Month: February 2019

Earth Rated Poop Bags and Dispenser: Product Review

Poop…. Are you one of those people who refuses to pick up your pups poop at the park because you think its good for the grass or someone else can pick it up or because you are too embarrassed?  

earth rated poop bag and dispenser

What if I told you that refusing to pick up after your pooch can lead to serious health issues for other pups at the park, including your own and even you! Yes, by refusing to pick up your pups poop you encourage the spread of serious diseases such as Parvo, Whipworm, Hookworm, Tapeworm, Salmonellosis, Corona plus a few more. 

I’m not here to explain each of these diseases, you can google them pretty easily and what you will find should scare you half to death. What I am here to explain is that it is pretty simple to pick up after your pooch especially while out in public. 

earth rated poop bag and dispenser

Earth Rated have a wonderful range of products to help make picking up after your furry love quick and easy. I particularly love the Earth rated poop bag dispenser. It is lightweight and small and it can clip onto any leash, so there really is no excuse for not carrying these poop bags while out on walks. 

Earth Rated products are all 100% environmentally friendly and made from recycled materials. Earth Rated also cares about local shelters and donate on a regular basis, giving shelters all their unused manufactured products. Shelter dogs deserve to feel loved and pampered too right… 

earth rated poop bag and dispenser
earth rated poop bag and dispenser

We received the Earth Rated poop bag dispenser with lavender scented poop bags. Yes, you read right, lavender scented poop bags! Let me tell you they smell gorgeous. Whoever said your poop doesn’t smell like flowers never used an Earth Rated scented poop bag. 

I’ll be honest, Zara doesn’t make the smallest poops in the world. Her’s are pretty loud and proud for everyone to see and smell so I couldn’t wait to put these bags to the test. I have always used your standard poop bags to pick up after Zara, so I was excited to see how these fared up in comparison.

earth rated poop bag and dispenser

First off I cannot get over the wonderful lavender scent of each bag. It really does mask the smell of what you actually have to pick up! The size of them is also pretty decent and much bigger than your average poop bag, it can fit an entire Zara poop in one bag which I was pretty impressed with. The other thing I loved about the dispenser is the fact that it clips securely onto your leash. It doesn’t matter how thick or thin your leash is either. The velcro strap makes them so easy to attach and secure. Plus there is an added extra to this dispenser, a special clip for you to hook the used poop bag onto until you reach a dustbin and can dispose the bag properly… Simply amazing in my eyes! 

earth rated poop bag
earth rated poop bag and dispenser

Pack Leader South Africa is the sole distributer for these amazing poop bags around South Africa, so if you would like to get your paws on some, visit selected pet stores or you can pop into their very own pet store in Parkhurst, Johannesburg- Canine & Co. They are also happy to answer any questions or enquiries online via social media. 

Be sure to follow everyone on social media to stay up to date with all their products including new product launches.

Pack Leader | Facebook | Instagram

Canine & Co | Facebook

Earth Rated | Facebook | Instagram

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Valentine’s Day Pup Treats

I love Valentine’s Day and I’ve always loved making something extra cute and yummy for Oscar and Zara to celebrate. I don’t usually buy Valentine’s gifts because it’s not about the money you spend on this specific day, rather I love making treats and things, putting in extra love and effort. 

This Valentine’s Day is a little different because it is the first one without my main man Oscar. My love for him goes far deeper than I could ever explain. My love for him will never fade either, he is constantly around me in all sorts of ways. 

valentines pets

So this Valentine’s Day I will be making his two most favourite treats for Zara to enjoy and remember her brother by…

Frozen Yoghurt Treats:

These are so easy it’s frightful and I can bet you have the ingredients in your fridge right now.


1 banana

A handful of strawberries (fresh or frozen)

2 tbs plain yoghurt


Add all your ingredients to a blender and blitz them up until smooth and creamy. Simply pour the mixture into little heart shaped molds and place them in the freezer until frozen. 

frozen valentines treats

Oscar could sit and eat a hundred of these little treats if I let him and because all the ingredients are mixed together he had no idea he was eating healthy fruit-haha! 

frozen valentines pup treats
frozen valentines pup treats

Baked Treats:

These are just as easy but do require a bit more time because of the baking part.


1 banana

1 tbs peanut butter

1 egg

1 cup flour


Mash together your banana and egg then whisk in the peanut butter until completely combined together. Then add your flour and mix until a dough forms. Roll your dough out onto a floured surface and using heart shaped cookie cutters, cut the treats and place them onto a greased baking tray. Bake at 180 degrees for +-20 minutes or until lightly golden and cooked. Allow the treats to cool completely.

To decorate

This is the fun part and because it’s Valentine’s Day it’s extra fun to decorate them. Make a batch of pink icing and a batch of white using 2 tbs cornstarch and 4 tbs water. Mix it into a smooth and creamy icing. Then decorate as you wish. You could also just smear some peanut butter over the treats too – that proves to be just as yummy but not as fancy 🙂 

valentines dog treats

Whether you decide to make one or both treats for your furry loves this Valentine’s Day, we hope they enjoy Oscar’s favourites! 

valentines dog treats

We are also running an AMAZING international GIVEAWAY with @petqwerks on Instagram so be sure to check out our Instagram posts for all the details. The GIVEAWAY is running from February 12th to February 16th so be sure to enter each day for your chance to win a gorgeous Petwerks Toys hamper worth $100… 

Enter here: @stylish_paws


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Zara’s Get Well Soon Cake

January seems like it just flew by. We blinked and the first month of the year is already gone…. 

We did have quite an eventful January. We found out the gender of our baby, which is a girl. We couldn’t be happier for Zara to have a tiny sister to look after. 

At the end of January, Zara underwent her second TPLO surgery. She had her right leg done last year July. It’s said that when one leg goes there’s an eighty percent chance the other one will, and well it did. 

Zara TPLO surgery

It is currently five days post op and I would like to say recovery is going better than before. Perhaps this has something to do with her being 6 months older or perhaps we as her parents are better prepared this time around. Zara of course is in full patient mode and loving every minute of it! 

While Zara was away in hospital I found myself completely lost to say the least. Last operation I had my boy Oscar to not only keep me company while Zara was overnight in hospital but to help look after her at home too. So to keep myself busy I decided to make my princess a Get Well Soon cake. She absolutely loved it and knew it was something special for her to feel better. Due to popular demand from my Instagram friends here is the recipe:

pupcake recipe



1/2 cup flour 

1 Squish sachet, apple flavour (baby food- it’s my cheat 😆)

1 egg

1 table spoon peanut butter 

Drizzle of honey 

Splash of vanilla extract 

Splash of milk if needed to loosen the batter up a bit


Place all the wet ingredients into a mixing bowl, using an electric beater mix all the ingredients together. Then add the flour and beat again. I added some milk at the end to loosen up the cake batter because it was quite thick and gooey. The milk made it like proper cake batter. Place the batter into two small silicone cake molds and bake at 180 degrees for 20mins. 



4 tablespoons of plain thick yoghurt 

2-3 teaspoons of peanut butter 


Using an electric beater, whisk together the yoghurt and peanut butter until light and fluffy-have a taste too it’s delish!! Then spread some between the two layers of cake and the rest of the cake once it’s cooled down properly. You can refrigerate your cake for up to 5 days or even cut into small portions and freeze it. 

We hope your pups enjoy this one!! As you can see Zara sure did…

zara pupcake
zara pupcake

I am in awe of how resilient our princess is. Despite everything she has been through she still has a smile for us each and every day… I guess we can all learn a little something from our furry loves.

zara sleeping

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