water and treats.


paw During your lunch break, take them out for a walk instead of heading to the canteen. If your office has a garden, make use of it and have a picnic with your pooch- they will love it!

paw Most of all have fun with your pets being in the office with you. Talk to them often. Enjoy having them curled up on your lap, under your desk or beside your chair.



Thank you for reading.


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