And just like that it’s a new year! Happy 2022 everyone.
Download your January calendar here
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everything pets + a tiny human
And just like that it’s a new year! Happy 2022 everyone.
Download your January calendar here
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Hello October. As some of you welcome fall and all the cosiness that comes with it, we welcome summer and one of our hottest months of the year.
Download your October calendar here
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Hello August. August is another fun month for us because it is the month we celebrate Zara’s birthday! This year Zara is turning five. We cannot wait to celebrate.
Download your August calendar here
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Hello August. August is another exciting month the year for us because it is Zara’s birthday month! She will be turning 4 on the 28th. On one hand it feels like Zara has been with us forever but on the other hand I can’t believe she is turning 4!
It will be the second birthday Zara gets to celebrate with her baby sis Gia. Last year August Gia was only 3 months old so I think Zara’s birthday celebrations this year will be filled with a whole lot more fun… I can’t wait!
Download your August calendar here
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Hello March and Hello Autumn.
Zara is soaking up the last weeks few where she’ll be able to swim! We’re not quite ready for Autumn and the cooler weather it brings…
Download your March calendar here.
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August is probably one of Zara’s favourite months of the year… Not only is it her birthday month but it is also the month where our weather starts warming up, which means only one thing in Zara’s mind… SWIM TIME!!
We hope you enjoy your month of August just as much as we will.
Download your August calendar here
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Happy July everyone! This is the month where Oscar totally hibernates and pretends he is a bear, getting him out of bed to eat is a challenge. I love the snuggle days with him, it’s like our special quality time together!
Enjoy the July calendar
Download the July calendar here
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Wow, well January just kind of flew by and we all know Feb will be just the same since it’s such a short month.
February sure is the month of love in our house and of course my little handsome Oscar will be wearing his love goggles all month long 😉
Download your February calendar here
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Welcome to October everyone. Wherever you may be in the world we hope it’s a fabulous month for you. If you celebrate Halloween, Happy Halloween to you.
Download your October calendar here
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Happy August everyone. August is an exciting month for us because it is Zara’s birthday month! We cannot wait to celebrate her first birthday this August… Stay tuned!
Enjoy this months calendar.
Download your August calendar here
Thank you for reading.