Category: Oscar

Product Review: Dognition Assessments

When our Instagram besties Anya, York and Ro or @yorkthebully as you may know them, gifted us our Dognition assessment I was beside myself with excitement! Not only had no one ever gifted us anything before, but certainly nothing like this. So thank you Anya, York and Ro for this very special gift!

Dognition is a series of games that you play with your pup and each game assess something different. The assessment categories are, Empathy, Communication,Cunning, Memory and Reasoning. After each game you record what you experienced with your pup and that gets saved and at the end of the entire assessment it gives you a full report of how your pooch approaches each of the categories. There is no right or wrong answer in this test so there is no percentage mark. The report explains in great detail how your pups brain processes different information in different situations.

For our first assessment I chose to do it with Oscar. I absolutely LOVED every minute of this experience with him. Oscar and I have always had a very special kind of bond, and Dognition has brought us even closer! Oscar came out to be an Ace Dog-I am so proud of my little man!! I have often received negativity from strangers towards Oscar, saying he looks like a silly couch potato that can’t run faster than a sloth. Well, to all the haters out there, Oscar will outsmart you any day!!

As an Ace, his report showed me some things I was aware of and others I would have got wrong had I had to fill in a written test about him. His Empathy skills were off the charts meaning the two of us are 100% bonded. He is my little side kick for sure. His communication skills were slightly self-reliant but he mainly looks to me for communication in certain situations. He was more trustworthy as opposed to cunning, meaning he doesn’t do things behind my back. His memory is absolutely brilliant, and what surprised me the most was he actually used his memory over his sense of smell!! Being a hound I thought his sense of smell always came first. His reasoning before doing something was quite logical, and this was because his memory was so good. All in all a fabulous report on how my baby boy deals with situations and how he solves problems.

I cannot wait to do the assessment with Zara and see how she chooses to play. Stay tuned for her results.

If you would like to do the Dognition assessment with your pup, here is a 20% off unique discount code: RAFLZD6EQG
Simply go to and sign up using the unique code above. You can also follow them on Instagram at @dognition

I would love to hear feedback from your assessments and how your pups chose to play. We hope you have as much fun as we have had!

Thank you for reading.

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Happy St. Patrick’s Day

Happy St Patrick’s Day to you all. It just so happens that I decided to try a new recipe of treats for Oscar and Zara this week that are bright green so I thought it fitting to share the recipe with you on St Patricks Day. Not only are they super easy to make-less than an hour! But your pups will love them, unless they are as fussy as Oscar when it comes to trying new food groups-haha!! Somehow he knows exactly when I am up to something and his basset hound nose works overtime 😉

Zara couldn’t wait for the treats to cool down so she could be first in line to taste them. She nearly ate my fingers off, thats how good they are in her eyes. As for my little man Oscar, he sniffed them for about 10 seconds, took one into his mouth then decided he wasn’t sure of this new taste and spat it out again. Zara of course was there to vacuum it up, slobber coated and all!! I had to offer him a few which he turned his nose up at before he noticed that his sister was actually totally fine eating these new green things so maybe he should have a go too…. Now he loves them-success!!

Here is the recipe for my awesome green St Patricks Day doggy treats:


1 cup frozen peas thawed and blended to make a paste

1 egg

1 tbs coconut oil

1 cup wholewheat flour


Pre-heat your oven to 180 degrees. In a bowl mix together the pea paste, egg and coconut oil until combined. Add the flour and mix until a dough forms. If it’s too sticky simply add more flour, if it’s too dry simply add a drop of water. Once you have a perfect dough consistency, roll it out onto a floured surface. Using cute cookie cutters, cut out and place the treats on a greased baking tray. Bake in the oven for +-20 minutes or until cooked through and slightly golden. Not too much-you want to keep their bright green colour. Let the treats cool before allowing your pooch to tuck in! Store them in an airtight container for on hand treats.

I hope your pups enjoy this recipe as much as Zara and eventually Oscar does 🙂

Thank you for reading.

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Say Cheese…

I am by no means a professional photographer. In fact, I am such a newbie it’s frightening!
Watching Oscar grow-up and taking photographs of his every move, I have over 30 000 of him saved to my hard-drive-and no I am not exaggerating at all. Oscar came into my life thirteen years ago. There was no Facebook, Instagram or Snap Chat and my photography skills were less than desirable-haha!! Hence the reason I am a newbie with a new camera. But over the years photographing my soul mate growing up, our fun and lazy moments together has been amazing and I continue to capture those special moments of my baby boy.

Then we added baby Zara to our family. Who doesn’t love photographing a gorgeous fluffy puppy? Zara being Zara would pose only long enough for you to get one photo and then demand to do something fun like attack the camera. It took a lot of patience and care to get the cute puppy photos and moments I did capture. She is now eight months old and has had her fare share of thousands of photos taken. She is becoming more and more comfortable in front of the camera.

It’s all about getting that perfect photograph. But what is the perfect photograph? When photographing pets, you soon realise to accept any photo as the perfect one 😉 Of course there are pets out there that seem to listen and pose in any position with any prop for the camera… I have clearly not inherited those pets-haha! But I wouldn’t have it any other way, both Oscar and Zara make me work very hard to get a photograph I am happy with, a photo that’s worthy of sharing with the world.

So here are my top five tips for achieving the perfect photograph of your furry love…

Natural lighting.
It is always best to try and photograph your pup in daylight. There is no better flash than the sun. Wherever I choose to photograph Oscar or Zara, I always make sure it is a well lit area. Flash photography can often affect your desired look of a photo-and not in a good way. It can cause the dreaded ‘red eye’. White fur often looks washed out, and the flash can also scare your pet!

Add a prop or two.
Adding props incorporates so much fun to a photoshoot, especially with pets. It can be a chalkboard with a quirky quote, their favourite toy, funky hat, their cutest outfit, or simply their favourite bed. I love getting Oscar all dressed up for photoshoots. He on the other hand can think of a million other things he would rather be doing. Zara is new to the dressing up scene and she would rather attack the princess crown I would like her to wear-but it is a work in progress and we will get there.

Now this I find is particularly important!! Oscar refuses to work unless he receives a treat for his good efforts. Of course this is cute, but it also means I need a load of homemade treats on hand. Zara very quickly caught on that when she sees the camera, it means “do what mom asks and I get a treat”.
Here is a yummy recipe that will get your pups attention:

1 apple-grated
1 banana-mashed up
1 egg
1/2 cup oats
1 tsp cinnamon
2 cups flour

Pre-heat your oven to 180 degrees. Mix together your apple and banana then add the egg. Add the oats, flour and cinnamon and mix together until a dough forms. Roll your dough out onto a floured surface and use cookie cutters to cut into cute biscuits. Place them onto a greased baking tray and bake in the oven for +-20 minutes or until cooked through and slightly golden. Remove from the oven and place them on a cooling rack to cool. Store the treats in an air tight container.

Studio vs Outdoor setting.
This is obviously a personal choice, however I recommend both! Oscar has done several professional photography photoshoots in a studio as well as photoshoots outdoors. I honestly cannot say which photos I adore more because I believe every photograph of my baby is a wonderful one! Being in a studio is a bit more formal and adding props is a must! Being outdoors allows Oscar to be a little more relaxed and enjoy his surroundings. Zara has not had a professional studio photoshoot before and perhaps I should book one for us all, but her natural outdoor photos that I have taken are wonderful. I absolutely love looking back and seeing the crazy moments with her tongue hanging out, or her flying through the air because she runs so fast! It is often the natural non-posed photo’s that turn out the best.

Your subject-of course.
Of course you need your pooches! I always like to bath Oscar and Zara the night before a big photoshoot to make sure they are looking their best. For our little mini-photoshoots that happen almost daily I just like to give them a quick wipe down and a nice brush. This always makes them feel extra special, like they know I am about to take photos of them.

All in all, I believe you can never have too many photographs of your furry loves! Remember it takes time, patience and a lot of love to get a posed photo. Enjoy capturing those special moments, after all “no one ever takes a photograph of something they want to forget- anonymous”

Follow us on Instagram for daily crazy fun moments of us all @stylish_paws

Thank you for reading.

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A brush a day keeps the dentist away

February is Pet Dental Health Month. But that doesn’t mean you only need to brush your pups teeth in February. It is so important for their overall health that you brush daily or at least three times a week. For those of you that follow my Instagram account, will notice that Zara loves to show off her pearly whites. I like to call them shark teef, because thats exactly what they are. They can destroy a new toy within minutes and puncture a ball in one session of fetch. But above all they are beautiful, strong, white, and almost-all-adult teeth.

Zara loves getting her teeth cleaned, mainly because she gets to eat something-or so she thinks. But just because she enjoys me brushing her teeth doesn’t mean it’s an easy task. I have to try and brush her teeth before she eats the toothpaste or crushes the toothbrush along with my finger in her excitement. Oscar on the other hand absolutely hates his teeth being brushed. When he sees me coming he runs and hides. Although he doesn’t enjoy teeth cleaning days it’s much easier to clean his teeth because he just sits dead still and doesn’t move a muscle. I then finish off with a mouth rinse, which Zara can’t get enough of and Oscar tries to spit out. My two completely different fur babies!!

Health benefits of regular brushing

Brushing your pups teeth on a regular basis will prevent diseases such as gum disease, plaque build up, heart disease and kidney disease. Sometimes the bacteria build up can he so bad in your pooches mouth the disease can enter their blood stream causing a multitude of health issues.

I personally love doggy breath, but it’s not for everyone so of course regular brushing will help keep your pups breath smelling fresh.

Other ways to keep their teeth clean

Treats and toys help keep your pups teeth in tip top condition too. Some will recommend raw hide chews but I strongly urge you NOT to give these to your pooch!!! There are so many other much safer options to choose from like Petstages Dogwood. These durable non-toxic sticks smell like real wood to keep your pups interest. Zara absolutely loves her Dogwood sticks and she sits for hours gnawing on them. Another great set of toys from Petsages are the Dental Chews. These chews are specifically designed to remove tartar from teeth, soothe gums, and generally keep your pup entertained. You can also make your own alternatives to rawhide chews which are fantastic!! I have written about this previously so just click here to read.

Warning signs

Just like in humans, a dogs breath can tell a lot about their over all health. No one knows the smell of your pup better than you do so if you notice a change in your pups breath or a change in behaviour take them to the vet so the issue can be investigated further. Don’t ignore it.

Prevention is better than cure, so a regular brush with specially formulated toothpaste and tooth brush will help keep your pups teeth in top condition. Click here to shop the range of pet dental health products.

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Cancer in dogs.

Cancer is a devastating disease, and most of us have been affected by it in some way or another. Either ourselves, a family member or a friend. Our pets can get cancer too, and like any disease, early detection is the key to recovery!

Did you know that our furry loves can get the same types of cancer that we can, namely; Lung Cancer, Bladder Cancer, Brain Tumour, Lymphoma, Skin Cancer, Bone Cancer and Mammary Carcinoma, just to name a few!

I personally have not experienced cancer in any of my pets, but I like to be informed and clued up on what exactly I should look for. I am constantly giving Oscar doggy massages (click to read how to give the perfect doggy massage), and so I am always feeling for lumps, bumps and sore spots. Now that we have baby Zara I check her out too, but what exactly am I looking for…?

October is Cancer awareness month so I thought it fitting to explore this topic and provide tips on reading the signs…


paw Lumps, bumps and sores: It is very important that you take note of any new lumps or bumps that form under your dogs skin. It is always a good idea to get the new lump checked out by your vet as soon as possible, don’t wait to see if it grows, disappears or changes in any way. Sores that do not heal are also a cause for concern. Take note of when your first noticed it so you can provide your vet with accurate information.

paw Bleeding or discharge: If you notice any sort of bleeding or discharge coming from any part of your pups body, it is a sign that treatment of some kind is needed. Your vet will be able to identify the cause of the problem and advise the proper treatment needed.


paw Lethargy: Sometimes this may be a difficult one to identify especially when it is mid summer and temperatures reach well into the 30’s. A good way to test this is offer your pooch his favourite treat, if he does not get up and show willingness to receive his treat then take him for a check up your vet.

paw Difficulty breathing or going to the bathroom: Some dog breeds naturally have difficulty breathing and so you need to be extra vigilant with them. If you notice your pooch suddenly can’t exercise for any length of time like they used to, or experience severe difficulty breathing they need to be seen by a vet. Of course if you notice your fur baby struggling in any kind of way going to the bathroom, or notice blood you need to get advise from your vet.

paw Unexplained weight-loss  No one knows their dogs eating habits better than you do… For me this one would be a difficult sign to take note of with Oscar. He honestly will only eat when and if he feels like it. He has been like this his entire life and has never had a regular feeding schedule. Zara on the other hand gulps her breakfast and dinner down within minutes. If your pups eating habits change, visit your vet!


paw Difficulty eating: If you notice your dog is suddenly struggling to eat or swallow his food, this could be a lump putting pressure on his oesophagus. Take your furry love to the vet immediately. Vomiting as well as a sudden increase in water intake should be a sign for concern too.

paw Bad breath: We all love puppy kisses but sometimes things can get a bit smelly. Only you know how your pooch usually smells. If suddenly things change, consult your vet.

The most important thing to remember is, take note of any changes in your dog, both physically and emotionally. You know your pooch best, if his behaviour changes in the slightest way, consult your vet. Early detection is key!


Thank you for reading.


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Happy 13th Birthday Oscar

WOW, today my boy is officially a teenager!! Thirteen of the best years have been spent with my baby Oscar. The love I have for him is unexplainable, kind of like your first love. He is my soul mate and my best friend! We have been on many life adventures together and somehow we always know how the other is feeling. I would say we are the perfect match 🙂

So what do you do for your fur baby’s thirteenth birthday…. Celebrate of course!

This year will be a little different because we have Zara who will be joining in the fun. So far they have  eaten cake, opened presents and played a whole bunch of games together, and I have documented everything!


Here is how Oscar will be celebrating his thirteenth birthday:

Breakfast in bed:

Everyone deserves breakfast in bed on their birthday, so that is what Oscar got! I made all of us some yummy pancakes with greek yoghurt and frozen berries. The humans of the house got Nutella and berry pancakes… Here is the recipe-


2 large eggs

1 cup milk

1 1/2 tbs melted butter

1 tbs honey

1 1/2 cups wholewheat flour

1 tsp baking powder

Sliced banana

Frozen berries

Greek yoghurt


Whisk together all your ingredients in a mixing bowl. Heat up your pan and lightly grease it with cooking spray or coconut oil. Take a spoonful of your batter and place it in your pan to make small flapjack style pancakes. Take some slices of banana and press them into each pancake. Cook your pancakes on each side until golden and cooked through. You can serve as they are or take cookie cutters and cut shapes. Serve them on a platter with some drizzled yoghurt topped with frozen berries. These are so good the entire family can enjoy them.

ps: if you have any spare pancakes you can freeze them for convenient breakfast in bed days…



With a birthday cake:

Of course I have baked Oscar a gorgeous birthday cake for him and Zara to devour! I love baking for my fur babies and when it’s a special occasion like this one, I go all out! This year

Oscar and Zara got their own cake which is decorated with homemade treats! Here is the recipe-


1 cup Apple Sauce

1 egg

1/2 cup peanut butter

1/2 tsp baking powder

1 cup wholewheat flour

1/8 cup coconut oil

Frosting ingredients

1 cup Greek yoghurt

1 cup peanut butter


Preheat your oven to 180 degrees. Mix together all the wet ingredients in a mixing bowl. Then add your flour and beat well. Place your cake mixture into a greased cake tin and bake for +-30 minutes or until cooked and golden. Once cooked remove it from the oven and let it cool slightly, remove it from the cake tin and let it cool completely before you begin icing it. To make the frosting simply beat together the greek yoghurt and peanut butter until it is a yummy creamy and smooth consistency. Once your cake has cooled you can spread the frosting evenly over the entire cake and decorate as you wish with homemade treats. You can place it in the fridge for a couple of hours or over night to set the frosting. Let your birthday boy enjoy his special cake 🙂


For the homemade treats-


2 shredded carrots

1 shredded medium apple

1 egg

1/2 cup milk

1 tbs coconut oil

1 1/2 cups wholewheat flour

A few drops of food colouring if you feel like making them a specific colour


Preheat your oven to 180 degrees. Mix together all the wet ingredients in a mixing bowl, add the food colouring too if you wish, then add your flour. If the mixture is too sticky simply add more flour, if it is too dry add more milk. Once you have the perfect dough, roll it out onto a floured surface and using cookie cutters, cut out the treats. Place them on a greased baking tray and bake for +-20 minutes or until cooked and golden in colour. Once cooked let the treats cool before decorating your pups birthday cake.


Opening presents:

Oscar is a very intuitive boy and he knows exactly what is going on around him! He know’s when it’s special occasions for presents such as his birthday, Easter or Christmas. He loves unwrapping his gifts and making a mess. This year he had a little helper and they both had a great time. Of course Zara got gifts too because I cannot give one without the other… That’s just me! So both babies were really spoiled.


Creating memories:

Photographs last forever, literally! And that is why Oscar is the most over photographed pup on the planet. On special occasions I like to go all out and take as many photos as I can so we can look back and remember those special moments. This year is no different, the camera came out the moment we all woke up and I won’t put it down until we all go to bed tonight! Oscar’s birthday is a huge day and I will document each and every moment of it. Have fun with your pup, get him to pose for you, add some props and take some snaps together! Selfie sticks were invented for a reason 😉


Having fun:

Everyday spent with Oscar is a fun day, but on his birthday I like to create extra fun by doing the things he loves to do most, like having a picnic in the garden, going for a walk, playing games and taking an afternoon nap together!

Oscar’s thirteenth birthday will definitely be one to remember…



We hope you enjoy celebrating your pups birthday as much as we do!

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Meet Baby Zara

On Sunday 28 August 2016, baby Zara was welcomed into our home and into our lives! She was 9 weeks old and weighed a hefty 10 kilograms. Now, two weeks on, we cannot imagine life without this bundle of big personality yet gentle natured baby girl. She is absolutely gorgeous and we are besotted. Oscar on the other hand is not quite sure what to do with his baby sister. I have come to the conclusion that Oscar does not believe he is a dog but in fact a human!!! He watches her for hours play with her toys, she tries so hard to get him to join in but he just gives her a side eye as if to say “I am not one of you.” Of course it could be worse and they could be at each other’s throats, I am very thankful they are not. I guess with time Oscar will learn how to interact with Zara.

Oscar is not quite sure what to do with baby Zara...
Oscar is not quite sure what to do with baby Zara…

I can already see in the two weeks they have been together he has warmed up to her. They drink out the same water bowl and she slowly creeps onto the bottom corner of his bed at night. She even gives him a sneaky little lick on the bacon lips which he doesn’t mind, but of course I have to pretend I didn’t see a thing-haha!

We adore her!
We adore her!

In two weeks she has grown so much. She has put on 3 kilograms and outgrown her puppy pyjamas! You have to savour the puppy moments because before you know it they are gone. I am convinced after every nap she takes she wakes up bigger.

She is growing so quickly, no more puppy pyjamas!
She is growing so quickly, no more puppy pyjamas!

As soon as she is 12 weeks old she will be starting puppy school. We cannot wait for her to start, interact with some dogs her own age and learn a little discipline. I will be totally honest, she is super intelligent and she already knows her name, commands like sit, stay and slowly getting her to fetch the ball and bring it back. Puppy school will open her mind to learn new things and hopefully make some friends. Oscar will come along for some moral support and hopefully learn that he is in fact A DOG!

While having a puppy is the greatest privilege in the world, you have to be prepared and have everything she will need to ensure she settles in and is as comfortable as possible, here is a list of some goodies we got for Zara before her arrival-

Puppy food: It is extremely important that your new puppy is fed the right food, Zara is a Rottweiler so she needs a special formulated food to meet her specific growth needs. She is on a super premium brand which offers her absolutely everything she needs to grow up into a healthy adult. Always feed your furry loves the best possible food you can afford and please do some research, what may appear to be premium, may not always be!

Puppy bowls: We initially bought Zara a cute bone shaped bowl for her kibble and a cute water bowl to match, little did we know that our baby would be a food guzzler! She can eat one cup of her food in less than a minute… This is not healthy for her so we bought her a slow feed bowl. This is the best invention ever-I wish I had invented it!! She now eats more calmly and actually chews her kibble. Meal times are not such a feeding frenzy anymore.

A comfy bed: It was important for Zara to have her own bed and her own space. And it was also important that she had the same as Oscar! I can’t have favourites, they are both my babies and they both need to be spoilt. They both have a proper little bed, with pillows and a duvet and of course a teddy to cuddle up with. Zara tries to get into bed with Oscar every night and of course he is not keen on that idea just yet-I keep telling her to give him some time!

Toys: Puppies need toys, lots of toys! Luckily Oscar has two big baskets filled with various squeaky and fluffy toys which he only plays with occasionally. Zara did get some new toys of her own so she knew she was special too. Oscar has no issue with Zara playing with or demolishing his toys. I think he knows he will just get new ones-yes he is a spoilt brat, but I cannot help it 🙂

Zara has loads of teddies and toys she plays with.
Zara has loads of teddies and toys she plays with.

Love: Your new puppy will need tons of love and affection! There is no such thing as giving your puppy too much love. She needs to feel included and apart of your family. She is the one in a new environment and it is your job to make her feel welcome.

But most of all, enjoy having a puppy around. Enjoy the puppy breath. Enjoy the shark teeth biting your ankles as you walk. Because before you know it she will be all grown up…

Baby Zara the day we brought her home.
Baby Zara the day we brought her home.

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Oscar’s dry skin.

We all know what it’s like to have dry itchy skin… not nice!! So when your pup experiences dry and itchy skin caused from the harsh winter weather, it’s only natural to want to try and help him! Oscar’s skin is definitely dryer in winter and I need to take extra care to make sure it clears up and doesn’t bother him. During the winter months I try to keep him indoors so that he stays clean. Bathing him too often in winter definitely contributes to his dry skin, even though I always use a conditioner. Oscar has no issues with staying indoors, he loves nothing more than all day snuggles on the couch under his duvet-who wouldn’t? If it is really cold I have to coax him outside with treats just so he can use the bathroom, and he lives in his pyjamas! When it comes to winter, Oscar absolutely hates it! Luckily for him spring is around the corner and he needs to be in tip top condition, here are some things I like to add to Oscar’s diet to keep his skin healthy and his fur shiny…

Oscar loves snoozing on the couch with his duvet
Oscar loves snoozing on the couch with his duvet

Olive oil: this is a great one because we all have olive oil in our cupboards. I just drizzle a tablespoon over Oscar’s dry food which of course he loves.

Coconut oil: I have already written about how amazing coconut oil is for your pup (to read about the Wonders of Coconut Oil, click here), so it’s time to include it in his daily diet! I love making frozen coconut oil drops or simply scoop small blobs and dot them over his dry dog food.

Tuna in oil: Oscar goes crazy for tuna! He knows exactly what I am about to open before I have reached for the tin opener-haha! For Oscar I always opt for the tuna in oil, I either give it to him as is in his treat bowl or I make yummy treats for him to enjoy. The fish oils, mixed with the added oils do magic tricks for Oscar’s fur. Give it a try!


1 tin tuna in oil

1 cup flour

1 tablespoon olive oil

1 tablespoon coconut oil

1 egg


Pre-heat your oven to 180 degrees. Mix all the ingredients together in a bowl. If the mixture is too sticky then add more flour until you get the right consistency. Roll the dough out and using cookie cutters cut cute treats for your pooch. Place them on a greased baking tray and bake for around 25 minutes or until cooked and golden. Once cooked allow the treats to cool before letting your pup enjoy. Store them in an air tight container.

Tuna treats are a real winner with Oscar, bake a batch for your furry love
Tuna treats are a real winner with Oscar, bake a batch for your furry love

Humidifier: a great room moisturiser is a humidifier. Oscar sleeps with us in our bedroom and we use a humidifier every night which helps keep Oscar’s skin moisturised too.

We hope that by using these easy tips, your pups skin will be summer ready in no time!

Oscar loves to roll in dirt so it is important that I take care of his skin and fur for him
Oscar loves to roll in dirt so it is important that I take care of his skin and fur for him


Thank you for reading.


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Finding the perfect house sitter…

Last week we took a short break and went exploring the African bush in Botswana. It was wonderful to be in nature, have no access to wifi or have any cell phone reception. You realise just how much you reply on your cell phone and how often you check in on what’s happening in the social media world. I realised that I won’t actually die without it-haha! We did however buy a local sim card and some airtime to check in on our babies at home as well as our family members, we didn’t want the flying squad to come looking for us 😉

There is one very important task we have to tackle before we can go away on any holiday… Finding the perfect house sitter! Unfortunately we cannot take Oscar, Valentine and Duchess on every holiday we go on. Living away from friends and family is tough as it is, but you truly realise just how alone you are when you have no one to rely on and help you out! Inviting a stranger into our home, to live in and look after our babies, is terribly daunting for us. Alexis was recommended to us by a mutual friend and she turned out to be the absolute best! Oscar got on well with her and Valentine and Duchess warmed to her too. She sent us photo’s regularly although we only received them once back in the land of the living 😉 It was comforting and heartwarming to know everyone was enjoying themselves. Unfortunately Alexis will not be available to house sit for us again as she returns back to her home country-The USA. SO the process starts all over again….

Oscar has no problem staying at home to look after things while we go away...
Oscar has no problem staying at home to look after things while we go away…

Here are my top tips for finding the perfect house sitter:

Ask questions- Write down a list of everything you want to know from the potential house sitter and don’t be afraid to ask what you really want to know. After all this person will be sleeping in your home and looking after your most precious beings-your furry loves! Try and get to know the person as well as you can in the time you have available. See how they react and respond to your questions. If something doesn’t sit well with you, move onto the next person ASAP! Always trust your gut…

Oscar is allowed to sleep on the couch if he feels like it. Let your house sitter know this information.
Oscar is allowed to sleep on the couch if he feels like it. Let your house sitter know this information.

Let them know- Always let the potential house sitter know what it is you expect from them. Explain how things usually work in your home, for example, Valentine and Duchess expect their breakfast at around 8am every morning and dinner time is around 6pm (depending on what time the sun goes down). Oscar is less demanding when it comes to his meals, however he has 2 homemade bedtime treats every single night. Explain the smallest detail and expect it to be carried out. The idea of a house sitter is to keep your fur babies as undisturbed as possible, so the house sitter needs to slot in and take your place for a few days.

Valentine and Duchess expect their meals at certain times of the day.
Valentine and Duchess expect their meals at certain times of the day.

Type it out- I always type and print out everything that was said while showing the house sitter around. It is a lot of information to process and to ensure mistakes don’t happen it is best to give them something typed out. To you it may seem simple and obvious, but you do it every single day without even thinking about it. To someone new there could be an overwhelming list of things to do.  We are not perfect and having a typed out sheet makes the house sitters job a lot easier. I include photo’s too. It is a lot easier when you have a visual image to refer to. For example, how Oscar likes to be covered at night or how I plate Valentine and Duchess’ meals. The more information you provide, the better things will be.

Oscar likes to be covered in a certain way every night.
Oscar likes to be covered in a certain way every night.

Prepare them a room- Just like having any other guest over, it is important to make sure they have a comfortable bed to sleep in and space to unpack. They need to feel welcome in your home. Add some flowers or leave a chocolate under their pillow, after all they are a very important guest!

Oscar and Valentine have a special 'bromance' going on!
Oscar and Valentine have a special ‘bromance’ going on!

Invite them for dinner- Sometimes this one is a bit tricky as time doesn’t allow it. But it is not a bad idea to invite your chosen house sitter round for dinner or even a cup of tea or coffee and have a friendly casual catch up. Notice how your fur babies respond to them and how they interact with your fur babies! Let your babies get used to this person before they suddenly have to share their home with them.

Nom nom nom.
Nom nom nom.

Thank them- Make sure your house sitter knows exactly how much you appreciate them helping you out. After all, without them you wouldn’t be going on an amazing holiday! Leave a special treat for them to enjoy and buy some of their favourite foods. The more you appreciate them, the better they will look after your home and fur babies.

Thank you for looking after us Alexis!
Thank you for looking after us Alexis!

Having peace of mind knowing everything is absolutely fine at home and your fur babies are being looked after allows you to enjoy your holiday that much more.

Thank you for reading.


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He’s in dreamland…

I often find myself watching Oscar as he appears to be having the most awesome dream. Jowls twitching, nose sniffing and feet seemingly running. I find it hysterical to watch and often reach for my camera or phone to film my boy having the time of his life in dreamland. But the real question is, Does Oscar dream?

me and oscar

I’m happy to admit that Oscar doesn’t get the gold medal for being the most active boy on the block but he is the most happy-go-lucky soul I have ever met. Happy to snooze under my feet in the office, happy to fall asleep next to me while I watch my favourite t.v shows, happy to sun tan with me and of course he is happy to snuggle up in bed. I would say Oscar’s favourite pass time is sleeping. So let’s explore whether Oscar does dream or not…

The simple answer is yes. While we do not know for sure what our beloved pups dream about, studies have shown that they enter a state of deep sleep just like us humans do. It is during this deep sleeping period that Oscar has his various dreams. It is also said that smaller dogs will dream a lot more each night than larger dogs will. Puppies also dream more than adult dogs because they are processing the new information they learn each day.

Obviously I would love to ask Oscar what he dreamt about last night and have him answer me, but unfortunately that is not the case. We can only speculate that his dreams are similar to mine. Replaying the days events of chasing birds, eating his treats and barking at the clouds.

While your pups sudden growls and howls may be alarming, please do not wake him from his dream. Your pup needs deep uninterrupted sleep for healthy brain activity. Think about how you feel when you have suddenly been woken up from your dreams…

Waking your pooch from a deep, dreaming sleep may startle him and this could result in him lashing out. A startled pup needs a moment to assess his surroundings. So please let your pup sleep.

The positions our furry loves sleep in can tell us how comfortable and happy they are at that particular moment. Oscar has many sleeping positions, but here are a few of his favourites and what they mean.

paw Side sleeping: We call this one ‘sleeping like a human’ since Oscar always has his head on a pillow and is covered by his comfy duvet. This is said to be a very restful and comfortable sleeping position. It means Oscar is comfortable with his surroundings without the fear of threats.

side sleeping

paw Curled up like a ball: This is the most defensive position. Oscar will tuck his feet and tail tightly under himself and nudge his head close to his body too. It isn’t a very restful position and it can also mean he is cold and trying to keep himself warm.

curled up

paw Legs up: When Oscar sleeps in this position, it shows absolute relaxation and comfort. He doesn’t have a care in the world!

legs up

paw Curled side sleep: This is a favourite for many of our furry loves. Oscar will sleep on his tummy, slightly curled up and cosy. This is a comfortable position to for him to sleep in and it allows him to jump up quickly if need be.

curled side sleep

It is important that your pooch has at least one super comfortable bed to sleep on. Yes, Oscar is very spoilt and has three of his own dedicated bed, plus he uses the couch and the outside furniture as his resting spots too. If you wouldn’t sleep on your pups bed then you shouldn’t expect him to either. Please make sure you provide him with something comfortable and clean.

You can browse the Stylish Paws online store for handmade beds click here.

Thank you for reading.


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