Tag: blogger

Dogs and Babies… A year on

When I first posted about dogs and babies, a year ago, baby Gia was less than a month old and I was still in South Africa waiting for the doctors clearance that we were both able to fly. So much has happened in that year… 

This topic also sparks a lot of interest from my amazing Instagram community. I cannot thank my followers enough for welcoming baby Gia the way that you have! You all LOVE seeing Zara and Gia together, you love to watch their bond grow, as do I! Gia has grown into a beautiful, kind and loving one year old and Zara is learning about life with a tiny almost walking human, but has embraced her role as big sis in ways we never imagined. 

Our main goal with the girls has always been and always will be for them to respect each other. They both require their own space, time alone as well as family time. From the very beginning we have been teaching and showing both Zara and Gia how to interact in a respectful way. For example: Gia is not allowed to crawl or stand all over Zara in her attempt to get onto the couch. Zara is not allowed to push over, stand on Gia or steal Gia’s food from under her nose. Things happen, Gia is a one year old and Zara is an excitable 53kg Rottweiler! The girls are not perfect nor perfectly behaved all the time, it’s how we manage it and teach them what’s acceptable that’s important. 

We got our fair share of ‘warnings’ when I was pregnant with Gia and we still get raised eyebrows when we mention we have a one year old and a Rottweiler. The judgement only makes us want to showcase the girls even more. 

Here are some of the things we did when baby Gia arrived home and things we still do to make sure Zara feels very much included and part of her pack… 

No area is off limits

No area is off limits in our home. I got a lot of warnings and even read numerous articles that said pets should be kept out of the nursery. I’m not quite sure what keeping your pets out of your baby’s room would do… but it wasn’t going to happen in our home. Zara helped us prepare Gia’s room which was our way of showing her that change is coming. As a result of including Zara, she now leaves a toy in Gia’s room every night and it’s also her favourite place to take a nap. 

Sharing toys

The girls share toys. Yes Gia is at the age where everything goes into her mouth, as long as she can’t choke on it, I am totally fine with it. I think the world needs to worry about a lot more than dog germs. Both Zara and Gia have recently been dewormed so in my eyes it’s good for them to share toys. It teaches Gia important lessons, so important that Gia now puts her comfort rabbit toy in her mouth just like Zara would to transport it… Genius I tell you 😉 

Learning to share food

It’s no secret Zara lives for food! I always knew the starting solids stage with Gia would spark a lot of interest from Zara and it definitely did. Without a doubt meal times are Zara’s favourite! We’ve had to teach Zara that she can’t steal food from Gia’s bowl or out her hand. We have taught Zara the clues Gia gives to say ok you can have this now. Zara has been very patient and she knows that when Gia is done there is always something for her. Of course this doesn’t happen 100% of the time, just last week Zara decided to steal Gia’s entire meal. But it’s ok, not the end of the world. We are all still learning. 

Showing affection

We have never stopped showing Zara how much we love and appreciate her. We might have a tiny human who demands so much time, energy and love but we include Zara in all of that too. Gia sees how much we kiss and hug Zara and it has become her favourite thing to do… Kiss Zara! We also allow Zara to kiss Gia, why wouldn’t we. Gia’s first kiss from Zara was the day after I arrived home with Gia. It was important that Zara knew it was ok to love and show love towards this new human that is now living in her space. 

Being respectful

Respect is an important part of Zara and Gia’s relationship. They both need to respect each other and learn each others boundaries. I am extremely lucky to be a stay at home mom so I am always around making sure boundaries and limits are not crossed. Gia is only one year old and still has plenty to learn, so when I see Zara has had enough kisses from her baby sis I gently remove Gia from the situation and direct her attention towards another activity. In the same way when Zara is licking Gia’s face ferociously to welcome her home from our shopping trip, I divert Zara’s attention so Gia can catch her breath. 

Both Zara and Gia are our girls. One I gave birth to and the other I didn’t but that doesn’t mean Zara cannot be a fully fledged member of our family. It is possible to keep your fur babies as part of your family when you welcome a human baby. I struggle to understand why some people find it so difficult. Some days are harder than others, being new parents is tough. There is nothing easy about raising a tiny human but I honestly couldn’t imagine doing this without Zara. She’s licked away plenty tears and endured hours of cuddling when we are too tired to run around and play. Zara has embraced her role as big sis and we couldn’t be prouder! 

If you are pregnant or recently welcomed a newborn into your family and have fur babies too, I really hope this post has inspired you. It is ok to have pets and babies! 

ps: The photos used in this post are 100% natural and unfiltered. They’re personal photos I wanted to share to give you a glimpse of how my girls interact on a real level. They’re not posed and beautifully edited. They’re beautiful moments simply captured on my iPhone 🙂


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Hello June

Hello June… I am not sure how we got here so seemingly fast but, here we are in the sixth month of the year!

We’re all about snuggling under duvets drinking hot drinks watching all our besties on Instagram having some summer fun in the Northern Hemisphere.

June calendar

Download your June calendar here.

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Gizzls CBD oil for Pets Product Review

Medicated CBD oil for pets, are you for it or not? I’ll tell you where I’m at…

When Gizzls contacted us, it was at a time that is most stressful for Zara… The silly season. December time for us is filled with chaos and fireworks. Yes fireworks! Christmas and New Year loses it’s appeal because Zara becomes hysterical to the point where she’s almost uncontrollable! I have tried various methods of calming remedies and each one so far has not worked so I thought let’s give CBD oil a try.


You could say that our bottle of Gizzls full spectrum CBD oil and medicated CBD treats came just in time! We started giving Zara her treats and oil drops the week before all the chaos was due to start! 

Gizzls is a company that produces medicated CBD products for your pets. They pride themselves in using only the best sourced plants. Making sure their full spectrum CBD oil is free of any herbicides, pesticides, GMO products, preservatives or any other additive. 

CBD oil treats

CBD oil has become an extremely popular way to help ease stress, anxiety, chronic conditions and help with pain management. I will be honest, I was on the fence about this way of medicating Zara, I’m not sure why. I just was! Fast forward a few weeks of continuous use and I’ll say that I am quite happy with the results… 

During the silly season of fireworks I will say Gizzls CBD oil and treats helped to a certain extent. Unfortunately nothing will take away the intense sound a firework delivers to our pets, however it did ‘take the edge off’. She seemed to calm easier than previous years. She settled in-between the couch pillows and us and actually drifted off to sleep while the bangs were sporadic- something she has not done in previous years. During the crazy hours of non stop bangs she was a tad hysterical, panting and pacing around, clawing around our bed and the couch. But as I said she was a lot easier to settle and she didn’t listen out for when the next bang was coming even though we all knew it was on its way- A positive step in mind. 

CBD oil for dogs

Another observation I’ve made is how confident Zara seems on her legs! After having two TPLO surgeries six months apart from one another, we relied on stronger medication to help with Zara’s pain and inflammation management. I can confirm Zara has not had an anti-inflammatory tablet in over a month!! She runs happier, tends to want to jump up on things and just seems confident while running around playing with her toys- Another positive step in my mind. 

CBD dog treats

Gizzls also said that their CBD oil was suitable for the three Amigos. I held off giving it to them until I saw how Zara responded to it. Two weeks ago Peaches fell ill very suddenly. Anyone with a bunny will know that when your bunny is not feeling well you need to act immediately or they can lose their life! After a stressful night I made the decision to start giving them their drop of CBD oil. I simply put one drop each on their pellets and make sure each bunny gets their CBD covered pellet. It’s hard to say at this moment if it’s making a noticeable difference but if it can help keep the Vet away and provide overall health then I’m all for it!

I’m not a CBD expert, we simply tried and tested Gizzls full spectrum CBD oil and treats. If you would like to know more about the science behind CBD oil then head on over to Gizzls website, they explain it perfectly.

CBD oil

All in all I would highly recommend switching to Gizzls full spectrum CBD oil as a way to safely medicate your pet. The oil can be tricky to administer so I simply place Zara’s three drops on one of her Gizzls hand baked treats and she scoffs it in one go! She doesn’t mind the taste of the oil at all and the Amigos don’t seem bothered by it either. 

Gizzls full spectrum CBD oil go hand in hand with their treats but also work on their own. Go ahead and place your order via the Gizzls website, it’s money well spent! 


Thank you Gizzls for keeping Zara and the Amigos healthy! 

Follow Gizzls on social media | Facebook | Instagram and shop all their products via their website.

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Benefits of Bone Broth for your Pets

Zara underwent TPLO surgery in July this year and since then recovery has been long and tough. It has been weeks upon weeks of rest, and anyone with a rottie will know what a difficult task that is… But we managed and with the help of some added extra supplements and treatments I can safely say her recovery is going well. 

One of the added extra supplements I chose to give Zara was bone broth. After doing extensive research I realised just how good and nutritious bone broth actually is for her and I wondered why I had never given it to Oscar or Zara before. 

bone broth

Benefits of bone broth:

  • It’s a great source of essential minerals, rich in calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, silicon, sulphur and more. Bone broth may also encourage your pups water consumption and boost her appetite too.
  • Bone broth has great joint healing properties. It contains glucosamine, chondroitin and hyaluronic acid, all of which protects and give joints their elasticity, strength and flexibility. Bone broth is also the best food source which contains collagen to help form connective tissue. 
  • The amino acids and glycosaminoglycans restore and protect the gut lining which supports digestion and a healthy gut for your pooch.  
  • Bone broth is extremely beneficial to your pups immune system too. It helps reduce inflammation in the respiratory system and improve the immune systems ability to fight conditions like allergies, asthma and arthritis. 
  • Most importantly when bone broth is home made, it is completely natural and free from grain, gluten, dairy etc. 

Some of you might think that bone broth sounds absolutely awful. I was totally one of those people and never in my wildest dreams thought I would stomach making it! I reached out to an Instagram friend @goldengirlcalibear and asked for her advice. She is a vegetarian herself, but feeds Cali a totally raw diet- yes that includes raw meat of all kinds. I figured if she can do this then I can too, plus it was for my baby loves!! So I pulled myself together, bought the ingredients and went home to make some all important bone broth…. Here is my recipe:

bone broth


1-2kg of bones (you can use chicken or beef or both)

2-3 tbs apple cider vinegar

Enough water to completely cover your bones in the pot

Optional-vegetables or vegetable cuttings 


Place your bones in a huge pot and add the apple cider vinegar, stirring it over the bones- it helps break down all the fat and cartilage which is the good stuff in bone broth. Leave it for about 30 mins. Then fill your pot with cold water making sure you completely cover the bones. Gently bring the pot to a boil and then turn it down and let it lightly simmer for at least 10 hours with the lid on. Once done strain your broth, making sure absolutely NO bones or bone fragments end up in your final bone broth stock. Please throw away these soft bones immediately-NEVER give them to your pooch no matter how much they beg for one!! Let the strained broth cool completely. You will notice all the fat will rise to the top and solidify as it cools. You gently remove the fat layer and underneath is your beautiful and nutritious bone broth. I simply pour the broth into cute ice cube trays or even small tupperware pots and pop them into the freezer. Take them out as you wish to use them. You can give them to your pooch frozen or let it thaw a little. Your pup will LOVE you for making the effort!

Tips and findings from my experience making bone broth:

The more bones you use essentially the more broth you will end up with. Don’t let the pot boil for long, the idea is for it to gently simmer for hours on end. I also find the longer it simmers the better the outcome of the broth. Don’t be alarmed if your broth reduces significantly, on my first attempt I started with 5 litres of water and ended up with 400ml of broth. I was horrified-haha! I then learnt that I filled the pot too much and so water kept spitting out through the lid which caused more evaporation than usual. You will soon learn when your broth looks right and you can turn it off or if it needs a few more hours. I also found that adding veggies to mine did dilute it a bit. When I used bones only it made a beautiful bone broth. Again the choice is yours. Adding veggies increases the nutritional value too, but please be mindful of safe veggies for your pup. You might think you cannot stomach the smell of boiling bones, honestly that was what I was worried most about and it actually pleasantly surprised me. It smells like a simmering soup and it is not offensive at all-I promise!

bone broth

bone broth

I feel that if my vegetarian friend can make bone broth for Cali and I can make it for Zara (yes I am probably the worlds fussiest eater who drives my husband crazy) then anyone can! The nutritional value and benefits from bone broth are endless and in the long term you will see a difference in the overall health of your pooch. I do hope you give it a try and feel free to share the results with us either on Facebook- @stylishpaws or Instagram- @stylish_paws

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Take your dog to work day…

It’s take your dog to work day! This has to be the best day in the calendar. Well lucky for me I get to take Oscar and Zara to work with me everyday and that’s because I am blessed enough to work from home. 

Working from home sure has its benefits but it also has a downside… According to Zara I am constant entertainment! I’m always there to play ball or frisbee or give a never ending supply of treats. Oscar believes he can never let me out of his sight and therefore must sleep on top of my feet whenever I am sitting in my chair. In fact, the position under my desk is a hot commodity and it’s on a first come first serve basis but if you get up for whatever reason, your spot is lost instantly to the pup eagerly awaiting it. This carries on for as long as I’m in my little home based office each day. It sure is wonderful but it can often be distracting if I have a deadline or something very important to get done. When working from home you need discipline and routine, that way both Oscar and Zara know the order of events for the day.

So here are some tips when bringing your pups to the office and still manage to get a decent amount of work done…

 A comfy bed is a must. After all the office hellos your pup will want somewhere comfy to have a power nap. I say power nap because the office is far too exciting a place for a long dreamy snooze. They’ll be up and wondering around in no time… click here to shop our range of stylish beds. 

Fresh water supply. This might seem obvious but in all the excitement you might forget to bring your pups water bowl from home. It’s very important you offer your pups a fresh supply of cold water throughout the day. Often offices get hot and stuffy and usually our pups feel the heat first. You don’t want them dehydrating. Spoil your pup even more by buying him a new water bowl… click here to shop our bowls.

A few toys. These are equally as important because you need your pup to entertain themselves to some extent throughout the day, after all you have work to do. Some of my office favourites for Zara are a nylon chew toy. Petqwerks offers a wide variety of these chews and are Zara’s absolute best. They keep her entertained for hours! Another favourite which keep both Oscar and Zara occupied is a Frozen Kong. This is something you can prepare the night before, pop it in a cooler bag and back into the freezer when you get to the office until you’re ready to give it to your pup. There are endless recipe ideas for these too (read my blog post on Frozen Kong ideas). A fun but tiring game to play is tuggy. Zara absolutely loves her tuggy toys and a quick session of tug-of-war seem to tire her out. You could play this in a passage or office garden or balcony. It gives you a break from work and some engaging fun for your pup too. Zara has a new favourite tuggy toy- her Monkey RopeTugz which you can buy in the online store… click here to spoil your pooch!

Some yummy Treats. Because let’s face it coming to the office is a treat for your pup if you work in a regular office. Have some treats on hand in your desk drawer to spoil your pups just a little bit more! You can buy some healthy treats in the online store too… click here to treat your pup! 

We hope your experience at work with your pups is a fabulous one! Remember to have fun and respect everyone’s pups. 

Follow us on Instagram to see what we get up to today! @stylish_paws

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Product Review: Titan Ink!

You may know them as @mixlamprecht7 on Instagram, I know them as Titan and Mom. Mom is Michaela and together they formed Titan Ink!

It’s hard not to fall in love with Titan, his squishy face and adorable fun-loving attitude and of course he is a rottie. Mom is pretty fabulous herself, always offering friendly advice to anyone who needs it. When we were asked to be apart of this amazing collaboration, of course we said YES!

Titan Ink is special. Not only is this one for my fellow South Africans but it offers so much more than t-shirts and hoodies. Each item that gets sold, proceeds go to a certain charity, let me explain further…

You all know that I am a Rottie Mom and a very proud one at that! For every ‘Rottie Mom’ shirt sold, a percentage goes towards the Rottweiler Rescue of South Africa. Oscar is a basset cross bulldog but gets more “oh he is a cute basset” comments than “he looks like a super cute bulldog” comments, so I went with being a proud ‘Basset Mom’ for his t-shirt. Proceeds from this go to the South African Basset Adoptions Foundation. At the moment, Pretoria Animal Buddies and Underdogs are the other recipients.

Most of us animal lovers much prefer our furry friends over the human type. This is exactly what inspired Michaela to create Titan Ink, which is aptly named after her best friend Titan. Currently on offer are t-shirts and hoodies with writing in gold, copper and the oh so stunning rose gold. Each order is custom made as you order. Whatever your fur babies breed is, Titan Ink will create your t-shirt or hoodie. The range is looking to expand very soon so keep an eye on them for new and exclusive items.

Dog lover clothing is a big hit overseas and slowly creeping into the South African market too-YAY. Titan Ink garments are 100% quality made! I am totally in love with my two t-shirts and I am proud to wear them.

Michaela lives by the mantra “If you follow your passion you will never work a day in your life.” You can support Titan Ink by following their Facebook Page and Instagram account. For orders email titan7ink@gmail.com

Or you can shop online at the Stylish Paws online store by clicking here.

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Hello April.

April, the month where us in the Southern Hemisphere get our first taste of that winter coolness. I love the summer months, so I always feel a tiny bit blah when Autumn comes around but April is my birthday month so how can I not love it 😉

This month features my gorgeous handsome man being well, gorgeous. Enjoy 🙂

Download your April calendar here

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Easter Yummies…

Easter, that holiday time where there is an endless supply of chocolate. Chocolate eggs, chocolate bunnies, chocolate chickens, chocolate-chocolate-chocolate. I have quite a sweet tooth and I absolutely LOVE chocolate so these holidays are definitely one of my favourite to celebrate!

We all know the serious dangers when it comes to dogs and chocolate! Ours is always packed away in a sealed tub on a high shelf. Oscar has zero chance of reaching it with his little legs-haha… And being in a tightly sealed tub Zara has zero chance of getting to it too. But did you know that dogs can enjoy some carob chocolate? Oscar and Zara absolutely love it and I make little carob treats for them on special occasions so they feel extra special and included in the celebrations. My Easter blog post last year focused on carob doggy Easter treats (read here), so this year I am using it in a different way.

Carob comes from the carob tree. Inside the carob pod is a sweet pulp that is then dried, roasted and ground into carob powder. It is naturally sweet and has a slight nutty taste. Carob is completely free of the toxic compounds that are found in chocolate and has a moderate amount of fibre, potassium and vitamins. Carob is also a great healthy alternative for chocolate for humans and boasts a range of health benefits. You can find carob chip and carob chocolate bars in selected health stores.

I like to keep carob powder in the pantry because it has such a variety of ways I can use it for Oscar and Zara. I love experimenting with it and seeing what they love and what they don’t. Zara usually loves everything, it is Oscar that I need to impress 😉

My Easter recipes are pretty simple and seriously yummy this year. There is one for us humans-which is a little different to the traditional way and one for the pups… Enjoy

Humans only Giant Chocolate Hot Cross Buns


Hot Cross Bun

1 1/2 cups warm milk

1/2 cup sugar

1 tbs yeast

4 1/2 cups flour

1/2 tsp salt

1 tsp nutmeg

2 eggs

4 tbs soft butter

1 1/2 cup chocolate chips (because raisins are the devil hahaha)

Depending on how sweet you like them you can add an extra 1/2 to 1 cup of sugar.


1/4 cup water

1/4 sugar

Cream Cheese Icing

1/2 cup icing sugar

2 tbs cream cheese

1 tbs soft butter

1 tsp vanilla extract

1/2 tbs water


  • Combine the warm milk, sugar and yeast and let it rest for the yeast to activate.
  • I use an electric mixer for the next step because it’s easier and quicker. Mix together your flour, salt and nutmeg. Add the eggs and butter to the yeast mixture and stir then pour it over the flour and using the dough hook beaters, mix until your dough looks lovely and smooth and well combined. You can add your chocolate chips at this stage and carry on mixing. If the dough is too wet then add more flour, if it is too dry add a little water.
  • You will need to let your dough rise, so lightly oil a big bowl and place your dough in the bowl. Cover with clingfilm and place it in a warm spot so it can rise. It is done when it has doubled in size.
  • Preheat your oven to 180 degrees. Take your dough out the bowl and punch it down then break off small parts (mine turned out to be huge)  and begin rolling your hot cross buns into balls. Place these on a greased baking tray and cover with a clean cloth and allow them to rise again.
  • Then bake them for +-20 minutes or until cooked and golden brown.
  • To make the syrup glaze simply mix the sugar and water in a pan on a low heat, allow it to just go a bit thicker then remove from the heat.
  • For the icing you beat together all the ingredients with an electric beater. You can either put it into a piping bag to neatly pipe onto the top of your buns or you can spoon it on, it’s entirely up to you-the icing is really yummy!
  • Once the buns are cooked, remove them from the oven and brush the top with your sugar syrup. Allow them to cool completely before decorating them with the icing. You can even add a few more chocolate chips on top-get creative! Then ENJOY!!

Doggy Hot Cross BunsIngredients

4 cups flour

1 tbs honey

1/2 tsp baking powder

1/2 tbs baking soda

1 cup milk

1/2 cup organic greek yoghurt

2 tsp apple cider vinegar

1 tbs butter

Carob chips


The same as above

Cream Cheese Icing

The same as above


  • Preheat your oven to 200 degrees.
  • Combine all your dry ingredients. Combine all the wet ingredients then add to the dry flour mix and add the carob chips.
  • Mix together until a dough starts forming then tip it out onto a floured surface and knead for a few minutes.
  • Break off small balls and round them into shape and place them onto a greased baking tray.
  • Bake for +-30 minutes or until cooked and golden brown.
  • Remove from the oven and you can use the same syrup mixture from the human buns to glaze these ones. You can also use the human buns icing mixture to decorate these yummy buns for your pus. They sure will love these!!

Along with enjoying these yummy hot cross buns and spending quality time together, Oscar and Zara of course had to dress up. Oscar decided he wanted to try become a chicken and Zara became a bunny-weiler… And of course the three musketeers wish you all a very Hoppy Easter too.

Whatever your Easter plans are, stay safe and enjoy precious family time!!

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Happy Valentine’s Day!

Oh how I love Valentine’s Day. You either love it or hate it. Why hate it when it’s the day of love? Those that hate it say “why should I show you how much I love you on just one day”. Easter is one day, Christmas is one day and your birthday is one day, so what’s the difference?

It’s important to show the ones you love just how much you love them all the time, agreed not just on February 14th. But just go with it, enjoy the cliche of small white teddy bears holding red hearts, yummy indulgent chocolates and champagne, and long stem roses that cost an arm and a leg just because it’s Valentine’s Day.

Oscar and Zara know exactly how much they are loved. I tell them everyday basically all day that I love them and I know they understand every word!

Zara is not shy to show me how much she loves me back. Each and every morning she brings me a present. These presents are her toys, her most prized possessions of course, she chooses just one and that’s the gift of the day. This is such a special thing we have going, I wake up every morning wondering which toy i’ll get gifted with. I never taught her this at all, she one day started doing it and it’s now a ritual. Zara is also the queen of kisses. She pins me down (because yes she is stronger than me) and attacks me with her tongue! The love that Zara has is like nothing I have ever experienced, it’s so over the top and just so Zara.

Oscar on the other hand is a little more reserved in his expressions of love. His way of telling me he loves me is by never leaving my side. And I mean never! He follows me all over the house no matter what. I try get up and sneak out the room if he is snoozing (I don’t like disturbing his sleeps) but that nose of his picks up a scent that says “mom has left the room”. He is up like a rocket and finds me in three-seconds flat. He is by far the most loyal steed I have ever encountered. He is one hundred percent devoted to protecting me.

So naturally this Valentine’s Day I have made them some yummy bright red heart-shaped treats to devour….

Valentine’s Day Treats


2 cups beetroot puree

2-3 cups flour

2 tbs coconut oil

1 egg


Pre-heat your oven to 180 degrees. In a mixing bowl mix together your beetroot puree, coconut oil and egg. Then add your flour one cup at a time until you have a lovely dough. This dough can be slightly soft sticky, as long as you can roll it out it is fine. Gently roll out your dough and using heart shaped cookie cutters cut your treats. Place them on a greased baking tray and bake for +- 30 minutes or until cooked. Remove from the oven and allow them to cool. The bright red colour of these treats is just gorgeous and your pups will LOVE them.

Whatever you decide to do or not do this Valentine’s Day, make sure you let those around you know how much you love and appreciate them. I know I will. <3

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