Homemade cat treats

Here at Stylish Paws Wednesdays are known as Kitty Wednesday! It’s one day of the week that we dedicate to our feline friends. So to honour our beloved cats, I thought I would share a cat treat recipe that is so quick and easy and your cats are sure to love!


Oscar doesn’t care that these are cat treats-he wants some too!


paw 1 tin of tuna in oil

paw 3 cups of flour (add water if your mixture is too dry)

paw An egg or two (depending on how big they are)

paw 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil

paw Cookie cutters


Add all the ingredients into a bowl and mix well. Roll the dough onto a floured surface and using your cookie cutter, cut into little bite sized treats. If you don’t have a small cookie cutter you can roll into bite sized balls.

Place them onto a greased baking tray and bake at 150 degrees celsius for 10 to 20 minutes. After the first 10 minutes keep checking on the treats regularly. You know when they are done when they are golden brown in colour. Leave them to cool on a cooling rack for a few hours or over night to air dry. Store the treats in an air tight container.

tuna nibbles open jar



Oscar knows he is not a cat but that doesn’t stop him from enjoying these delicious treats! We hope your cats loves them too. If you have your own cat treat recipe please share with us in the comments box below.

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Plan B dog treats

We have all been there… you have just taken your pooch for a walk and he deserves a treat or two, you open his treat container and it’s empty! You can’t tell that gorgeous face looking up at you with big eyes and a wagging tail “sorry we have run out of dog treats, you will have to wait until tomorrow.”

Don’t worry! Here are 8 healthy and tasty back up treats your pooch will adore:

paw Strawberries- contains healthy omega 3’s and vitamin C, which makes them a perfect doggy treat.


paw Apple slices- loaded with fibre and vitamin C, dogs love these healthy treats. Please remember to remove the stem, core and seeds first.

paw Banana slices- packed with antioxidants, vitamins and minerals to keep your pets healthy.

paw Carrot slices- they naturally clean your pup’s teeth and promote healthy gums. You can also dip the carrot stick in some natural peanut butter for a super delicious treat.


paw Watermelon- this is on Oscar’s favourite treat list! I love it too. And because it is 90% water I know it will keep my boy hydrated. Just remember to remove the seeds or buy a seedless one.

paw Green beans- frozen green beans are a real treat for your pooch. They contain fibre, vitamin K, vitamin C and manganese to keep your pet healthy.

paw Pineapple chunks- this is the perfect after dinner treat due to its digestive enzymes.

paw Peas- Oscar loves to snack on frozen peas. You can put them into a treat ball and let your pooch have some fun or throw a handful on the floor and let him ‘hoover’ them up.


We hope these back up treat ideas come in handy for the next time you run out of dog treats.

Please remember to feed treats in moderation.

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6 ways to beat winter boredom

During the cold winter months we all just want to snuggle up and be indoors, including our pets. The thought of going to the park on a cold winters day does not appeal to Oscar at all! He loves to cosy up and snuggle with me, but he does get bored too.

Here are 6 fun things that Oscar loves to do indoors. Not only will these activities brighten your pooch’s mood, they also create some fun bonding time.


  1. ‘Find It’ – Oscar’s favourite game:

Things you will need:paw

 6-8 empty yoghurt containers (the size will depend on the size of your furry love)

paw Lots of treats

How to play:

Turn each yoghurt container upside down. Only put a treat under two or three of the containers. Then shuffle the containers and tell you pooch to “find it”. (Oscar prefers the container to be upright so he can put his nose right in and get the treat.) Oscar can play this game for ages… We have to run out of treats before he stops.




  1. Indoor Obstacle Course:


Things you will need:

paw Pillows

paw Chairs

paw Coffee table

paw Boxes

How to play:

Have some fun with your pets! Build an indoor obstacle course using pillows stacked up, coffee tables to crawl under, chairs to jump over, boxes to sit on and whatever else you can find around your house to make the obstacle course fun. This is one way to get the blood flowing and you’re having fun with your best friend. Don’t forget to reward them for correctly completing a task!


  1. Hide and Seek:


Things you will need:

paw Places to hide

How to play:

Tell your pooch to ‘sit’ and ‘stay’ while you run and hide. You then call for your pooch to come and find you. One or more people can hide and as he finds them, you can reward him with treats.


  1. Obedience Training:


Why not take the opportunity and brush up on some obedience training. Teach your pooch to sit, lie down or roll over. Of course there are more advanced tricks for you to teach your pooch like how to hold a treat on his nose until you tell him he can eat it, fetch his favourite toy or to lie down and cover his eyes. Just remember to be patient with your pets and to reward for effort.


  1. Fill a Kong Toy:


You have all heard of the Kong toy right? Well an awesome way to keep your pets entertained for hours is to fill them with all sorts of yummy things. Here are a few ideas your pets will love:

paw Mash up some banana, plain yoghurt and honey. Place inside the Kong toy then freeze for a few hours.

paw Combine pumpkin, plain yoghurt and some cooked rice. Mix well and squish into the Kong toy. Freeze for a few hours.

paw Make some good old macaroni and cheese and fill the Kong toy.

paw Combine sugar-free applesauce with some fruit chunks; fill the Kong toy and freeze.

paw Mix mashed potato with some dog biscuits and stuff the Kong toy.

paw Combine a banana, plain peanut butter (that does NOT contain xylitol) and some cheese. Mix well and fill the Kong toy and freeze.



  1. Treat Ball Time:


Oscar loves his treat ball. Not only does it squeak, but it also dispenses treats- much to his amazement! I pop a few bite sized treats in and let him roll away. Yoghurt drops work really well.



We hope you and your pets enjoy the fun indoor activities that Oscar and I love.


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Keeping your pets warm in winter

You’ve heard the saying “if it’s too cold outside for you, then it’s too cold for your pets.” Well it’s true! Your dog may be covered in fur, but that doesn’t mean he won’t feel the cold. No dog should be left outside for too long in the cold.

If like me, your pets are not just pets they are apart of the family and are your four legged children, then no doubt they have a wide variety of cosy jackets, warm blankets and a comfy spot or two to snuggle.

Here are some tips for keeping your pets comfortable and warm this winter.

Edited (88)paw Don’t shave your pets’ coat, a longer coat means more warmth.

paw A doggy jacket is a good idea. Many people chuckle at the thought, but that extra layer is much appreciated by your pets. Make sure you get a jacket that fits properly and doesn’t restrict movement.


paw Reduce bathing frequency. If your furry love does not enjoy being blow dried- aka Oscar! Then keep bathing to a minimum. Chances are they are not as dirty as during the summer months.

paw Your pets can get frostbite and hypothermia too! Be kind, keep your pets indoors when it is cold outside. If you do need to leave your pets outside for a while, make sure they have a warm, dry and draft-free place to snuggle up.

paw If your pets live for those early morning walks, consider putting booties or non-slip doggy socks on to protect their paws from any frost that may have formed overnight.

paw Pets love to cosy up in front of a heater or fire, but be careful your pets don’t get too close. They can burn easily.

oscar by the fire


paw Don’t let your pets lie on a cold floor. Give them a comfortable bed, which will provide warmth when they curl up. This is especially important for older dogs and over weight dogs.

paw Microwaveable pillows are a great addition to your pets’ bed during the cold months.

paw Adding healthy oils like olive oil, coconut oil and flaxseed oil to their diet will help prevent dry skin and keep their coats healthy and shiny.

paw Most importantly enjoy the snuggle time with your pets!

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You can browse the Stylish Paws online store for winter pet jackets, non-slip doggy socks as well as comfy bedding. Shop www.stylishpaws.co.za/shop2


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Take your pets to work day

Today is international take your pets to work day. Did you take your pets into the office today? Or do you work in an environment that allows you to take your pets to work everyday? I am lucky enough to work from home so Oscar comes to the ‘office’ with me everyday. He loves it and so do I!

Research has shown that employers who allow pets to be brought to work saw a reduced stress level among employees, as well as an increase in overall productivity.

oscar specs

Making your office pet friendly can be as easy as 1..2..3. However, there needs to be some office etiquette from your pets side too. So, here are a few tips to make the workspace enjoyable for you and your pooch.


paw It’s a good idea for your pet to be well trained and comfortable around new people and other pets.

paw Make sure you don’t have meetings booked all day. Its not a good idea to leave your pets unattended for long periods of time.

paw While its fun for your pets to wonder around the office, offering sloppy kisses and cuddles to co-workers, not everyone will enjoy saying hi to your pets. Be conscious and considerate of who does and does not want sloppy kisses first thing in the morning.

paw Remember to pack your pets’ favourite toy, a comfortable bed and of course some food, water and treats.


paw During your lunch break, take them out for a walk instead of heading to the canteen. If your office has a garden, make use of it and have a picnic with your pooch- they will love it!

paw Most of all have fun with your pets being in the office with you. Talk to them often. Enjoy having them curled up on your lap, under your desk or beside your chair.



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Meet Oscar

Hello world; welcome to Stylish Paws, Everything Pets. My name is Stacey and my furry love is Oscar. Oscar is a Basset Hound cross Bulldog, he is an only child-like myself and is oh so spoilt by his dad and I.

Oscar was born on September 30th 2003 and came into my life 7 weeks later. Do you believe in love at first sight? I do! Oscar and I knew we were soul mates the minute we saw each other. And who could blame me, with his far too long ears and droopy eyes?


I have grown up with pets my entire life, however Oscar is ‘my’ very first dog. My grandparents always had dogs, which I loved and would often crawl into their kennel for an afternoon nap. Oscar has taught me a lot and continues to teach me each day. He is now 11 years young and still my baby boy. No one quite understands the love I have for Oscar, and I often say to my mom “I hope I love my children one day as much as I love Oscar”.


So it is quite obvious to say that Oscar is the inspiration behind Stylish Paws. He loves being the perfect model and showing off all his Stylish apparel. You can browse the Stylish Paws online store (www.sytylishpaws.co.za/shop2) for super Stylish goodies for yourself or your pets, and remember we ship worldwide. If you are unsure about something at any point during your checkout please do not hesitate to send me an email on Stacey@stylishpaws.co.za . We are so excited about our new website and blog and we hope you enjoy it too. We look forward to sharing stories, tips and ideas with you and receiving your feedback.


Thank you for reading.


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