It might not be the happiest time within the world right now, but April is my birthday month and I happen to share my birthday with Easter this year. We will celebrate the gift of life because it has never been more important than now!
What’s better than doing your grocery shopping online while snuggled up under a blanket with a mug of hot chocolate and the pups curled up on top of you? Being able to shop at multiple grocery stores online and have one basket, with one delivery date thats what!
Yup you read right, OneCart is a brand new online service that allows you to shop at more than one of your favourite grocery online stores and have one shopping basket with one delivery date. All your items from the different stores that you purchase from get delivered to you at the same time on the same day. Now for someone that does a lot of online shopping, like myself, this is a dream come true!
How does it work you ask, well its pretty simple.You place an order from one or more of your favourite stores supported by OneCart, you choose a delivery date and time that suits you, you checkout and pay. Your order immediately gets sent to an expert personal OneCart concierge shopper who carries out your specific order from all the stores you shopped at. A verified OneCart delivery partner will bring your shopping cart straight to your door at your chosen time. It’s that easy!
Currently the stores available to shop at through OneCart are:
Pick ’n Pay
Pets by One Cart
Booze by One Cart
With more being added…
Finally, I can order Oscar’s, Zara’s and the bunnies premium foods at the same time as our groceries and our toiletry basket- what is not to love about this service? It saves you time going onto each individual online store, choosing different delivery times and then trying to keep track of what has been delivered and what hasn’t. OneCart is your simple answer to all your online shopping stress.
OneCart is South Africa’s leading on-demand grocery concierge and delivery service. Go on let them stand in queues for you, while you enjoy quality time doing the things you love!
There is a promotion running on each of these pet products at the moment, so be sure to order for your furry loves!
Easter, that holiday time where there is an endless supply of chocolate. Chocolate eggs, chocolate bunnies, chocolate chickens, chocolate-chocolate-chocolate. I have quite a sweet tooth and I absolutely LOVE chocolate so these holidays are definitely one of my favourite to celebrate!
We all know the serious dangers when it comes to dogs and chocolate! Ours is always packed away in a sealed tub on a high shelf. Oscar has zero chance of reaching it with his little legs-haha… And being in a tightly sealed tub Zara has zero chance of getting to it too. But did you know that dogs can enjoy some carob chocolate? Oscar and Zara absolutely love it and I make little carob treats for them on special occasions so they feel extra special and included in the celebrations. My Easter blog post last year focused on carob doggy Easter treats (read here), so this year I am using it in a different way.
Carob comes from the carob tree. Inside the carob pod is a sweet pulp that is then dried, roasted and ground into carob powder. It is naturally sweet and has a slight nutty taste. Carob is completely free of the toxic compounds that are found in chocolate and has a moderate amount of fibre, potassium and vitamins. Carob is also a great healthy alternative for chocolate for humans and boasts a range of health benefits. You can find carob chip and carob chocolate bars in selected health stores.
I like to keep carob powder in the pantry because it has such a variety of ways I can use it for Oscar and Zara. I love experimenting with it and seeing what they love and what they don’t. Zara usually loves everything, it is Oscar that I need to impress 😉
My Easter recipes are pretty simple and seriously yummy this year. There is one for us humans-which is a little different to the traditional way and one for the pups… Enjoy
Humans only Giant Chocolate Hot Cross Buns
Hot Cross Bun
1 1/2 cups warm milk
1/2 cup sugar
1 tbs yeast
4 1/2 cups flour
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp nutmeg
2 eggs
4 tbs soft butter
1 1/2 cup chocolate chips (because raisins are the devil hahaha)
Depending on how sweet you like them you can add an extra 1/2 to 1 cup of sugar.
1/4 cup water
1/4 sugar
Cream Cheese Icing
1/2 cup icing sugar
2 tbs cream cheese
1 tbs soft butter
1 tsp vanilla extract
1/2 tbs water
Combine the warm milk, sugar and yeast and let it rest for the yeast to activate.
I use an electric mixer for the next step because it’s easier and quicker. Mix together your flour, salt and nutmeg. Add the eggs and butter to the yeast mixture and stir then pour it over the flour and using the dough hook beaters, mix until your dough looks lovely and smooth and well combined. You can add your chocolate chips at this stage and carry on mixing. If the dough is too wet then add more flour, if it is too dry add a little water.
You will need to let your dough rise, so lightly oil a big bowl and place your dough in the bowl. Cover with clingfilm and place it in a warm spot so it can rise. It is done when it has doubled in size.
Preheat your oven to 180 degrees. Take your dough out the bowl and punch it down then break off small parts (mine turned out to be huge) and begin rolling your hot cross buns into balls. Place these on a greased baking tray and cover with a clean cloth and allow them to rise again.
Then bake them for +-20 minutes or until cooked and golden brown.
To make the syrup glaze simply mix the sugar and water in a pan on a low heat, allow it to just go a bit thicker then remove from the heat.
For the icing you beat together all the ingredients with an electric beater. You can either put it into a piping bag to neatly pipe onto the top of your buns or you can spoon it on, it’s entirely up to you-the icing is really yummy!
Once the buns are cooked, remove them from the oven and brush the top with your sugar syrup. Allow them to cool completely before decorating them with the icing. You can even add a few more chocolate chips on top-get creative! Then ENJOY!!
Doggy Hot Cross BunsIngredients
4 cups flour
1 tbs honey
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tbs baking soda
1 cup milk
1/2 cup organic greek yoghurt
2 tsp apple cider vinegar
1 tbs butter
Carob chips
The same as above
Cream Cheese Icing
The same as above
Preheat your oven to 200 degrees.
Combine all your dry ingredients. Combine all the wet ingredients then add to the dry flour mix and add the carob chips.
Mix together until a dough starts forming then tip it out onto a floured surface and knead for a few minutes.
Break off small balls and round them into shape and place them onto a greased baking tray.
Bake for +-30 minutes or until cooked and golden brown.
Remove from the oven and you can use the same syrup mixture from the human buns to glaze these ones. You can also use the human buns icing mixture to decorate these yummy buns for your pus. They sure will love these!!
Along with enjoying these yummy hot cross buns and spending quality time together, Oscar and Zara of course had to dress up. Oscar decided he wanted to try become a chicken and Zara became a bunny-weiler… And of course the three musketeers wish you all a very Hoppy Easter too.
Whatever your Easter plans are, stay safe and enjoy precious family time!!
For us Christmas is about spending quality time with loved ones and of course that includes our four legged children! This year will be Charlotte, Duke and Peaches’ first Christmas so it needs to be a special one.
The big fat man dressed in red will be making a delivery for them too… Since it is difficult to find nice bunny goodies where we live, I like to make homemade gifts for them using bits and pieces I found around the house. The goodies I did find in the shops include a children’s ten-pin bowling set, because bunnies actually love playing interactive games with you. A doggy interactive toy, a new cat tunnel, an outside enclosure play pen and I made some homemade bunny treats (recipe below).
Homemade Bunny Crackers:
These are by far the easiest bunny toy to make. You simply take a toilet roll holder, fold in the one side, fill it with whatever your bunnies go crazy for like pellets, dried flowers and dried herbs or fill it with fresh goodies like carrot sticks, celery bits and herbs. Then fold in the other edge. Your bunnies will love throwing this around while trying to get the yummy stuffing out. I like to use different size ones (some toilet roll holders and some kitchen roll holders) to make things more challenging for them.
Bunny Treats:
I enjoy making homemade treats for the babies because that way I know exactly what is in them. No hidden dyes or preservatives, only ingredients I know are safe and healthy for them.
1/4 cup bunny pellets, blitzed up
1/4 cup blitzed oats
1 mashed banana
1 large carrot cooked and mashed into a puree
Pre-heat your oven to 180 degrees. Mix all the ingredients together in a mixing bowl until everything is nicely combined. Line a baking tray with baking paper. Spread the treat mixture evenly so it is about 1cm thick. Bake in the oven for +-30 mins or until the treats are cooked and hard. Take them out the oven, cut into small bite sized squares and allow to cool. Store them in an airtight container for on hand treats. Your bunnies will LOVE these… You can play around with the ingredients, choose your bunnies favourite veggies, fruit and herbs but please be mindful of what is safe for your furry loves to eat!!
We are at a comfortable stage where the bunnies can be around Oscar and Zara, so this Christmas is going to be lots of fun. Both Oscar and Zara love opening their Christmas gifts so they are going to have to show the bunnies how it’s done, perhaps even help open theirs!
Whatever your Christmas plans are this year, we hope you have a wonderful and safe celebration!
A very warm welcome to my three musketeers, Charlotte, Duke and Peaches. A month ago we adopted these three gorgeous babies who needed a loving home and a family to call their own. Finally my heart felt strong enough to welcome more fluff balls in after the sudden loss of Valentine and Duchess earlier this year. If anything, these three have reassured me just how much I loved, and still love Valentine and Duchess!
Naming them was a little tricky. When I got Valentine and Duchess, I had wanted a bunny for so many years and knew I would name him Valentine. Duchess just came to me after we found out that he was in-fact a she-haha! These three had me stumped. Until I started to see their personalities come through and as I got to know them they each reminded me of animated movie characters. Charlotte became Charlotte because she is shy but very regal-just like Charlotte from Charlottes Webb. Duke became Duke because he is very pushy and forces attention on himself-just like Duke the dog from The Secret Life of Pets. And Peaches became Peaches because she is a little different from the other two, it took her a while to fit in and become comfortable in her environment-just like Peaches from Ice Age. And that is how my three musketeers were named 🙂
Oscar as usual is great with his babies. All he wants to do is kiss them and slobber on them. They come up to him too and give him a good old sniff then go about their business as usual. Zara is very intrigued by these little fluff balls. She was very young when we had Valentine and Duchess and she just wanted to run after them, which of course was not the way to behave. With these three she is a little older, has been to puppy training so she listens and understands things a whole lot better. She sits and watches them for hours through the glass door that leads into their play room. Her interaction with them is supervised at all times and we are slowly building up what she can and cannot do around them. She is rather funny, when Charlotte, Duke and Peaches come up to her for bunny kisses she freezes like a statue! Does not move a whisker. It is quite funny to watch. I am confident we will get to a stage where Zara will happily lie and watch over these three as they run up and down the passage and explore the house just like Valentine and Duchess did. It’s a learning process for us all but so far her progress is unbelievable and I am immensely proud of her!
All in all life with three baby bunnies is amazing. They trash their room every single night, which I believe is their way of showing me just how much they appreciate all the hay, treats and toys they get. I get special bunny kisses all the time, and recently Duke and Peaches have taken to the idea of having power naps in my lap. It is just the best!! I am loving being a bunny mom again…
I absolutely adore Valentine and Duchess and in the 9 months they have been apart of our family I have learnt so much about raising happy and healthy bunnies! Keeping your bunny happy and healthy is not as easy as you may think. They need a lot more attention than just a lettuce leaf and a carrot. Each day we are together they become cuter and cuter, they play with Oscar and completely trash their play room every night, yes I find this behaviour cute! I am constantly on the lookout for things to keep them entertained, a bored bunny is a very unhappy bunny! Bunnies get bored quickly and easily so it is very important you spend time with your bunny loving them and playing with them. Bunnies are also very intelligent and they need mental stimulation everyday. Luckily Valentine and Duchess have no idea whether I paid good money for a toy or if its something recycled, if they can toss it, climb through it or jump onto it they love it. Any empty box, plastic bottle lids and toilet roll holders go in Valentine and Duchess’ box so I can create fun and interesting toys for them to play with, which they love!
Get creative with your bunny’s food.
Here are a few of their favourite boredom busters, we hope your bunnies love them too…
Toilet roll holder balls: These are a firm favourite with Valentine and Duchess! I like to fill them up with fresh herbs that I grow in my garden. These balls keep the two of them entertained for quite some time. They toss them and roll them around eventually pulling the rings apart so they can eat the herbs. They also toss the individual rings around too. It really is very cute to watch! And since everyone uses toilet paper, you can have a constant supply of these cute toys.
Simply cut the toilet roll into rings and intertwine them until it forms a sturdy ball shape. Then stuff the herbs inside and watch your bunny have fun.
Valentine and Duchess love these herb stuffed homemade balls.
Empty boxes: Valentine and Duchess absolutely love climbing through empty boxes. I usually cut a whole in the side for them to get through. I fill the box with shredded paper, brown paper or hay and it keeps them entertained for hours each night! Sometimes I stack more than one box on top of each other so they can knock them down and push them around. At our local pet shop we found a ‘seed box’. It is a box covered in edible seeds which they absolutely loved and have devoured, I will definitely be on the look out for another one of those!
Climbing through boxes filled with hay, shredded paper and brown paper is so much fun!
Food fun: I like to make breakfast and dinner interesting for Valentine and Duchess. Stuffing lettuce, carrots and celery into toilet roll holders, dried herb refill boxes work well too, or using a piece of string across a section of their play room which I peg bits of fresh veggies to. I like to have fun with their actual food too, making them bunny sushi or fruit and veggie skewers. The options are endless when it comes to having fun with their food.
Stuff toilet roll holders with your bunny’s favourite fresh veggies and hay.
Hang some string across an area either in your bunny’s cage, play area or a section of your house. Then use wooden pegs and peg all sorts of fresh fruit and veggies up: apple, pear, cucumber, green beans, celery, rocket, mint, basil etc… I love watching Valentine and Duchess have fun at meal times.
This is so easy to do for your bunnies and they will love it.
Bunny sushi
Who says sushi is only for humans 😉 Simply cut thick pieces of cucumber and take the soft middle part out leaving you with a round whole in the centre. Then cut some thin carrot sticks, celery sticks, some corn or whatever it is that your bunny loves and fill the centre. You can use a variety of ingredients for this which is why I love making this for them.
Bunny sushi is a fun way to present your bunny’s food.
Herb board
The herb board is also a favourite for Valentine and Duchess because once they have found and eaten all the herbs they then pull out the strips cardboard and toss them around, keeping them entertained for hours! All you need is a cardboard base, a cardboard box that you can cut into strips and some toilet roll holders cut in half. Then you slide in their favourite herbs and watch them have fun.
Valentine and Duchess love their herb board I make.
Games: I love playing games with Valentine and Duchess and it’s always fun when they engage, of course if they are not in the mood I have no chance of playing-haha! We particularly love playing with Oscar’s IQ board game. I hide their dry food pellets or some homemade treats and using their noses they push the wooden pieces so they can get to their treats. We have great fun playing this.
Playing games with Valentine and Duchess is my absolute best!
We also enjoy playing with ping pong balls, rolling them to each other, Duchess tends to ‘chin’ them rather than send them back to me (chinning is said to be her way of telling me the ball belongs to her, it’s a sign of possession in the bunny world). We have a skittle set that we play with too, but sometimes the noise of the skittles crashing onto the floor gives them a little fright. Since our entire house is tiled I usually place a blanket down so the skittles don’t fall as hard. The last thing I want to do is scare my babies while we are supposed to be having fun!
They enjoy tossing small objects in the air too so I always keep plastic bottle lids and usually place them all in a box for them, in the mornings I wake up to find them hidden and thrown all over the place 🙂
Duchess loves hiding inside the seed box.
These are just a few ways in which I like to entertain Valentine and Duchess. I rotate their games each day and I never leave the same toys down constantly because they get bored with them. Instead I pick them up and will rotate them each couple of days. Even though it is the same toy, to them it’s new! But most of all have fun playing with your bunnies, a happy bunny is the best bunny!
Being healthy is key, whether you are a two legged being or a four legged being, health is of utmost importance! I am a very new bunny mom, but I absolutely love it! Valentine and Duchess are constantly teaching me, fruits they don’t like, herbs they love, what games they enjoy playing and when they prefer to sleep. Their personalities are evident and very different. I constantly find myself laughing at their funny ways. I love being a bunny mom, and just like any mom I like to know that my babies are happy and healthy. I didn’t realise just how much bunnies eat until Valentine and Duchess came into my life. Each morning and each evening I spend a fair amount of time preparing their salads. Each meal is different from the previous one because I have noticed they do not enjoy eating the same thing more than twice! Fussy much 😉 So I have to have a meal plan for them and make sure I have enough fresh produce for them at all times. I am lucky enough to have a lovely vegetable and herb garden, but I seem to just grow produce for the two fluff balls-haha! I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Here is a list of Valentine and Duchess’ favourite fruits, vegetables and herbs and how they like to eat them…
The love list:
This is a list of fruit, veggies and herbs that Valentine and Duchess absolutely love.
One would think that giving a bunny a whole carrot would be what they dream of… Well not my bunnies! They will only eat the carrot if I give them slithers of carrots. I cut most of the other fruits and veggies into small bite sized cubes so it is easy for them to munch on. If something is too big for their liking, they will happily not eat it-even if it is a favourite!! Duchess has a sweet tooth and absolutely loves her fruit. Valentine will happily pass up his fresh foods for his pellets and treats-typical boy haha!
The no thanks list:
I’m not sure I would call my bunnies fussy, they just know what they like and what they don’t like! And luckily for me they let me know. I try to give Valentine and Duchess their favourites everyday, but I can’t help but throw a few of these non-favourites in now and again to see if they have changed their minds 😉 I try to cut them in a different way,slithers, as a zoodle, or small cubes, and sometimes it works!
It is important to feed your bunnies well balanced meals everyday. Remember your bunnies digestive system is very sensitive and too much of one thing can lead to an upset tummy and an uncomfortable bunny! Make sure you feed fruit in small amounts because of their sugar content. They can have slightly more vegetables and more leafy greens. Their main source of food should be hay! Valentine and Duchess love hay and they love playing in it too. I also feed them a small handful of rabbit pellets with each meal and of course homemade treats-but treat recipes are for another blog so keep a lookout 😉
I am pretty sure in a year from now I would have added to each of these lists and I cannot wait to learn more about Valentine and Duchess’ pallets…