Tag: stylish paws

Acana Dog Food: Zara’s Flavour of the Month

Zara’s flavour of the month this month is Acana Yorkshire Pork which is another flavour within the Singles range. Acana Yorkshire pork is suitable for all life stages of your pooch and is loaded with fifty percent pure pork! What’s not to love…

Acana dog food

It’s no secret that Zara absolutely LOVES her food! In fact Zara lives for food. Most times I watch her eat and think to myself, did you actually taste that? I love how much Zara enjoys her food because it means I can use her food as a means of rewards for training and good behaviour. 

Zara gets fed twice a day, morning and night. When it comes to meal times she will do a back flip if you ask her to. Her excitement level goes through the roof when she sees me start preparing her meal each time. It was through this excitement that enabled me to teach her how to eat appropriately because for a good few months with us Zara guzzled her food in less than 30 seconds-yes we timed her! 

Acana dog food

To start off, I placed a big clean blanket on the floor and I would scatter her food all over the blanket. At first she panicked and vacuumed her pellets at the speed of light, but slowly she learnt that actually her pellets don’t have legs and will not go anywhere. Then I introduced an interactive food dispenser ball which meant she would have to work to get to her kibble. At first she got immensely frustrated and she would throw it all over the place, but she slowly learnt that by being gentle and slow she gets more kibble out. And finally I introduced her to a slow feeder bowl. Again she was seriously frustrated by the obstacles in the way of her gobbling her food, and slowly she learnt the technique. 

Fast forward almost three years and she eats like a true lady! She even pauses during bites and if I call her she happily stops to look at what I want or what I am asking her to do, this of course gets her extra treats! I am so proud of how far she has come with her eating habits. 

Acana dog food

Acana Singles range means each flavour is a single protein based food. Acana Yorkshire Pork forms the main base of this food along with other hugely nutritious ingredients such as garbanzo beans, whole green and yellow peas, red lentils, fresh pumpkin, dried brown kelp, whole blueberries, turmeric root, burdock root and milk thistle just to name a few. 

yorkshire pork
yorkshire pork

I love being able to change up Zara’s food and give her different flavours. Acana sure does have a variety to choose from so stay tuned for next months flavour!

If you would like to find out more information on the entire Acana range, you can contact PackLeader South Africa on Facebook or Instagram or simply visit a reputable outlet. 

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Dogs and Babies

On 30 September last year, we found out that we were going to be parents to a tiny human! Nothing can describe that feeling of utter happiness and excitement. That day will always be extra special to myself and my husband because that same day is Oscar’s birthday, and it will always be Oscar’s birthday! 

dogs and babies

Our biggest wish was to make Oscar a big brother, unfortunately the universe had other plans but I now understand why. In Oscar’s eyes I belonged to him and only him. My husband will even admit to that-haha. I am not entirely sure Oscar would have been able to share me, let alone get through the eleven weeks of separation. 

dogs and babies

Most of you know that we live in Zambia, but I travel to South Africa fairly regularly for various business and personal engagements. Because the medical facilities are not up to scratch in Zambia, we decided as a family that I would give birth to our nugget in South Africa. This also meant that we would all have to endure eleven weeks of separation… 

On 17 May, our beautiful daughter Gia came into this big bright world! We could not be happier and more proud of our little angel. Gia means “A gift from God” and I do believe she is our gift from God and Oscar, who is by my side making sure I look after our tiny human in the best way possible. 

dogs and babies

Zara on the other hand is going to be the best big sister we could ever have asked for. Zara is extremely intelligent, loyal and a little OTT on the affectionate side, but we love that about her. From the moment we found out about our little Nugget, we spoke to Zara and explained what was happening inside my tummy. Believe it or not Zara would just sit and listen to every word. She stopped body slamming me in the middle of the night when she jumps on the bed for a cuddle. She became mindful of my growing tummy and was careful not to bump me or push me. That’s how clever she is. 

We wanted to prep Zara for what was about to happen, because ultimately her life is about to change forever too! So here are the things we did to help ease Zara into the role of becoming a big sister… 

Baby Room Prep

We had to shuffle things around and swap the spare rooms to make Gia’s room closer to ours. While sorting through a pile of things we didn’t need anymore, Zara was right beside us! We never once chased her out or got mad because she dug through a pile of rubbish we just sorted through. After all this is a readjustment for her too. Once the nursery room was cleared out we painted and began furnishing it-the fun part! 

dogs and babies
Doll Practice

We decided to buy a doll and introduce it to Zara. We wanted Zara to get used to us holding something in our arms quite a lot. She needed to learn that sometimes there will be an extra person in the bed in the form of her baby sister, and she needed to be a little careful. At first Zara was unsure especially when the doll made a noise. But with patience and time Zara began to recognise that this little thing is quite special and lives in the newly decorated room. 

dogs and babies
Our Scent 

When I left Zambia in April, I left behind a shirt that I had worn to remind Zara of my scent. My husband says she loves sniffing that shirt! After Gia was born I sent my hubby home with another shirt that smelt like me and baby Gia. We decided to do this so Zara can get used to the scent of me with someone else. Zara is so intelligent she knows exactly what we are trying to do, I just know it! 

Zara’s Gifts

Often articles will tell you to separate your pets from your baby and to never allow pets into the nursery. We have been the total opposite with Zara and have allowed her to walk in and out of Gia’s room as she pleases. As a result, Zara now delivers one of her toys (her most prized possessions) and leaves it either on the rug, the chair or in a corner for her baby sister. When Zara gifts you with one of her toys, you know she loves you! It is something she started doing all by herself, we did not teach her to do it. So by Zara leaving presents for Gia I know that they are going to be the best of friends! 

dogs and babies

Of course this chapter is not complete yet because Zara still has to meet her tiny human. I am in South Africa until the end of June so I will be sure to post an update when Gia and I have settled back home…. But for now we continue to video chat, where Zara is most intrigued by her baby sister especially when she moves or makes a sound. 

Be sure to follow us on Instagram for all the goings on.

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Acana Dog Food: Zara’s Flavour of the Month

I have always been a firm believer in feeding Oscar the very best dog food I could find. I looked at it from my point of view, if I were him. I love good tasty food with a variety of ingredients so why should he be given anything different. 

Oscar was an extremely fussy eater, making meal times often stressful and unpleasant for us both. It wasn’t until much later in his life that finally an amazing kibble was being sold in South Africa. From the first scoop he was hooked which as you can imagine made my heart explode with happiness! It was then that I started doing loads of research into dog food and the ingredients used. 

Enter Zara, a food guzzler from day one! I could have given her anything and she would have gulped it down in less than thirty seconds, as she did when I gave her her first Acana meal at home. It was a no brainer to feed Zara Acana kibble from the beginning. I will be honest, I did not transition her as they say you should, simply because I didn’t agree with the food she was being fed in her previous home. I believed in the power of Acana and I knew she would be totally fine. And guess what, I was right! 

acana dog food

I don’t think Zara has a favourite flavour of Acana kibble, simply because she absolutely LOVES her food no matter what. So it is up to me to read the signs of her excitement and of course look out for any physical differences I see. 

Zara’s flavour of the month is the Acana Pacific Pilchard which falls under the Acana Singles range. This means it is a single-protein food and suitable for pups of any breed or age and it’s great for pups with food sensitivities. 

Acana is a grain free diet made up of biologically appropriate foods specifically for our beloved pooches. It’s packed with nutritional proteins and fats, plenty of vitamins and minerals that are essential in your pups overall health as well as important amino acids.

acana dog food

The Acana Pacific Pilchard ingredient list is pretty spectacular to say the least, it is made up of 50% wild caught pilchard, which is an easily digestible fish, green peas, red lentils, kale, spinach greens, butternut, cranberries and blueberries just to name a few! It’s hard to believe any pooch would turn their nose up at this food… 

If you would like to find out more information on the entire Acana range, you can contact PackLeader South Africa on Facebook or Instagram or simply visit a reputable outlet. 

acana dog food

Your pooch deserves the best!

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May sure is going to be the most exciting month of 2019 for our family. It is the month we welcome our little nugget into the world!

Zara is extremely excited to meet her tiny human, and we cannot wait for her to blossom into the best big sister we know she will be.

may calendar

Download your May calendar here

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My Dog Toy: Product Review

Zara is a Rottweiler, and it’s no secret that rotties have powerful jaws! We have had to teach Zara not to use her full force when playing with certain toys or us for that matter. She has most certainly understood the concept of gentle play when she plays with us, however she still loves to go full hooligan mode with some of her toys. 

tuffy mega dog toy

Enter three of the toughest toys I have ever seen, felt and played with… 

The first one is the super cute MIGHTY micro-fibre pig. This pig may be pink and pretty cute to look at but it is also strong and durable. There are no seam lines which makes this toy unique. It is often the seam lines that are the weak spots in plush toys for your pooch. Another great thing about the MIGHTY pig is that it is stuffing free. Zara loves to rip out the stuffing in her toys and even eats it which can cause some kind of chaos later on, as you can imagine… So I tend to shy away from toys with stuffing inside. The MIGHTY pig has four super loud squeakers throughout its body which have provided Zara with hours of entertainment, the louder she can squeak it, the crazier she goes! 

mighty pig dog toy
mighty pig dog toy

The next toy in our tough and durable toy package is the Dura Force boomerang. The best thing about this tough toy is that it can be used as a pool toy, and you all know just how much Zara LOVES swimming! The Dura Force boomerang floats which makes it easy for Zara to play with. It also doesn’t soak up too much water which keeps it light and easy to throw for her. The durable webbing around the edge of the boomerang is extremely tough, Zara has not yet managed to gnaw her way through it. 

dura force dog toy
dura force dog toy
dura force dog toy

The next tough toy Zara got to investigate is the toughest of them all… the TUFFY MEGA tug-o-war toy. Zara absolutely loves playing tug-o-war with us! This is a game where she can use her full rottweiler force and show us what she’s made of. Usually we play with flimsy little toys resulting in her winning… But the TUFFY MEGA tug-o-war toy is so much fun to play with, even if I say so myself. I can get a nice grip on it and so can Zara and we can both use our strength against each other. This toy is made with seven layers of material, additional webbing along the edges of the toy and finished off with seven layers of stitching! There is no ways Zara will puncture this TUFFY MEGA toy any time soon. 

tuffy mega dog toy
tuffy mega dog toy
tuffy mega dog toy

Each toy has a rating on the tough and durable scale. One- being your cheap plush toy and ten-  being mega strong and the most durable. My Dog Toy company only manufactures toys starting from 5 on their ranking. 

The MIGHTY pig is ranked nine- extremely strong and extremely durable. This is no lie! 

The Dura Force boomerang is ranked at nine too. It’s a toy that’s made to last. 

The TUFFY MEGA tug-o-war toy is ranked at a whopping ten! Making this the toughest and strongest toy of them all and believe me it is. 

My favourite toy of the bunch is probably the MIGHTY pig, simply because it looks cute but it is still up there on the tough-o-meter. This toy proves that dynamite does come in small packages. 

Zara of course loves them all for different reasons, the MIGHTY pig is loud and noisy which she goes crazy for. The Dura Force boomerang is her new favourite toy to swim and play water games with. And the TUFFY MEGA tug-o-war toy allows her to challenge us in a safe and controlled way, showing us just how strong she is. 

dura force dog toy

If your pooch is a heavy chewer with strong jaws we highly recommend these tough toys! Not only does playing with your pooch enhance the bond between the two of you, it also keeps them out of mischief where using their jaws is not appropriate. Providing your pooch with interesting and entertaining toys is a key part to keeping them mentally stimulated. I honestly cannot remember the last time Zara decided to chew something she shouldn’t have, and I believe it’s because she has always had a wide variety of toys to keep her entertained. 

These tough toys can be purchased at selected pet shops or from Canine & Co in Parkhurst, Johannesburg. 

To stay up to date and in the loop with new product launches be sure to follow everyone on social media

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Canine & Co | Facebook

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Earth Rated Poop Bags and Dispenser: Product Review

Poop…. Are you one of those people who refuses to pick up your pups poop at the park because you think its good for the grass or someone else can pick it up or because you are too embarrassed?  

earth rated poop bag and dispenser

What if I told you that refusing to pick up after your pooch can lead to serious health issues for other pups at the park, including your own and even you! Yes, by refusing to pick up your pups poop you encourage the spread of serious diseases such as Parvo, Whipworm, Hookworm, Tapeworm, Salmonellosis, Corona plus a few more. 

I’m not here to explain each of these diseases, you can google them pretty easily and what you will find should scare you half to death. What I am here to explain is that it is pretty simple to pick up after your pooch especially while out in public. 

earth rated poop bag and dispenser

Earth Rated have a wonderful range of products to help make picking up after your furry love quick and easy. I particularly love the Earth rated poop bag dispenser. It is lightweight and small and it can clip onto any leash, so there really is no excuse for not carrying these poop bags while out on walks. 

Earth Rated products are all 100% environmentally friendly and made from recycled materials. Earth Rated also cares about local shelters and donate on a regular basis, giving shelters all their unused manufactured products. Shelter dogs deserve to feel loved and pampered too right… 

earth rated poop bag and dispenser
earth rated poop bag and dispenser

We received the Earth Rated poop bag dispenser with lavender scented poop bags. Yes, you read right, lavender scented poop bags! Let me tell you they smell gorgeous. Whoever said your poop doesn’t smell like flowers never used an Earth Rated scented poop bag. 

I’ll be honest, Zara doesn’t make the smallest poops in the world. Her’s are pretty loud and proud for everyone to see and smell so I couldn’t wait to put these bags to the test. I have always used your standard poop bags to pick up after Zara, so I was excited to see how these fared up in comparison.

earth rated poop bag and dispenser

First off I cannot get over the wonderful lavender scent of each bag. It really does mask the smell of what you actually have to pick up! The size of them is also pretty decent and much bigger than your average poop bag, it can fit an entire Zara poop in one bag which I was pretty impressed with. The other thing I loved about the dispenser is the fact that it clips securely onto your leash. It doesn’t matter how thick or thin your leash is either. The velcro strap makes them so easy to attach and secure. Plus there is an added extra to this dispenser, a special clip for you to hook the used poop bag onto until you reach a dustbin and can dispose the bag properly… Simply amazing in my eyes! 

earth rated poop bag
earth rated poop bag and dispenser

Pack Leader South Africa is the sole distributer for these amazing poop bags around South Africa, so if you would like to get your paws on some, visit selected pet stores or you can pop into their very own pet store in Parkhurst, Johannesburg- Canine & Co. They are also happy to answer any questions or enquiries online via social media. 

Be sure to follow everyone on social media to stay up to date with all their products including new product launches.

Pack Leader | Facebook | Instagram

Canine & Co | Facebook

Earth Rated | Facebook | Instagram

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