Medicated CBD oil for pets, are you for it or not? I’ll tell you where I’m at…
When Gizzls contacted us, it was at a time that is most stressful for Zara… The silly season. December time for us is filled with chaos and fireworks. Yes fireworks! Christmas and New Year loses it’s appeal because Zara becomes hysterical to the point where she’s almost uncontrollable! I have tried various methods of calming remedies and each one so far has not worked so I thought let’s give CBD oil a try.

You could say that our bottle of Gizzls full spectrum CBD oil and medicated CBD treats came just in time! We started giving Zara her treats and oil drops the week before all the chaos was due to start!
Gizzls is a company that produces medicated CBD products for your pets. They pride themselves in using only the best sourced plants. Making sure their full spectrum CBD oil is free of any herbicides, pesticides, GMO products, preservatives or any other additive.

CBD oil has become an extremely popular way to help ease stress, anxiety, chronic conditions and help with pain management. I will be honest, I was on the fence about this way of medicating Zara, I’m not sure why. I just was! Fast forward a few weeks of continuous use and I’ll say that I am quite happy with the results…
During the silly season of fireworks I will say Gizzls CBD oil and treats helped to a certain extent. Unfortunately nothing will take away the intense sound a firework delivers to our pets, however it did ‘take the edge off’. She seemed to calm easier than previous years. She settled in-between the couch pillows and us and actually drifted off to sleep while the bangs were sporadic- something she has not done in previous years. During the crazy hours of non stop bangs she was a tad hysterical, panting and pacing around, clawing around our bed and the couch. But as I said she was a lot easier to settle and she didn’t listen out for when the next bang was coming even though we all knew it was on its way- A positive step in mind.

Another observation I’ve made is how confident Zara seems on her legs! After having two TPLO surgeries six months apart from one another, we relied on stronger medication to help with Zara’s pain and inflammation management. I can confirm Zara has not had an anti-inflammatory tablet in over a month!! She runs happier, tends to want to jump up on things and just seems confident while running around playing with her toys- Another positive step in my mind.

Gizzls also said that their CBD oil was suitable for the three Amigos. I held off giving it to them until I saw how Zara responded to it. Two weeks ago Peaches fell ill very suddenly. Anyone with a bunny will know that when your bunny is not feeling well you need to act immediately or they can lose their life! After a stressful night I made the decision to start giving them their drop of CBD oil. I simply put one drop each on their pellets and make sure each bunny gets their CBD covered pellet. It’s hard to say at this moment if it’s making a noticeable difference but if it can help keep the Vet away and provide overall health then I’m all for it!
I’m not a CBD expert, we simply tried and tested Gizzls full spectrum CBD oil and treats. If you would like to know more about the science behind CBD oil then head on over to Gizzls website, they explain it perfectly.

All in all I would highly recommend switching to Gizzls full spectrum CBD oil as a way to safely medicate your pet. The oil can be tricky to administer so I simply place Zara’s three drops on one of her Gizzls hand baked treats and she scoffs it in one go! She doesn’t mind the taste of the oil at all and the Amigos don’t seem bothered by it either.
Gizzls full spectrum CBD oil go hand in hand with their treats but also work on their own. Go ahead and place your order via the Gizzls website, it’s money well spent!

Thank you Gizzls for keeping Zara and the Amigos healthy!
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