Tag: stylish paws

The Best Dog Toys to Stuff

It’s winter and we all love a little extra to nibble on right. I have noticed Zara seems extra hungry lately and I have put it down to the colder temperatures. 

Instead of just giving her extra treats to enjoy I wanted to give them meaning and make her work a little. So I went looking through her stash of goodies and these are her top five favourite toys she loves when stuffed with her favourite yummy extras.


The Kong is most famous of all the stuffers. It’s a favourite for most pups too. Zara loves a good old stuffed Kong! You can stuff pretty much anything inside, keep it fresh or freeze it. You decide! 

My favourite stuffings for Zara are scrambled egg with grated cheese all layered up, yoghurt with fruit bits, mince meat cooked or raw just to name a few! There are LOADS of ideas. 

Kong dog toys to stuff
Nook and Snoop Balls from Planet Dog

The Nook and Snoop ball combo is still one of the most challenging interactive/treat dispensing balls Zara has ever had! I love them both to be honest. When they are together Zara finds it extremely challenging to get them apart. I have to make sure I fill the bigger Snoop ball with something Zara REALLY loves to give her enough enthusiasm to make sure she gets that little Nook ball out!! You can use them separately too which I sometimes do. The Snoop ball is a great one for whole treats or kibbles, but you can also stuff it with yoghurt or cottage cheese. Zara loves the Nook ball with peanut butter stuffed inside it. I highly recommend this combo! 

snoop and nook ball dog toys to stuff
Flavorit Bones from Petqwerks

The ultimate chew toys are from Petqwerks. They are the only chews that have managed to live up to Zara and her powerful jaws! These flavorit bones are the original ones and I would recommend the Barbone Flavorit bones if you have a strong chewer. These are great because you can spread peanut butter over the indents. Zara licks them for ages! We have a 30% discount code for you if you want to spoil your pups with awesome Petqwerks toys: visit www.petqwerks.com code: ILOVESTYLISHPAWS30

petqwerks flavorit bone
Bionic Ball from Outward Hound

This little Bionic ball was Oscar’s and he loved it. The quality is great, it still looks like new after all these years! Oscar loved having his peanut butter smeared in this little ball. It has been passed down to Zara now and although it may be slightly small for her she still enjoys it. They do come in different sizes. It’s a great little ball to play with and to stuff! Smear peanut butter all around it or any other pet friendly spread. It’s a quick and easy one to do and still does the trick of entertaining. 

bionic dog toy to stuff
K9 Connectables

The k9 Connectable toys are little gems. There is lots of nooks and crannies to hide things like blueberries or chopped up carrots etc. Choose what your pup loves to eat! I do try keep it mostly healthy but of course there are spoils with biltong and cheese hidden in these toys. They are a challenge to get apart but the challenge is worth the filling that’s waiting! There is also the choice of using the specifically designed k9 connectable treats which fit perfectly into the bone shaped indents. 

k9 connectables dog toy to stuff

Bonus Idea

Homemade Kong

For something completely different and completely edible for your pup, make a homemade kong. 

De-core an apple and simply stuff it with peanut butter. Your pup can enjoy the entire thing! Zara loves these and I don’t give them to her often enough, that will change! You can opt to peel the apple if you have a fussy eater. Whatever works for you! 

homemade Kong toy

You can spoil your pups with any of these goodies available in our Amazon store 🙂 

Click here to shop in the UK

Click here to shop in the USA

*Should you wish to spoil your furry loves with one or more of these goodies, we receive a small percentage of the commission (at no extra cost to you- It’s just Amazon being nice to us)

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Winter doggy Boredom Busters

It’s winter here in Africa and although it might not be in the minus temperatures, for us this is freezing! No one enjoys winter in our house at all but I am starting to notice that Zara seems to be the one struggling with the colder days and nights the most. 

As most of you know, Zara has tons of energy! On some days it seems to be a never ending supply. And while she absolutely loves nothing more than playing with her baby sis Gia, these days I have noticed she prefers getting out of bed a little later, curls up on the couch at any chance she gets or comes to sit on my lap whenever it’s available. 

winter dog boredom busters

Gia has to call her to come and play, which is never usually the case. I’ve never had to make sure Zara is stimulated enough ever before but this cold spell has made me think of how I can keep her from becoming a total couch potato during these colder months. 

I did some research and noticed a few trending games I could play with Zara, including baby sis Gia of course. None of these require too much space or equipment yet they’re all mentally stimulating and engaging. Sometimes a little mental stimulation is as good as an outing! So here are our favourite winter doggy boredom busters…

Hide the treat using cups

-3 cups


Simply place one treat under one of the cups. Slide them around and then tell your pup to find the treat. Oscar used to love this game and he was extremely good at it being a hound. This is a great one to play with both Zara and Gia. Zara has to find it before baby sis does. I do use a treat that both girls can enjoy, blueberries work well. 

winter doggy boredom busters
Hidden treats in a blanket

-a blanket or towel


Gia loves helping with this one and enjoys watching Zara find all the hidden treasures. Open up your towel or blanket and sprinkle your pups favourite treats all over. Then roll it up and tell your pup to find them. This is a play on a snuffle mat so you could use a snuffle mat if you have one. A blanket or towel is just something different to use to change things up for your pup.

hiding treats
Hide and Seek using treats

-space to hide the treats


Another great one to include Gia, she was able to choose all the hiding places but then had the challenge of not showing Zara where she had hidden all the treats, she had to learn that pup had to find them! This one needs a little more space, be it inside or outside. Simply hide some yummy treats in different spots and then let you pup find them. This one brings great excitement for us! 

dog hide and seek
Nina Ottosson Brain Games

-Nina Ottosson interactive brain games

The Nina Ottosson range of interactive games are great! We have quite a few and Zara does enjoy them to a certain extent. She can’t get to the treats quick enough which forces her to get a little frustrated. I also can’t refill them quick enough which also causes her some frustration. These play sessions are always shorter but fun nonetheless. 

Click here to purchase some from our Amazon store.

Nina ottosson dog games. winter doggy boredom busters

-space to train

-training treats

Zara loves learning new things, she always has. She was exceptionally good at puppy training and always the star pupil in her different classes. Zara listens and can perform many different tasks when I ask her to so I have decided she needs to pick these up again, recap and remind her that she can listen- haha! Plus learn something new. I haven’t decided what the new command or trick is going to be yet but I will be sure to share it on Instagram so keep a lookout 😉 Training practice is the perfect excuse to get your pup off the couch and learn something new while having fun and bonding! 

dog training give paw

I hope these winter doggy boredom busters brings you some winter fun and entertainment as much as they have for us! 

Keep warm pals! We are trying to. 

Follow us on Instagram to keep up with our daily shenanigans.

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Snoozies Product Review

Snoozies is the ultimate in luxury sacks so when they asked us if they could send us a customised scatter cushion from their new range of course we were delighted. 

personalised scatter cushion

Their awesome Sloth Sacks are what they are known for, gradually over the years they have grown their range and now have luxury sacks for dogs or cats and human babies too! 

The latest product launched is their personalised scatter cushions. Of course Zara wanted a Snoozies scatter cushion with her face on it, she’s the famous one after all 😉 You don’t have to have a photo printed, you can choose your favourite leaf or floral design. Basically anything you want Snoozies will happily make it up for you. 

snoozies personalised scatter cushion

We received our scatter cushion faster than I thought we would-which proves the excellent service they pride themselves on! Zara couldn’t wait to rip open the packet and see the beauty that is her own face on a scatter cushion. 

Wow, what we received surpassed my expectations by a long way. Our scatter cushion from Snoozies is nothing short of beautiful. I am certainly not an expert when it comes to fabrics, but I do know the fabric used to make our scatter cushion is excellent quality. I am impressed with the zip used too, it is strong and sturdy and will definitely withhold a toddler constantly opening and closing it. While these details may not seem important to some, to me they are important because I want a scatter cushion like this to last for a long time. And this one will! It’s soft and almost velvety to touch and the print quality is excellent. It does help sending a proper high res image but the Snoozies team will let you know if your image submitted is ok to use. 

Zara thinks she can use her scatter cushion as a head rest at night while she sleeps, I of course have other plans! This scatter cushion needs to be shown off and kept in a special place. I’m thinking in our bedroom on what used to be Gia’s feeding chair or perhaps the couch in the lounge. Either way this scatter cushion is very special to us.


Thank you to the Snoozies team for such a special gift! If you would like a scatter cushion just like ours then go ahead and contact Snoozies directly and submit your photo, you won’t regret it! And while you’re at it browse their collection of luxury Sloth Sacks.

Follow Snoozies on Facebook | Instagram

Visit their website | www.snooziesza.co.za

Contact Snoozies on bethesloth@snooziesza.co.za

Thank you for reading.

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Hello May. We love the month of May because it’s the month baby Gia was born! We will be celebrating her second birthday this year and while it is so exciting especially for her, I can’t help but wonder where has the time gone!

Happy May.

May calendar 2021

Download your May calendar here

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Dog Mom Gift Guide

Being a mom is the greatest gift in the world! I’m not only referring to being a mom to the two legged kind, I’m also referring to being a fur mama! All moms deserve being pampered and spoilt on Mother’s Day so here are a few of my Amazon Dog Mom faves. Happy shopping 😉 

Should you wish to spoil your furry loves with one or more of these goodies, we receive a small percentage of the commission (at no extra cost to you- It’s just Amazon being nice to us 😉

dog mom gift guide

Dog Mom Tall Tumbler

Dog Mom Short Tumbler

Dog Lover Tumbler

Dog Mom Wine Glass Tumbler

Paw Bracelet

Dog Mom Note Book

Dog Mom Box Sign

Dog Mom Socks

Rottweiler Mom Pop Socket

Rottweiler Heartbeat Pop Socket

Personalised iPhone Cover

Dog Mom Cap

Dog Mom t-shirt

Dog Mom Hoodie

Dog Mom Sweatshirt

Dog Mom Tote Bag

Dog Pandora Charm

Colour Changing Dog Lover Mug

Dog Mom Mug

Rottweiler Mom Mug

Rottweiler Mom Coin Purse

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Petqwerks Dog Toys

Petqwerks love to spoil Zara and I am so grateful to them for always sending a surprise box of goodies just when we need them! Petqwerks never disappoint so when our box of goodies arrived you can imagine the excitement level.

petqwerks toys

Petqwerks is a brand of dog toys that really stands out for me! Their chews are actually durable for big doggos like Zara and their interactive toys are fun and seriously entertaining, even for me. 

We have been very fortunate to test out almost everything in their range and Zara just loves it all. 


In our surprise box of goodies, we received their totally adorable hedgehog which Gia claimed as hers straight away. Luckily Zara has no issues sharing her toys and happily lets Mr Hedgehog sleep with Gia at night. It does tickle me that a super cute dog toy is now Gia’s cuddle buddy 😉 Oh and did I mention it giggles too. We also received a new Babble Ball which is one of my favourites, it’s hard not to have fun with it. 

hedgehog toy

Zara got two new Barkbones- the Dinosaur and the Crocodile one plus a pigs ear chew too. Zara gnaws on these chews for hours and hours and hours. I love how durable they are for strong chewers like Zara.  There was also a cute sock monkey which Zara loves the squeaker of and so does Gia. My all time favourite product of Petqwerks is the Invincibubbles so you can imagine my excitement when I saw we received a bottle. 

petqwerks invincibubbles

There was also the x-tyre toy with the bell in the middle which Ollie seems to have taken a liking to the sound. And to top it off Zara got a brand new singing chicken. If I had to choose a toy that tops Zara’s list of favourite Petqwerks toys it would probably be this signing chicken! I have no idea why, but it sets Zara off into song every time it goes off, no matter what she’s doing, if she hears it singing she sings along… Imagine the chaos. 

petqwerks barkbones
pigs ear chew

So basically there was something for everyone to enjoy in our surprise box of Petqwerks goodies. And I get to enjoy the sights of all my babies enjoying these wonderful toys. Thank you Petqwerks for making my family feel so special. We really do love you! 

Stylish Paws has a discount code for all Petqwerks toys so if you would like to spoil your babies use ILOVESTYLISHPAWS30 and receive 30% discount at checkout!! And of course don’t forget to follow Petqwerks on Facebook & Instagram 

I hope these awesome toys bring as much enjoyment to your family as they do to mine. 

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Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day. It’s a day you either love or hate. Some love to celebrate it and some don’t and that’s ok, thank goodness we’re all different. You can guess that I love to celebrate it!

dogs and babies sharing cupcakes

Many argue that your love for someone shouldn’t have to be shown on one particular day of the year and while I agree with that, there is something different about sharing a meal, a coffee or a slab of chocolate with someone you love on 14 February. That someone doesn’t have to be a romantic love partner either. It can be your child, your furry loves, your best friend or a family member you treasure. There are so many people I wish I could share a slab of chocolate with on Valentine’s Day this year but as we all know, some things cannot happen right now. 

valentines baking

With that being said, our little family will celebrate together. We will drink pink milkshakes, share cupcakes and eat spaghetti & meatballs lady and the tramp style 😉 

This years valentines treats are not necessarily dog specific but if there is one thing that 2020 taught me, it’s that life is way to short to not eat cake. So this valentine’s day Zara will eat cupcakes and Gia will help make them… 

baking valentines cupcakes
toddler baking valentines day treats
baking with toddlers

Yes these cupcakes came out of a box, and who actually cares right. We still had to add the eggs, butter and milk hahaha! This is a local Zambian brand which I’m happy to report did not disappoint. They turned out perfectly, Gia devoured them while Zara I don’t think really tasted them as she swallowed the entire thing whole, paper and all-typical Zara! So thank you Meraki cakes for our yummy valentines cupcakes. 

meraki cakes
baking valentines day dog treats
dogs licking bowls
Valentine's Day cupcakes

We hope you enjoy your valentine’s day however you decide to celebrate it, remember to hug your loved ones extra tight and give your furry loves an extra kiss at bedtime 😉

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